Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Money Trap

 What's your relationship with money?

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Deaths Increasing: What to Glean & How to Move Forward

Over two months have elapsed since I last published a blog or video.  So much has happened.

My beloved St. Bernard, Samson, passed away three months ago, then at the end of May my dad passed, too.

My dad finished weak in body, but strong in spirit.  In his last few months he seemed to truly endeavor to make his life right with the Father.  He was saying things to me, humbling himself, that I never expected to hear.  I knew the Father was dealing with him, and I sat back in joy as He did.  The change in my dad’s disposition and behavior towards me and others was irrefutable. God was so good to stay on my Dad until the end, to never give up. And Dad humbled himself to receive it, and for that I am ever grateful.

The night before my dad’s passing, he could no longer speak, and after having been nearly comatose the whole day, he opened his eyes at about 10:30 that evening and stared at me intently.  He was smiling.  There was happiness in the room as I tended to him and said some things I wanted him to know that were just between us.  More importantly, I got to explain the Gospel to him once more and went through the Ten Commandments and elaborated on what they meant. It was beautiful.  I felt like the Father was giving him those last moments to clear out anything for which he needed to repent before going to the other side.

Then I asked if he wanted me to read the Bible to him.  He gestured yes.  That’s the first time my dad ever agreed to read the Bible with me.  Many times in our lives I had asked him only to hear him say, "no," over and over again.  Now he seemed enthusiastic to do so.  And all the while he kept staring at me, and smiling.  So I opened to the book of John and read the first four chapters.  After completing them I asked if he wanted me to stop, he gestured no.  So I decided to read all of the red ink (Jesus' Words) from the remaining chapters of the Gospel of John.

The Apostle John makes the Gospel so plain, that repentance is required and that keeping the commandments is a sign of our love for Jesus and in so doing we may receive the Holy Spirit.  Jesus makes that so clear in chapter 14 when He told us how to receive the Holy Spirit.

My dad got to hear that, and though he could not speak, or communicate much, he was still present for it.  

I almost don’t want to report this, but I saw angels over his bed.  There was one up over the right side who was staring intently at dad.  And then one above and to the left that seemed to be looking at the other angel.  These angels were huge, like 8 to 10 feet tall, and yet they fit in the room.  

I didn’t see them with my physical eyes, but I saw them in my mind’s eye (I suppose that’s what you’d call it).  The best way I could describe it would be to draw an analogy to transparencies on a projector, the physical world on one transparency and while the spiritual world was on another overlaying the first.

So my dad went out of this world with his last cognition being that of hearing the word of God and enjoying it while angels kept watch and were there to usher him into eternity.  

The next day, dad died at 4:31pm.  He lived 80 years and forty days.

Since then we had a memorial service in our local town, a funeral in our home town, and finally another ceremony at the place our mother’s ashes were placed.  My brothers and I went out on the boat and dispersed his ashes in the ocean at about the same place.  He was retired Navy and wanted to go back out to sea. I'm personally not a fan of cremation, but that was his choice and we honored it.

So all of this wrapped up this past Sunday, and during the last couple of months I didn't feel led to publish anything until today, and I credit the Father for being so good to give me the space and time to handle all the things my brothers and I had to do, but also to process all the things that have happened this year.  He knew my dad was going to pass and that he would need extra care in the last month.  He knew what would need to happen in order to help my brothers to shore up the "estate." And now that I'm healed and ready to go, it's time to get back to work.

I always say that the Father is the best Boss of all.  He's not a cruel taskmaster, He's no slave driver.  We are indeed His servants, but He made us and knows what’s best for us and does not over do it with our regard.  He is so respectful and comforting (pun intended) of all the situations we face and endure.  He knows things like this aren't easy, and this much change may be difficult to process, so He patiently walks us along, holding our hands through the time of mourning and grief and into something brand new (if we let Him).

My dad’s passing was the last of four we’ve experienced as a family in the last six months.  My dad’s older sister died as well as my dad’s former second wife.  And, of course, beloved Samson.

So there’s been a lot of change in all the lives of my close family.

What was most strange about it, for me, is that this was the first time in recent years that people (and a dog) who I knew very closely and spent a lot of time with, were gone.

In an almost third party, outer body way of observing it, it was like a movie or a video game (though life is no game; I'm only drawing an allusion to the experience of a character in a video game) where certain prominent characters exit the scene and the plot altogether, never to return, and the main character must proceed into forthcoming scenes unsure of which new players he will interact with or even of the locales that will make up his surroundings.

It's a very surreal experience.

Just last week I was on the couch and reached down absentmindedly to pet Samson.  This happened nearly three months after he’s gone. Over thirteen years of habits don’t just disappear overnight.

What’s interesting in Samson’s regard is that when I got passed the sadness of losing him I’ve begun to seriously enjoy the freedom of being “pet-less”. But when I look back, the things I’m enjoying now I would and did gladly sacrifice for the joy of having him.  But now that he’s gone, this is a new chapter, and a new “script” now replete with different characters and locations and the Father has been showing me to embrace that, to celebrate what once was, but to embrace the now and the wonderful and endless variety of this life that God provides. In my case, I can also look forward to a future eternity that will include Samson and my dad again.  I am so looking forward to that, but in the here and now, I am compelled to embrace the new, and to enjoy doing so, and to seek out whatever different ways I may be of service to the Father.

One thing I’ve been focusing on while not producing content is just engaging with other people, to not be holed up in the studio by myself (even though I’m not alone here, the Father is with me) but to actually not be mainly bits and bytes, ones and zeros on the internet, and even to lessen my phone exposure and emails and texts, but to live in the real world where flesh and blood people abide and to communicate with them face to face, in the same analog way humanity did for almost all of recorded history, before all of this tech came about, before the telegraph, then the telephone and finally what we have today.

Communication over the internet is not bad on its own merits, but when it overtakes a person on such a level that they stop living in the physical world and inhabit a virtual reality more than the real, then that's a problem.

So these past couple of months I’ve spent a lot of time with my brothers, my dad’s extended family, my old high school best friend and his family, amongst many other normal human interactions.  I personally needed that, and still do.  I will continue to engage with other people and seek to prevent content creation or my phone from overly preoccupying my life going forward.  

I was even able to hire a vocal coach during this time, which has been amazing as I learned a lot about the reasons I’ve struggled with my singing voice for so long.  I wish I had found this coach, or one like him, long ago.  We can learn so much form other people.  In person is the best way.

