Before we begin on this discussion, it's important to note that even the unrighteous who stand on the sand actually think they're right, even when ridiculously wrong, and their resulting anger is always serving of that deception and of themselves. Their bull in the china closet routine actually is always meant to get their own way and is a consequence of them thinking they won't.
The type of anger we will be discussing today has to do with that which John the Baptist showed to the Pharisees when they came to his baptism and he called them a "generation of vipers," or when Jesus made a whip of chords and went through the temple tossing tables and running out the money changers. This is a righteous anger that is part of the "zeal of mine house has eaten me up" that Jesus experienced. The caution to us all is to make sure we've done our due diligence, searched ourselves, have been made right with God's Word and are walking with the Holy Spirit. I intend to show in this blog that those who are will not be taking much guff off of the attackers of the truth and the gospel during this beginning part of the tribulation. Those angered unrighteously who call themselves Christians, that's another story, because if they don't repent their judgment is coming.
Examples of John the Baptist and Jesus with Harsh Words for Those in Sin
To begin.
Have you noticed lately that when it comes to your relationships with known Jezebels/Narcissists that your patience and willingness to endure their evil seems to have run out. Have you recently blown up on one and told them the truth about themselves in what, for you, felt like a fit of anger? Are you worried that you sinned by doing so, that is, by being so honest to someone who may have been a spouse, parent, sibling or child? Especially since your normal modus operandi is to treat everyone with kindness, dignity and respect, even while others have mistreated and disrespected you like Cinderella was by her wicked step-sisters?
I am now of the belief that there are reasons you are not extending "grace" for this treatment and using the type of love that "covers a multitude of sins."
The first is that in your personal timeline, there comes a point where God has "had enough" with the way His servant is being treated. He will not tolerate it any more and so, by His Holy Spirit, He removes your willingness to tolerate this treatment so that you can get free of your abuser(s).
The second has to do with God wanting the abuser to know that He's a) on to them and their behavior and b) He wants them to have their behavior told to them clearly so they can have a chance to repent. They will never be able to say at their White Throne judgments that God didn't make clear to them, in this life, what their evil was and that it would be judged.
The third category is a more corporate one, God is bringing His judgments on the earth in the form of the last days' (before the return of Jesus Christ) tribulation period. His judgments begin with people who call themselves Christians, and that's why Revelation begins with Jesus speaking to the seven Churches in the second and third chapters, calling them to repentance and speaking eternal judgments on those in the Church who do not repent. Most of the people that are going to receive the blunt, and what you may perceive to be harsh, reactions from God's people right now are going to be those who call themselves Christians and yet fight against the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
But a major point that needs to be made is you only need say anything ONCE. And if they won't receive the first thing or things God gives you to say in that moment you stand up to them, even though there may be hundreds of other issues, there's no reason to pursue your interaction with them further, because, if they won't receive the first thing, they certainly won't receive the second or third or fourth and so on. After you've said what you've said, it's best to just move on and eliminate contact, centering energies on the people who will actually receive the truth that God has given you to say. If you know the real truth of the gospel, God needs to be working on your relationship with Him so you can minister. The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few.

The gospel, ever since the first century, has increasingly been hidden like a meat of a nut in its own hard shell. Even within the Bibles we've given, the canon of which was sealed by the Council at Rome (read paganized Catholicism) in the Fourth century, but incubated by a heretic named Marcion in the second century. Paul's false gospel (don't keep God's law/Torah but obey Paul's cherry picked rules and extra biblical traditions) was added as a counter point to the what Christ preached (keep the law and listen for when Jesus actually tightened the law [see His doing so with adultery in Matthew 5] as well as for what Jesus fulfilled [no more blood sacrifices and no more need for physical temples as we are now the temples of God's Spirit]). Our job, as followers of Christ, is to hear His voice and not the voice of another, to follow His teachings, His gospel, and obey it. We have to discern any and all "other voices," mark them, disobey them while obeying Christ. This is the breaking through of the hard outer shell and the removal of all debris from the meat of the nut (I'm imagining a pecan). Then you can get at the real sustenance. You can't eat the shell and internal structure of the shell, you can only eat the meat. We must get rid of the debris that was planted in our Bibles (which is the teachings of Paul and of the false heretical book of Acts, which also contradicts Jesus) and get down to what our Lord and Savior taught was the real Gospel, and follow that.