Returning to what I experienced these last couple of months, the most death I’ve been exposed to in a single space of time, much of that is attributable to my own age and the ages of those in my parent’s generation.  They are all getting around 80 years old. Psalms 90:10 reads:

All those I mentioned attained to 80 or more years, save one, who lived to seventy-five.  Samson would have been 92+years old in human years.  They all lived long lives and God blessed them to see so many days.  So, it is somewhat by default that I would see those in my family of that generation departing us now.  

But I've also seen several deaths in my current community, of younger people in accidents and even one by self-deletion.  And of course, there's been the product of the plandemic and all of the harm the so called vaccinations have brought about, which we will address momentarily.

So I think I’m not alone in regard to experiencing larger amounts of passings in my immediate purview than usual.  We are truly entering the days the Book of Revelation describes which says at the sound of the sixth trumpet (we're not there yet), a third of humanity will die.  By then, every one of us who are alive and remain will have been touched by the deaths of so many people.  At our current population of 8 billion, a third of the population means over 2 1/2 billion deaths. 

Much of these deaths are being implemented by the beast system.  All the elderly people who I know who died TOOK THE VAXES, even to the booster level.  Why? Because they believed the social controller’s false narrative (rather than God) and were PUT IN FEAR that they would surely die if they didn’t take the vax.  They wanted to extend their lives by being compliant with these liars, but did they?  Or was the vax a form of mass depopulation of the elderly?  Would each of them have lived longer or had healthier ends of life if they hadn’t taken it?  And was the vax also capable of shedding disease on to the unvaxxed, causing much sickness among them as well?

And what of all the deaths of young athletes?  I saw a video the other day that tracked 2,000 deaths of top tier athletes since the beginning of covid. 


Report after report of myocarditis, blood clots, heart attacks, strokes and the like among athletes ranging from high performance youth to professionals.  Has this ever happened before to so many young people who are among the fittest people in the world, and honestly, due to modern training and nutrition, some of the fittest people who ever lived?

As I ask these questions, the time of all of our deaths is still in the hands of the Father.  Our own decisions can and do lead to early demises, but the Father makes the final decision as to when.  And in that knowledge I wonder what all of this means for those of us who still remain?  What should our attitudes be to those who passed?  What is our purpose as we stay behind?  What should we seek to do while still among the living?

With regard to the dead, as David said, we can go to them but they can’t come back to us.  

We have to mourn and grieve their passings and the absence of them in our lives, but this mourning can’t and should not go on forever.  We must release what was and embrace the new.  God wants us to live our lives and so would those we have loved who have died and gone before us.  Each of us only get one shot at this life, so we might as well live our lives to the fullest, no matter who among our friends and families yet remains in them.  We have to allow the Father to fill the void left by our dead loved ones with the new characters, places, and activities that the Father introduces.

The Father is good.  He’s all about variety.  There’s nothing boring about Him or about the lives we lead for Him.  Our own lives are temporary, ere vapors when compared to eternity, hardly even a blip. Make every day one in which you serve and please the Father and enjoy your relationship with Him and He will bless you with joy, peace and love even through the darkness of the tribulation.  Internal peace with the Father comes through loving Him (which, by extension, means through obedience to the Commandments) and it is this peace and this peace alone that one should first strive for, as Jesus said,

This is the whole sum of the matter. Let everything else fall aside, and make it your number one priority, before serving your job or career, before building a kingdom for yourself, before your wife or kids or parents, make seeking the Father's righteousness through obedience to his High Holy Standard, His Commandments, His Law, your top mission, and you will never fail, and everything else shall be added to you.

Addressing the purpose of this time of tribulation in the world, I truly believe all of this tumult, sorrow and death is to cause people to see the temporal nature of life so that they will look at their own lives, their behaviors, and seek to judge themselves, to ask themselves the question, “Am I ready to die? Am I ready to face the Father?”  This whole moment of history is meant to cause us to look within and examine what we find amidst a soberness created by the fact that so many people are dying.  We should consequently ask ourselves, “If I’m next, am I ready?”

The Tribulation is a time of chastening.  Chastening is meant for correction.  Correction is meant to benefit the recipient of that correction, to cause that person to change course, to learn to divide the wrong from the right and choose the right, so that the corrected person can be part of the eternal Kingdom of God rather than an everlasting lake of fire, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The tribulation is supposed to get one to measure his or her behavior against God’s law, so that he or she’s peccadilloes may be seen for what they are, so that repentance may be had.

Our job, as Believers, is to allow the light of Jesus to shine forth in our lives, not just through our words, but through how we live.  Followers of Jesus are supposed to be different. By allowing Jesus to live His life in the fullest in us, through our agreement with His Word and His Commandments and through service to Him, others may see that this is not only the ONLY WAY but BY FAR THE BEST WAY: the way of truth, of righteousness, of treating the Father and others with dignity and respect, by keeping God’s royal law.  Jesus' way is the only way because all other ways are selfish, self-centered, self-serving and are ways of serving demons, sin and the flesh.  Our job is to get the hypocrisy out of our lives so that we may help others to do so as well.  And to show the benefit of that pursuit is not about earthly wealth, but of the spiritual.  That peace can't be bought with money, but only with the clear conscience of doing right by the Father and the other beings He's placed on this plane.

Coming full circle back to my dad.  In my view his last three months were by far his best.  He could barely walk at the end, he still loved to ride in his truck and go to stores and what not, but that was about all he could do.  Through the physical weakness he allowed himself to be humbled and to really seek after the love of God.  In that sense, he attained to his highest level at the end of his life, and for me, that was the most impressive of any of his accomplishments.  

Any of our worldly accomplishments are but dung in the face of doing what it takes to make things right with God.  That should be all of our top priorities. Our works and deeds are but filthy rags if we have never truly repented of the way in which our lives have contradicted God's Commandments.  This is what we should glean from the experience of seeing others die.  We should look within and measure ourselves against the mirror of God's Word and make things right with Him and with others.  That's the bottom line of what this time is about, and what we should learn from the deaths of others that are mounting up around us.  May we all learn this lesson, in the mighty name of Jesus I pray. A-men.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

How to Create A Controlled Ops Leader in 5 Easy Steps

Click here for Bitchute Video 

Have you ever wondered how certain media (especially independent) personalities either come out of nowhere or suddenly rise to incredible levels of fame? (I'm thinking of Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate as I write). Check out this podcast where Doug dives into the formula that seems to be used in nearly every case to bring a personality to the forefront where he can have an incredible influence on the masses, both for good AND EVIL. This episode should be a wild ride, so climb aboard this podcast express!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Lost Dream: The Boomer “American Dream” Trap


After writing this blog I realize that it's actually a good thing that younger generations have very little access to the "American Dream" in comparison to the Boomers.  This will cause us to think more deeply about the meaning of life and how Jesus said that we cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6), and that by serving God our provision (from Him) would be secured, that if we would seek Him and His righteousness, all these things would be added to us. In losing access to easy money, perhaps we would give up the idol of seeking money and instead gain a loving relationship with the Father as well as salvation and an eternal inheritance in the world to come.  May such happen with all generations still living, that they would learn to put the pursuit of money aside and rather seek after the Father and His Son Jesus Christ through the keeping of His commandments, in the mighty name of Jesus I pray.  A-men.


What I’ve heard (in my anecdotal experience) from the more conservative side of the Boomer generation regarding their view of work ethic and attainment of financial wealth is the hard and fast belief that worldly education is paramount and leads to respectable jobs with established institutions that will help you net the best economic outcome for you and your family as well as secure your future/retirement.

It seems that any path that departs from this "tried and true" approach is risky, unwarranted, and, except for a few outlying circumstances, futile.  Any divergence is to play the lottery with your life and your chances of success, for them, are practically nil. If you try to forge your own path, to do something with your life that you enjoy and brings you fulfillment, that does not meet their pre-approved worn path requirements, then you must be a lazy, loser type who doesn't have his eyes on the prize.  

For these types of Boomers work is doing a job you don't necessarily like and suffering it (often for decades) for the greater good, so that wealth may be acquired and stored away for the future when you won't have to work anymore.  So they preclude themselves from pursuing the real marrow of life in their younger years with the idolatry of work ethic and wealth acquisition, even though at any moment, that wealth could be lost and their lives would have been lived in vain.  And even those who don't lose their wealth by some unforeseen economic downturn can often find themselves feeling their lives were wasted after having given the best years of their lives to occupations which made them miserable and empty inside.

Perhaps this is why so many Boomers suffer from mid-life crises and “is this all there is?” retirements.  They get to the stage where they finally don't have to work and find their minds and bodies no longer have the energy to pursue the activities they once would have during their more virile years.  Disappointment sets in and that lingering question in the back of their minds, "Did I really live the life I wanted or did I rather live the one the world programmed me to lead?"

The disappointment could be further sealed by the realization that the Boomer pursuit of wealth is entirely against Jesus’ teaching not to lay up treasures on earth (Matthew 6).  Focusing only on wealth acquisition amounts to avoiding following the leading of the Father which has caused many of them to never find their real purpose. Purpose can only be found by serving the Father rather than mammon (money).  Doing so would have led to a life with no regrets, but regrets can abound with Boomers, even though many refuse to look directly into the matter to discover just why they have them.  If a Boomer would address why he would have to admit choosing the wrong path and also a lifetime of foisting that ideology on his children and grandchildren.

This "achieve wealth" mentality would have been hard for Boomers to avoid.  They’ve been trained from the womb through education, media, movies, tv shows and literature, to believe in its dogmas.  And the powers that be of those post depression and World War II days allowed there to be a reward for their efforts, but the freedoms under which they operated then no longer exist today, the corporate and governmental take over of America being the chief evidence that such is the case.  

Though Boomers experienced some significant disruptions from the Vietnam war, the economic issues of the seventies’ with inflation and the high interest rates during the presidency of Jimmy Carter, the Reagan years (a time in which the Boomers flourished economically) re-established a “roaring twenties” like economic feeding frenzy that has all but been swallowed up since then by multiple stock and housing market crashes and downturns, an incredible amount of inflation, and by corporations evolving from fair economic treatment of their workers to giving little reward to lower tier workers while paying their CEO’s hundreds, and sometimes thousands of times what their average workers make.  

Many base America's prosperity on the stock market (which is little more than legalized gambling), rather than on the economic welfare of Main Street America, and this, too is a type of smoke and mirrors representation of the economic health of the country that is a deception at best.  We are not doing well as a nation economically, especially in the wake of covid, and this will catch up to us.  And the nation deserves it for all its sin.  Perhaps more people will repent and cry out to God when they don't have so much money to consume with?

Not to mention that the bureaucratic and tax related red tape has increased as well, these younger generations face challenges too difficult to climb, and many are plainly opting out. 

Another aspect that I almost overlooked for which a friend reminded me, is the environment of competition among workers has increased, doubly so, due to the entry of women in to the work force. During the early days of women beginning to take on full time work, they did so at lower levels within companies in secretary positions and the like, while middle and upper management largely remaining the realm of men.  Now women occupy a bigger portion of the work force than ever and the equality that has been sought is more prevalent, making the work place twice as competitive. More competition for jobs means LOWER WAGES for all.

The result has been a massive shrinking of the middle class, the "haves" having more, and the number of “have-nots” growing exponentially, or at least those who can get by living paycheck to paycheck, and even those living beyond their means taking on incredible amounts of debt. The average Gen-Xer has nearly $200k in debt through mortgage and consumer debt.

Today's millennial's can't even afford to buy a house.  Corporations and retired relocating boomers have bought them up at inflated prices and driven the prices up beyond the reach of the millennials.  I know an economically conservative couple making $140,000 per year that can't afford to buy a house and are paying exhorbitant rents, over $2k per month, wasting $24k a year that they'll never see again!  Inflation and the resulting high interest rates have made them super low middle class in spite of a decent income.  Boomers did not face this in the sixties and early when they were buying their first houses.  Yes, the seventies had some severe inflation and incredibly high interest rates I'll grant you, but the dollar is worth much less now than then.  Outside of the super high interest rate bubbles, single income earning households could still afford to buy a starter home.  Now dual income earners need side hustle jobs and multiple streams of income to even come close.

So the Boomer American Dream is long over, yet it is a dogma that some Boomers still hold on to, as they watch the younger generations flounder in their attempts to amass the same wealth they were able to accrue during times of more fair business practices in relation to employees share of the profits, yet they still seem to blame the younger generations for this result, as if the problem lays entirely on their lack of work ethic and/or loyalty to their companies.  But in fact, the playing field has changed so dramatically that now only the most aggressively compromising and lacking in morals “sharks” among us can survive the evils of the extremely narcissistic corporate environments of our day.  And even those who are successful in corporations jump from team to team like NFL or NBA free agents just seeking a larger paycheck.  For many, this is the only way to get a significant raise.  If you stay with the same company, chances are, you will never see the same raise you would by defecting.  So these types of people are doing somewhat well, and get the benefits of their lack of scruples, but the percentage of them is quite small in comparison to the larger population.