This is what the tribulation period is all about. As Isaiah 26:9 says, "...when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." People have to see that their behaviors are causing them to inherit an eternity in the lake of fire. They have to see that Paul's false gospel, which puts his teachings and the traditions of men, above the law of God and the teachings of His only Son Jesus Christ, will send them to hell, because they a) won't properly repent of activities (such as eating things sacrificed to idols [1 Corinthians 8]) that are offensive to God and b) will continue in those sins thinking they don't need to repent and that they actually can have no expectations that they can stop sinning. So they just keep on keepin' on.
The Father and the Son are unwilling to allow the Church to go on its sin and in this false gospel without bringing the judgments which Jesus went into great detail to speak of in Revelation chapters two and three. With five of those Churches He was quite blunt, and to these wimpy sugary ears of today, quite harsh. But it's only this harshness that will break through the spiritual wax in the ears of these phonies in order that they might wake up. It's like they're children standing in the street with a semi-truck racing their way, about to run them over. If you don't yell and maybe even run out into the street and push them out of the way, they're going to die right there flattened like pancakes.
I think the reason I'm sharing all of this is I think there are going to be many times in which God just takes over in you and that a righteous indignation will rise up at times in ways it hasn't done so before. Your normally sweet, affable and patient demeanor may now turn to what all these modern red piller types call an alpha dog reaction. The alpha dog would put his teeth on the neck of a member of his pack and shake them up when they're out of line. This is what I believe is happening in you true followers of Jesus now. Revelation even predicted it would be so.

These "two prophets" are actually two groups of Believers as represented by the two olive trees and the two candlesticks. Olive oil represents the Holy Spirit meaning they are Holy Spirit-filled, and the olives which grow on the trees are the Holy Spirit sustenance that those who receive God's word through their prophecy will be able to eat and live by. Candlesticks represent the Churches in Revelation 2 and 3. Only two of them were not corrected by Jesus, hence why there are two prophets mentioned here. These are they who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. So it is not two individual people who will initiate these prophetic occurrences during the first half of the tribulation but two bodies of Believers who are actually doing right by God. Many of these judgments and plagues which will proceed out of their mouths will occur AGAINST those who call themselves Christians but serve a lying false gospel, SUCH AS PAUL'S.
As I sit here thinking about the people who have argued against the truth (the truth that Paul was a lying, slithering serpent preaching in the name of Christ but denying Christ's Words at every turn while he taught doctrines exactly opposite to that of Christ) I realize those arguing on Paul's behalf do so without addressing a single proof presented. My immediate reaction is a zealous anger that rises in me is like a raging fire. My entire being comes to life with anger, nearer to wrath, at these evil wicked people who are Satan's tools of manipulation to keep people trapped in Paul's lies that will send them to hell. And they do so with the ad hominems and false accusation which make matters even worse.
Part of me says, wait a second, calm down, don't say anything. Just let them be. They be blind leaders of the blind, let them fall into the ditch. But then I realize they're doing this on my channel, which is essentially the space I've been charged to oversee and the people watching the videos don't deserve this form of narcissistic/Jezebellic gaslighting anymore than I do. So I jump on them and tell them they are going to hell if they don't repent, because that's what Jesus taught, NOT ME, but Jesus.
Then I remember there was a time when Jesus and his forerunner, John the Baptist, went ballistic on these types of ne'erdowells, more on this later.
What is the most angering is that these critics employ all the characteristics of Narcissists/Jezebels that we've studied for years.
1. The first, the outright dismissal of ALL YOUR HONEST WORK, PRAYER and RESEARCH as if NONE OF IT HAD ANY VALIDITY or as if you didn't study enough when in every case you did all the homework and THEY DID NONE. This is not a small point because not only will they dismiss what you say, but will take it much further by standing in harsh judgment, even after doing no work or research themselves. They will also criticize your ministry for everything they can think of (especially if you receive donations in spite of giving everything for free and not being monetized in any other way), but when you ask them if they have a ministry themselves since they are so superior, their response will be NOTHING BUT CRICKETS. They have no materials, no websites, no podcasts, no videos, no channels, NO NOTHING from KNOW NOTHINGS.
2. Their behavior stems from a KNOW IT ALL SPIRIT that deludes them into thinking they have studied more and know more than they actually do, like the person who says they've read the Bible from cover to cover but in reality only went to Church and had it preached to them and thus never really dug deep to discover the real truths that lie beneath. It is this delusion that tells them they already know better than you ever could even though they haven't lifted a finger to look into anything you've studied out and presented, in my case over the course of two full years. You can see this behavior across the gamut in today's narcissistic world. People everywhere judging others who are actually in the arena while they sit on the sidelines staring at their phones.