The result is that many in the younger generations are more willing to go it alone, to check out.  They see the slavery aspect of what corporate life brings and how the harder they work, the more taxes they pay, as disenchanting at best and repugnant at worst.  They figure out ways to leave the perceived shelter of an “established” institution in search of an ever harder to be found freedom.  They search out a path in which they can pursue what motivates them and hopefully figure out a way for that pursuit to bring provision.  And these are the ones with good heads on the shoulders.  Many have made some bad choices as a result, mostly having to do with a little substance called weed (and many other harder core drugs), and have just defaulted to lowest-common-denominator lifestyles of problem and responsibility avoidance that the boomers themselves did in the 60's.

But the laws and social pressures brought to bear by corporations putting mom and pop institutions out of business in a type of economic warfare on our nation, as well as the predominance of manufacturing being sent oversees, leaves these modern generations with far fewer options in terms of making a living as entrepreneurs or self-employed types.  Most have to seek jobs as independent contractors in the computer or service industries.  That's about all they have left.

Any attempt at building a local business comes with the immediate challenge of not being able to buy products to sell at the same wholesale prices these large corporations would pay.  There are no economies of scale for mom and pops, and so the little guy has to pay more for a product to sell in his store, which in turn will require that he charges more for the product than his corporate competition.  This is a hard row to hoe because consumers will naturally try to pay the least amount necessary when purchasing a product.  And they don’t care where it was manufactured or if the place they buy products from is a giant corporation or a local vendor.  In the end, they're watching their own spending in this modern economy as much as the business man, and if they don't they won't be able to afford to live.  It's the catch 22 of all catch 22's.  Probably the only way to turn this around is to create a law where mom and pop's would get the same prices as giant corporations.  I've seen this done in the tennis industry and it allows small shops to still sell racquets and accessories at the same prices as the behemoths.

These phenomena also apply to local restaurant owners.  Every town in America has been swarmed with corporate behemoth eateries.  The local mom and pop restaurants usually provide significantly better food and service, but they must charge more for the same reasons of the lack of economies of scale that a standard retail store would experience.  They have to rely on their hungry clients being willing and able to pay more for a better quality of (often locally grown) food.  Because they can make better food, at least they have that advantage.  But a retail product, like a toothbrush, will be no different if purchased at a local mom and pop than it would from Wal-mart or Amazon.  Would you pay $5 for a toothbrush at the mom and pop, or $2 at the Walmart of Walgreens?

And again, modern mom and pops face loads of regulation and financial and tax related red tape to a lesser degree than the Boomers back in their day.  All of these are barriers to entry lead the younger generations to just throw up their hands and say, “I give up.” Many of these young adults still live in their Boomer parents' basements and their old childhood bedrooms, sleeping on a twin bed with the same athlete or musician poster hanging on their wall as they had in their teens.  No progress, arrested development, but it's not all about work ethic, there are too many other factors in play.  

Still, the Boomers think, "Where’s the drive? Where’s the work ethic?," not recognizing that their own drive and work ethic was most often in service to mammon (and greed, and ultimately to Satan) and while many will allow that the number of impediments to success that exist today are exponentially larger than when they were given freer reign to make a real living, they still think if you follow the pattern, in the end it will work out.  But the wealth the governments of the world allowed them to build up during their day the governments are most certainly taking back now from the following generations.  They let the Boomer generation build up the richest economy the world has ever seen, only to take it back through many forms of taxation, inflation, etc.

Just see the laws related to inheritance tax.  Why should money that has already been taxed during the life of the one leaving the inheritance be taxed yet again?  Also take a look at our over $30 trillion federal debt that's been accrued under their watch (as well as Gen X).  In 2010, that debt was less than $10 trillion so it has increased by over $20 trillion! What???


The fact that many Boomers have a hard time leaving their dogmas behind serves to illustrate the success of the post World War II programming and psychological operations that were conducted back then.  It was so successful that even though the playing field and the game itself has been completely changed, they still struggle to see that the old rules no longer apply.  It's like they're playing football on a baseball field or golf on a tennis court, which leads us again to the training and programming aspect of mass media on the unsuspecting people.  They don't even know why they hold so hard and fast to their a+b=c algorithm for success, even in the face of so much evidence against it, but the idea that if you just work harder in a corporate job you'll succeed is surely one that's hard for them to release.  And this causes a lot of division between them and their children, children who see them as blind, misleading leaders who imply their children are less intelligent and hard working than them, and that Boomers are unable to see the landmines placed on the field that make it exponentially harder to actually move the ball (as it were).  

In the end it's fortunate for the younger generations that they have experienced failure when attempting to implement their parents and grandparents plans because this presents an opportunity for the Father to show them another way.

Turns out that the Father always had another path, perhaps today's post Boomer economic bondage can open the eyes of many to see His way as it has always been, the way that is best, in which you don't have to seek money, but ONLY HIM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS.  What a glorious and fulfilling path I pray many who are sick and tired of the rat race will pursue!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Generational Economic Divide & Conquer + The Purposeful Annihilation of the $ (We See Podcast Ep. 8)

Join Doug at 6pm tonight (Monday, April 24, 2023) for this 8th Episode of the We See Podcast.  Have you noticed that the older generations were privy to better treatment by private companies in the form of pensions and retirement plans based on their own companies' performance, while since Gen X private company employees have had to rely on their own 401k's which are largely invested in the stock and bond markets which are subject to market fluctuations and investor speculation? Have you also noticed that Boomers (who worked hard for their retirements) are being ridiculed for having done so (in the media) by the younger generations who can't seem to get ahead?  The dollar's value during the boomers saving years was more stout and relatively steady, while these later generations are watching incredible inflation not only chew into their purchasing power, but devouring their ability to save, many of whom have cashed in and/or eliminated saving plans in order to simply afford life.  Meanwhile, the powers that be are seeing to it that the dollar (as the world reserve oil currency) is facing the possibility that the Saudi's will sell their oil with other currencies, thus effectively taking the dollar's purchasing power even lower, essentially devaluing it into oblivion.  This means that the purchasing power of the dollar could suffer and even bigger hit than from the flooding of the economy with more printed dollars that  Fed and other central banks have done at ridiculous levels in the last few years.  Meanwhile, the rich are getting much richer and gaining access to the dollars in this so-called "quantitative easing" while the poor are suffering immensely under the veiled taxation of inflation.  This is all done with aforethought as the powers that be are trying to create the right amount of chaos to have us begging for a new world currency which (they will tell us) will not be subject to wild swings in value because, being that there's only one currency, currency trade would end and thus value would be maintained, unaffected by speculation.   