3. They also employ what I call ostrich-sticking-head-in-the-ground techniques: like the misfit who covers his ears and exclaims, "la-la-la-la-la" so he can't hear you when you talk, so do the Paul defenders, as they watch a tiny portion of your video and then make comments against you, often making the same points you make in the video as if you never said them, or implying you said the exact opposite of what you said, or leaving out nuances of a many layered explanation you gave.
4. Rug sweeping of their own bad behavior: they will literally start a canard/fight with you where they falsely accuse you of something, but when you strike back they will act like they didn't throw the first punch and that you're the abuser.
5. They will ignore every effort you've made to stop communication, such as when you say, don't write to me anymore, leave me alone, etc., and when they keep it going and you respond to them, they'll say they'll report you to some "authority" for doing so. It's a pet peeve of mine to give narcissists the last word. I'm so tired of them getting the last word. If you write me with some bs, I would say be prepared to be responded to. (I recognize this could be dangerous at least from a time management position. I mean, if I spend all day responding to these lying hacks, where will the time go to keep telling the truth to those who want to hear?)
6. When they do make an attempt at making some point, their point either doesn't directly address any point you've made, or is so off-base as to not apply. They'll argue with apples when it should be oranges and shift the topic because if they stay focused on the original argument they cannot win.
7. Projection and false accusation onto the messenger: they will call me a liar and say Paul was led by the Holy Spirit while not addressing ONE of Paul's contradictions, or one of the dozens of proofs with this regard on this or any other website/channel. They just give devil-boy Paul a complete pass.
8. Falsely accuse the messenger reporting Paul's evil of hurting the cause of converting unbelievers when the UNBELIEVERS ALREADY SEE RIGHT THROUGH THE HYPOCRISY OF THE PAULINE CHURCH. When unbelievers see Paulinites strain at gnats (such as when they correct others for salty language) and yet still swallowing camels by willfully sinning in so many other areas, as if there are no ramifications and not holding to any standard because they think they're saved no matter what they do, the unbelievers laugh at the Paulinites like they're a bunch of bumbling idiots. It doesn't make sense to them, and wouldn't even to a child, that you could continue getting away with wrong-doing with no consequence, and that your behavior wouldn't change at all when you become a Believer. It's laughable, as well as narcissistic, because narcissists all believe they are "above the law" and not subject to criticism, scrutiny or judgment for their evil deeds. They will not look into the light of the Words of Jesus for their evil deeds will be exposed. Therefore Paul is the much better choice for them.

9. Another sign of narcissism which is actually witchcraft is trying to engage in arguments with me in the comment section (where they will not address my points) when there are already over 100 hours of documented, with receipts, podcasts. I already did the heavy lifting for which they can watch at any point. If you're not making a legitimate argument against what's been said, why create an argument out of thin air that's already been addressed in the message? I realize as I write, these are demonic time wasting techniques. We all have to truly be prayerful and led of the Lord as to when and to whom we respond.
The narcissist deep down doesn't have the discipline to face the truth about anything, because it is their trade to traffic in lies. So, THEY REFUSE TO LOOK, like proverbial ostriches, they keep their heads in the sand while they kick you in the head with their giant flipper like feet.

So this fire like rage rises in me because OF THE LIES they tell in stating that I am lying about Paul, my knowing the narcissism it takes to lie, gaslight and refuse to acknowledge the truth. A person who does this is the lowest form of life to me. I can't tolerate them on any front. Especially when they argue against (whether they know it or not) the true and holy teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for when they argue on behalf of Paul, they are arguing against Jesus Christ.
If it's in the comment section I immediately go to this response, "If you don't repent of serving Paul's lying, wicked false gospel, you will find yourself in eternity in a scorching hot lake filled with fire." I don't candy-coat it, I don't let there be any ifs, ands or buts about it. I say so because I 100% believe this to be true, and that the Bible (especially Revelation) makes this very clear. These liars need to hear what the real consequences are for being Paul's, and consequently Satan's, minion.
The general response, especially from women who serve Paul, who according to Paul have no right to even speak to me because as Paul said, they were "deceived in the transgression," is to say I'm being mean and cruel and have no right to speak to them this way. I'm shaking my head and chuckling as I write at the many layers there are to this response from them.
First of all, according to their master Paul they have no right to be speaking to me ABOUT ANYTHING. So there's that. I don't agree with that, but if they're going to play the Paul game, unfortunately for them they should be required to play by his rules. I mean, he's their prophet who according to them spoke on behalf of God, right?