As Doug addresses these economic matters, he will more importantly address why Jesus explicitly told His followers NOT TO SERVE MONEY, but rather to seek righteousness and serve the Father and all the things we need would be added to us (Matthew 6).  Jesus also told us not to store up money where moth and rust doth corrupt and thieves break through and steal, but to make our investments in heaven by living lives obedient to the commandments.  This is not our world, nor our economic system, but those who control it want to do one thing with it, that is to control and manipulate the population in service to themselves or to destroy the "useless eaters" at their whim.  No prophecy rings more true in this matter than Revelation 13's prediction that the beast system will require a mark either on the right hand or in the forehead, without which no one will be able to buy or sell.  It is our dependance on this system that must be broken so that we may fully depend on the Father and live outside of their manipulation, because all who take the mark will be unredeemable after, without any access to salvation.

This should be a wild ride, so climb aboard this podcast express.

Friday, April 7, 2023

How God's Love Through A St. Bernard Helped Negate Jezebel/Narcissist

Note: I want to say at the onset that at different times in our lives God has different ways to help us.  God has used many animals in my life, and not all of them was I fully responsible for.  In this case, I was, and it was for that time of my life.  I enjoyed every part of it, including all the walks, feeding and cleanup, and it never once felt like a burden because having Samson was such a blessing.  I don't think it would have been the right thing for me (by myself without help from others) to be a full time dog owner prior to Samson or even after, now that he's gone.  I say this to say that it may be that God wants to also use a pet in your life, but pray it through because there's a season for everything and you want to make sure that you're in the right season and being led of the Lord for everything in your life. If it is the right time it will be a blessing without sorrow.  If not, it could be a burden.

This has been a tough week.  Samson's health got to a point where he was in just too much pain and could no longer get up, so I had him put down.

I languished over doing so as I had originally hoped he would just pass naturally.  I don't believe in euthanasia for people, and this certainly passed into my thinking about my beloved dog.

As I prayed about this I realized many things.  In the wild, as Samson had been addled and handicapped for almost a year, he would certainly have given way to death as he would no longer have been able to hunt and feed for himself, or defend himself from the elements and predators.  It's the interjection of human care that keeps domesticated animals alive longer than they otherwise would have lived.

And rightfully so.  We tamed them and brought them into our world, and they are our responsibility. We should look after them an extend their lives as long as possible.

The only loving thing to do is to take care of them the best we can.

As I was praying about having a change of heart toward this idea of putting him down, I kept saying to the Father, "Please, Father, You take him.  I don't want to do this of my own volition, especially if it's wrong to do so."  And then I was reminded from scripture that we are responsible, and indeed have been given dominion over the animals, and that their welfare is our domain.

We have been given the responsibility to make decisions like these with regard our animals, and in this case it was the responsible thing to end Samson's suffering, and that doing so wasn't the same as doing human euthanasia.  Of course, I wept that whole morning coming to this conclusion and even as I called the veterinarian, which Samson had not been to a vet's clinic NOT ONE TIME IN HIS WHOLE LIFE, I was still holding back tears as I did so. (God had taken such good care of Samson himself, and I see the same chemical big Pharma control of veterinary world that they wield over the medical.) 

So this was Samson's first time at a clinic. When we arrived, I unloaded the ramp we had been using for several years so he could more easily get in and out of the Suburban.  Jumping out to the ground was no longer a good option because for the last few years his hips and joints couldn't take the pounding.  He gingerly got out and immediately began sniffing around the building taking in all the pee smells of the manifold number of dogs who had been there before.  In that moment, focused as he was on the work of discovery, he seemed back to his old self, until his left hip again gave way and he did the twisting fall to a seated position he had done so many times in the last few months.   

About six months prior I had looked up a video on YouTube about how to massage a dog with hip issues that had helped Samson countless times to walk a little ways further after I would help him get up again.  So this one last time I massaged his legs and hips again and lifted him up, as he stood he was again seeking out those smells that so engulfed the air around him.

We were a little early and the nurse saw us and stuck her head out the door saying they could take us then if we wanted.  This was bittersweet as these were my last moments with him, to have them cut short seemed a bad choice, but he couldn't stand much longer and so I kept him moving inside.

In lifting Samson, I would do so by putting my fingers through his hair near his tail grabbing that hair that split my fingers as if they were handles.  I was always amazed that no hair ever came out when I did this, but in the last few weeks I often heard a cracking sound in his hips of that of a brittled, arthritic mess.  He was 93 at this point in human years.  As my dad always says, "getting old ain't for sissies," and his poor joints were whittled away.

At this point, the muscle in his rear quarters were also atrophied and he was much lighter back there, so he wasn't as heavy as he once was.   But I'm not going to lie, a few weeks ago I was out of position and could not use my legs to lift him and I tweaked my back.  Still feeling some residual of that, but I don't care.  He went through so much pain for me, it's the least I could do for him.

As we walked inside the clinic his olfactory sense was again overwhelmed with smells and he went around sniffing the lobby as he had outside, still limping as he went, but nevertheless fully occupied.  

He was also nervous.  I think he knew this was a place where dogs would be anxious to go,  such as what humans experience when going to the dentist. He was excited at the smells of the other dogs but still tentative about the purpose of such a place he had never been to before. 

We finally got inside and the vet saw his condition and said any of the type of steroidal medicine they could do for him would more than likely not bring the results for a dog that had made it three years beyond the normal life span of 8 to 10 years.  So, through tears and a nose fully congested, I made the decision to let him go.  I had already prayed so much prior and had felt in my spirit this was the right thing that I accepted his analysis without question.

At this point the vet had me and the nurse put him up on what was too small table and Samson was really uncomfortable.  I asked the nurse if we could put him on the floor and she said no so we left him up there.  Samson was breathing in a stressed way, most likely feeling as if he was going to fall off.  His paws were toward the inside of the table where his feet were blocked by the pillar of the mechanical table that had the motor in it to lift and lower.  The vet administered the sedative shot that would make him go to sleep and he and nurse left the room, saying I had about twelve minutes with him while he calmed down.  

With Samson's back toward me I pressed my stomach into him to make him feel stable as he could on that too small of a table, and I scratched his side and I couldn't stop saying, "I'm just so sorry buddy, so sorry," tears streaming from my face.

Him being on the table uncomfortable and feeling like he was falling for his last moment was awful.  If I had to do it again I would have insisted on him being on the floor at least.  I'm sure they were just thinking about how it would be difficult to later get him on the cart with which they would transport him out to my car.

It took a few minutes, but the sedative was taking its effect, and I could see Samson trying to fight it, trying to stay awake, I looked into his eyes and kissed him for the last time, while he was still with us a bit, crying vociferously as he went in and out of sleep, fighting it to the bitter end.

The vet, whose bedside manners would be more suitable for a prison guard at Shawshank (I found out later that nearly everyone in the county who has dealt with him says the same), came back in and gave me the option of staying for the final shot or going to the waiting room.  I asked what people normally do, and he said something to the effect of different people choose differently.  Tears still streaming down my face, and embarrassed a bit by his cold demeanor, I went ahead back to the waiting room, where the receptionist who had empathy at least asked me if I wanted some tissues.  The tears were the type where the harder you try to stop them, the more they flowed.

I took the tissues, but didn't use any. 

The nurse came out a few minutes later and asked me to drive the car around to the gate on the side of the building.

As I pulled the car around I saw her rolling  him out on the cart.  They had placed a trash bag over him up to his shoulders because they didn't have any bags big enough for him.  So I saw his head and his tongue just hanging out lifeless. 

He was gone.  My best friend was gone.

I backed the suburban up to the curb and the nurse and I lifted him into the back, where he fit perfectly.  5 feet wide by 4 feet deep. He took up the whole space.

I got in the car and began to drive out of the parking lot, wailing, almost yell crying. I kept telling Samson how sorry I was, for that ignominious ending, for anything I had ever done to him that was wrong in any way.  I had often repented to God in prior days how it is mankind who brought death on animals through our sin.  I was crying out about that again, and saying it was our doing that such a good creature should die when he had done no wrong.  This is on us and Satan and his fallen angels.  We chose this, not God.  Many people blame God for death, but we were the ones who chose it through sin.

Samson, as most good dogs I would imagine (not all are necessarily good), had hardly ever done anything wrong in his entire life.  St. Bernard's can be stubborn until you train them properly (which many people don't accomplish) as the breed is so big they are used to getting their own way.  I had done a training method from his puppy years that took care of that, sometimes I think a little too much.  But aside from some little moments of defiance or self-will early on, this dog had been so perfect he could make me feel guilt and shame for being any less than God calls us to be.

So I was just wailing and thinking also about how God had used Him in my life.  I have often said on the channel that I liked being alone with the Father.  And I do.  But to say that for the last 13 years I was alone, well, I can see now that was just a twisting of the facts to the extreme.  I may have been alone from people, but Samson was quite a bit better than most people.  Laugh out loud. I had more fun with him than 99% of the rest of humanity.  

There were times when I thought about when God created Adam, before Eve was created, and because of the traumatic relationship with many women I've experienced, I actually thought if I was Adam and had met all the animals and was asked if he wanted a wife, we all had been better off if he said no and God figured out another way to procreate.  I know that's evil and wrong, and I hope the women subscribers will forgive me for such a thought, but I'm just trying to get across the idea that if you take away the sex and procreation, a friendship with a loyal animal who will never betray or hurt you, well, you get what I mean.  I mean, that's why so many single women become, "cat ladies." Their cats are loyal (though independent) and loving, and sometimes, for a wounded one, that's more than enough.

With me having so many various doctrines and beliefs that differed from so many other Believers, having Samson was just the answer because there was nothing for us to disagree about.  And if he disagreed over something I was adamant about (which was hardly ever), I won, because I was the boss.  Still, he was so obedient and loved when I was pleased that honestly he just flowed with anything we did in perfect bliss.  

This is the way he looked at me:

If anyone, man, woman or beast looks at you like that, you might want to keep that being around.  It's no wonder I loved him so much and as many people thought, "spoiled" him.  Spoiling would mean that he didn't appreciate what I did for him and that he didn't reflect that care back to me and others.  He wasn't spoiled.   He was loved.

We were so bonded it's almost hard to explain.  St. Bernards are known to typically only seriously bond with one person, the owner (I didn't own him, he was on loan), and there is no question this was the case with us.  

And what this did for me, as someone feeling led to say many controversial things on my channel, things that would often generate hateful responses, was to think back at the naysayers, "I frankly don't care whatsoever what you think," (as long as I'm telling the truth), because 1) God approves and 2) I had that God kind of love in my life from Samson that didn't care that I honored the Sabbath, or didn't celebrate pagan holidays, or didn't go in steeple-topped pagan temples, or thought Paul the false apostle was Satan incarnate.  This love made it easier to say to the naysayers, as least in my heart, "do what you do and I'll just go spend time with this amazing creature."  

All Samson knew was that the fruit of what God had done in my life caused me to treat him as God would have me treat him, with tremendous love and respect.  Again, many people I think thought I gave Samson too much, that I spoiled him.  But I gave Samson what he gave me.  I took care of him and put him first because he did the same for me. 

I didn't really see the humans who may have been critical about me doing so putting in too much effort to do the same in my life. In most cases, how could they?  It's not that I didn't care about people, it's just that Samson cared about me ALL THE TIME.  He was my ride-dog, my roommate and I took care of him before people who didn't care too much about caring for me anyway.  Maybe I was wrong, or a bit overboard, but I don't think so. A righteous man cares about the life of his beast, and in my case, especially for one so loyal as Samson.

I remember way back in early spring of 2010 when he came into my life.  I was on Facebook and saw the posting of a member of the tennis club where I worked, that one of her co-workers at her office was giving away the last five puppies (three months old now) of a litter of seventeen (which is not unusual for Saints to have large litters).  I thought, "hmmm, St. Bernards..." wondering if I could even handle having a dog.  I had been really sick in the years prior and was only now getting back on my feet.  I had just got a new job teaching at this club and was renting a townhouse at a super reduced rate from another member of the club and was just able to pay my bills at that moment.  I was praying about the possibly of getting one of these five dogs and I was feeling led to do so.  I was a bit surprised at this leading and I asked the Father, "Can this be right? I can barely take care of myself, much less a dog the size of a St. Bernard."  I felt a response back in my spirit, "You mean to tell me you think I can't take care of both you AND A DOG???" And I laughed because though I didn't hear the voice I knew the tone of the impression I was having was mocking me in a nice way. Like you can't even trust God to take care of you and a dog???  I chuckle when I think about that moment to this day and slightly berate myself at the same time for not having the faith of a child.  Even though I had lost a lot through sickness and just being led to leave the business world at that point, I had always had enough for the day.  But what God does, when you add a responsibility of a dog (in my case) or even children, He provides more when those things arrive.   A lot of people think they can't afford to have children.  I've learned, with the provision you have now, it would be enough, but once you have the children, God will provide the extra provision. Like He did with the manna for the Hebrews in the desert. On Friday, He gave them enough for two days because they weren't supposed to collect it on the Sabbath.  God knows how to provide.

And so with my corrected ideas about provision with Samson's regard, I went to check these puppies out.  By the time I got to the house, there were only three left.  Samson, and I think one other male and one female.  The others had more regular markings on their faces, and Samson's mask was not typical, which may be why he hadn't been picked to that point.  But I chose him because he was the only one who came up to me and checked me out.  There was no way I would take one of the other two because they had all but ignored my presence.  I'm not saying they were rude, they were having fun together and that's their right.  But I was going to reward Samson because he made the effort.  This kindness and sense of manners Samson would exhibit that day he did his entire life.

If anything, Samson was EXTREMELY polite and noble.  He could make me feel rude, vulgar and low rent sometimes.  (I'm laughing as I write.) For example, as most dogs he would always greet you when you came home or into the house.  But what was interesting and maybe different about Samson was as soon as he finished eating, he would ALWAYS come to you afterwards and nuzzle on you as if to thank you for the meal.  

And when he dealt with other dogs, he would always start by exhibiting all the signs of friendship, a wagging tale, gleeful noises, or even those whimpering friendship calls if the other dog was leashed and couldn't come over, or even when some unleashed ones came over in an aggressive state.  With those dogs he would practically beg them to be friends until they attacked.  And attack they did.  He was attacked at least a dozen times in his life by smaller dogs.  Mostly pit bulls.  One Great Dane, one Rottweiler (the worst), an American Standard Poodle (they look prissy, but they are very uppity and Saints don't like their arrogance), and one boxer, but in the end it was the pit bull breed who most actively tried to attack Samson, probably because these dogs are every where.  And they are much smaller and perhaps didn't see Samson as a dog.  I don't know.  But only the puppy pit bulls Samson could be friends with.  The older ones had to test him.

Well, after Samson went through the process of trying to be friendly, they would ultimately attack and each one of these dogs (aside from the demonic Rottweiler) got their butts handed to them.  Samson was so fit from the two a day runs he had done nearly every day of his life until his latter years when he couldn't run anymore that these dogs who didn't exercise didn't stand a chance.  The Rottweiler would have lost too but during the initial burst he could hang because he was just so angry and was almost equal in size.  Thankfully his horrible owners finally got him away before any real damage was done to either dog.

The way that incident happened was our next door neighbor who owned the savage beast was washing his dog in their front yard (instead of the fenced back yard) and had him tied to a tent peg!!! As if that would hold him!!!  I knew when Samson and I were riding by and went back into the garage that something bad could happen and I got into the garage as quickly as possible, but no sooner had we gotten to the back toward the door that entered the kitchen that the Rottweiler came flying sideways into the front of the garage running toward us in the back.  I grabbed what was nearest, which was a flimsy umbrella to try to stave him off, but he easily breached that defense and engaged Samson, who I still had on the leash.

The rotty's middle aged and fat, out of shape owners finally arrive and the wife falls on the push mower and the husband tries to grab his dog.  When I saw him try to do so I grabbed Samson and pulled him back, but the fat, overweight weak, stupid owner of a rabid dog, slipped and fell back and didn't get a hold of his dog at all.  So that's when the Rottweiler was able to bite Samson on the cheek, the only blood that was drawn. So in a way I actually helped that dang Rotty bite my dog.  Finally the fat, overweight, out of shape owner got back up and was finally able to grab his dog away and exit the garage.

He should have washed that out of control beast in the back yard.  He had two Rottweilers back there and an Italian mastiff, all three of which wickedly barked at anyone who they could see outside of their cage and especially at Samson, and this man was stupid, yes, stupid, enough to tie an at least 120 pound Rotty to a tent post, as if that stood a chance of holding him, when he himself was puffy and out of shape like the Michelin man.  Those three massive dogs controlled him.  He was not the alpha, though he wanted to be. People like him use those breeds to try to make others afraid.  They don't know how to train or handle the dogs.  He couldn't handle one, much less three of them.  This clear makes me angry because it's cruel to the animals anyway.

But that dog was pure evil, and had no manners at least in the way Samson did.  And not all dog's are created equal, and most of that has to do with ownership and training, but some breeds have characteristics that are trained into their ancestry that the offspring naturally exhibit if the owners don't actively work against those negative traits in the breed.

But the only reason I mention all of this as pertains to Samson nobility was that he tried in every case TO BE FRIENDS first. He DID NOT WANT TO FIGHT.  He only did so when he was pressed.  My grandfather taught my dad when he was a boy that if another boy was trying to fight him to back off three times in an effort to de-escalate the tension, but if he comes again a fourth time, bash him in the nose.  Well, that's how Samson handled these situations.  Nice to a fault, but then came the Mike Tyson.  Those dogs always regretted tangling with him.  But as far as Samson was concerned it never needed to be that way. He was a peacemaker until they made him have to do otherwise.  But he always wanted peace.  I think this is also reflective of the Father, and He's been nice to us (nearly to a fault, though he can do not fault, I'm just using the expression), and now those of us who are not nice are going to get a can of whoop opened on them the like of which they have never seen.  They will be able to overcome the Saints first, after the first part of the tribulation and our testimony is over, but their win will be short-lived because only three and a half years remain and the vials of God's wrath will be poured out on them during that time.  None of them will escape.

Another aspect of Samson was his loyalty.  He was so loyal that if other people were petting him he would look at me to make sure it was ok, that I wasn't going to get jealous.  I would tell him, go ahead, share the love, it's good to share with as many as possible, and he would, but afterward he would always return to me to show me that for him, our love came first.

One of my songs, Six Questions, actually came from the loyalty he would show every time I returned home from work.  He would greet me at the door, practically jumping me (as many dogs do) excited to see me, and I would grab his cheeks in both hands and scratch his ears, proclaiming, "What have you been doing when I love you???" There was so much love in those moments that I couldn't help but think of the love of God, and then I thought about the questions he would ask us face to face when we greet Him.

I remember in the first year I had him, it was my birthday, and I went to a small mountain near Charlotte called, "Crowder's Mountain." We climbed the well worn path to the end where a rocky outcropping covered the peak.  I wanted to go on to the very top, which was only about another thirty yards or so, and told Samson to wait, as there was bit of a crevasse to jump.  I jumped it, and do you know that almost as soon as I did, he had jumped it as well and was right behind me?  I was so surprised.  I'm thinking that was my fortieth birthday and he wasn't even one yet, and doing leaps like that.  This act also reflected the loyalty and commitment to being together that he showed throughout his life.  He would jump many metaphorical crevasses to be together in the future.

But in the end, all of these expressions of love on Samson's part were from the Father, and it was the Father who brought him into my life in order to show me the love He has for us all as reflected in one of his His creations.

And the type of love a dog shows is the type of love a commandment keeping person gets from heaven.  As the scripture says,

Everyone seems to think that the unending and completely non-judgmental love a dog provides is the same as God's, not realizing that God is angry with the wicked and is in fact recompensing people according to their righteousness.  A good dog's behavior toward us reflects that type of merciful love God shows to those who are merciful, to those who keep the commandments.  But again, God's wrath is also part of his love, and while a dog's love is seemingly unconditional, God's IS MOST CERTAINLY NOT in the sense that if you go out in sin he's going to meet you at the door licking your face and loving on you.  If you sin, you can expect the consequences.

The other aspect of this, as shown in that awful Rottweiler, not all dogs are good.  And yes, some are even demonized.  God led me to pray deliverance and healing over Samson and myself often so there was good reason for us both to be operating in love on most occasions. This didn't happen by accident but through God exhibiting His Kingdom through the prayers and spiritual warfare He led me to pray to keep us both safe and protected.

I remember when my son's mother got pregnant she told me I would have to get rid of Samson. I laugh now at the thought.  She was hiding behind the possibility of danger to the baby or her, which could seem a legitimate concern with a large breed.  But Jezebel/Narcissists use such a ploy whenever they can.  They try to remove a source of love behind the veil of seemingly reasonable request.  They hate love and unity of any kind, and this is why they ALWAYS isolate their victims from anything good and try to be rid of the source of true love.  

Samson was no threat as is exhibited in this pic with a dear friend's baby, he was practically pure gold around her (look how she's smiling, she loved him so much) and spent the night in the same house with that baby and multiple hours around the baby while she was in her chair which was ON THE FLOOR, like this:

The baby's parents were so unconcerned, we went to see them again when they had moved to another state, and we stayed in their small country house AGAIN with the baby, now a little bigger and crawling around while she played with Samson the whole time.

So even when my son's mother said that to me, I thought, "not gonna happen." But I did consider making him an outside dog, which, as anyone who knows about St. Bernards knows they get incredible separation anxiety when they are not with the pack, and this would literally have broken his heart, which as a Jezebel/Narcissist, this would still be a good outcome for her.  To get her way by abusing one of the most amazing dogs of all time.  Just a wicked witch on every level. The very fact that she would demand such a thing when it was completely unnecessary just showed the control demon at work in her.

That's one thing I repented to Samson about, that I had exposed a creature so good as him to someone so evil as her.  I truly regret that.  That he had to spend any time in the presence of such evil as her and her awful mother.  Samson and her were so completely opposite in nature as much as the Father is from Satan himself.  My son's mother came but for to steal, kill and destroy as a Satanic minion (who has stolen my son to this day), while Samson came to bring joy and life and light from the Father, and to act as an opposing force to her hatred and evil.  

And this is one of the major reasons why I think God brought Samson into my life, even prior to me meeting my son's mother.  God knew what I would have to face: the loss, not only of her (as false a relationship as it was, I still loved her), but of the son we would bring into the world.  Many a man has self-deleted over less, and even as the people around me could only be so much support (most victims of this level of evil have a hard time finding people to talk to that can even process in any way what has happened to them). Samson's presence in my life, the love and the daily routine, well, that kept me stable and grounded.  This dog was God's love in my life when no other person could really understand or commiserate. I really didn't find any other people who could really understand until I started the channel, and then come to find out, there were thousands of you.

And maybe God timed this change perfectly as well, that Samson now being gone, I can now form closer relationships with other people.  Samson having done his part to get me to this point, that that the love God showed me through him got me here, stable again and able to help others, and maybe be part of family now, to have a wife, and kids, or be a part of a family of Believers.

I've flown solo for so long in being a Batchelor as it were, but I surely wasn't alone the years I spent with Samson.  He was the best possible friend I could have had in those moments.  Maybe now I won't fly so solo with regard to people?  Maybe, just maybe, even though we are entering the worst moments of history, under the shadow of God's wing I can be involved with other like minded people who love God and can exhibit the love of God toward each other that Jesus asked us to do so in his final talk with the apostles.

I want to trust like that.  I dare say the only one (outside of the Father and His Son Jesus Christ) in this world that I did trust like that was Samson.  I have friends but they have lives and you can't be with them all the time.   Family is the next best thing.  Or groups of Believers.  I have a hope that all of us who flee to the shadow of God's wing during this time will be there together in these last days, and the true followers of Christ will not be betrayers, such as many of us have dealt with our entire lives with regard to Narcissist Jezebels.  Will there be Judases among us?  I don't know, but I do have have a hope that those of us who have decided to love God with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strengths will do so and that this love will bleed over to each other.  The only way that can happen is if we keep God's commandments.  That's my hope and prayer.  I think that's what's next for me but I am so grateful that God saw fit to give me so much time in this life with such an amazing creature as Samson, who exhibited God's love in so many ways.  I will never forget him and I know I'll see him again as long as I stay the course. For now Samson has his crown.  Well done, my friend, I give you the highest grade possible for your performance in my life.  You endured so much for me.  I can't wait to see you again.  Have fun in the heavenlies with the Father, the Son and all those of the Kingdom of Heaven.  May they all be as blessed by you as I was, my dearest friend.