The next thing that makes it laughable is that they NEVER address any of the points, such as how Jesus taught we are to keep the law/commandments, and Paul taught the exact opposite. Then there's how Jesus taught NOT TO KEEP MAN'S TRADITIONS, but Paul taught people to do do just that, and made up his own for good measure. Then there's how Jesus twice rebuked Churches for eating things sacrificed to idols (Revelation 2:14, 2:20) whilst Paul taught you just how you could (1 Corinthians 8). We could go on and on and I have done so page after page of published works and hour after hour of podcasting.
So after the hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours of prayer, Bible study and presentation on my part with many proofs, they give nothing but false accusation and ad hominem. How can they do otherwise? If they pull their head out of the sand they will have to see the truth that's there. They can't go on in their lie if they actually look directly at the truth or in any way take their satanic blinders off that Paul so meticulously crafted for them.
Man, Paul was the classic narcissist, and all of these poor women, who are now his children and are just as narcissistic, women who he has abused for millennia, yet they still defend him! It is such a classic move that women love to serve the man that abuses them! That's Paul! They worship him and hate Jesus! Jesus provided freedom but they would rather be in bondage to Paul!
Jesus was the nice guy and Paul was the wicked, lying Chad and all the women chose Chad because he enabled their sin!
But Jesus isn't playing nice guy anymore, and neither are those He's leading to speak out about this mess.
Things are going to get messy and there will be no more Mr. Nice Guy coming from Jesus's witnesses.
It is my firm belief that those in "The Church" who come against those preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days (sans and yes, even against Paul's lying doctrines), these ne'erdowells who go against God's true servants, will be severely punished by God through the words they speak. The fire that comes out of the mouths of these two witnesses will first include warnings of eternal judgment for rejecting the true Gospel of Christ and then God will do the rest if they don't repent. For these ne-erdowells, it would have been better if they had a stone chained around their necks and be cast into the sea than that they should have offended one of these witnesses. The first half of the tribulation they will literally be invincible and will not be taking any guff off of anyone until the true Gospel is disseminated throughout the earth unadulterated by Paul's lies.
And this is how I feel led to go. I honestly can't be any other way. Again, I'm not candy-coating, not caring if people see me as nice, kind-hearted Believer as they once did. I'm not personally going to be fake against narcissists and liars who refuse Jesus Christ. I will be telling them the truth about the lake of fire that burns with brimstone being their destination and their blood won't be on my hands.
This not about me being some "prophet" or trying to lift myself up. It's about telling the truth and warning the people that they will indeed go to hell if they don't obey Christ's teachings to yes, receive the grace of what He did in shedding His blood for us, but that we are also still required to keep God's law as revealed in the Torah (the five books of Moses). Paul taught the opposite of this.
Jesus says it right there, " shall in no case enter the kingdom of heaven" unless you keep the law better than the hypocrite scribes and Pharisees. Hypocrisy will not get you in. And hypocrisy is the stock and trade of the Pauline gospel that you don't have to keep the law and your faith that Jesus Christ is the Messiah is more than enough. James "busted" Paul in his shenanigans for this very thing:
So for me, if telling people they are going to lake of fire for an eternal spa treatment if they don't repent rubs people the wrong way, that's fine. Jesus preached on hell way more than on heaven. They need to know the consequences of not obeying Christ. And if they're miffed by what I've said, I've already done my job, that is to make people aware a) there is a drastic difference in the teachings of Paul verses that of our Savior and b) that if you serve Paul and do things his way and don't repent, you will go where Paul is (if he didn't repent), that is, to eternal damnation in the lake of fire for going against Jesus Christ and His Truth and for preaching another gospel that damns people to hell.
It's that simple, and if that rubs people the wrong way, as I stated before, a) their blood is not on my hands, and b) they can go their own way now after hearing what I had to say and then determine to take it or leave it. As I've always said, I'm not trying to win friends or subscribers of money on this channel but to minister to the Truth. If I were I would have monetized which would have required me to dilute the message so much to remain advertiser friendly that I would be just as phony as everyone else. Most of all, I don't want to be anybody's intermediary between him/herself and Christ, I just want to direct you to Him.
So be mad at me, I want you to be, but just go to God and get closer to Him and address these matters. If this is the result then I did something along the way in your growth that will lead you to a closer walk with the Father through Jesus Christ (not Paul). I have a feeling I may see a lot of people in the world to come (if I maintain the course) who will say, "Man, sorry for attacking and lying on you, I just didn't know better. But down the road I could see what you're saying and course correct away from Paul to Christ and here I am because of how you toed the line and didn't waver." That's what I care about. It would be better for you to work it out now, rather than later, and learn to follow Christ and Him alone than to keep following Paul's teachings with regard to the laws/commandments rather than Christs, and end up making one giant belly flop into a fiery lake right next to Paul.
Honestly, this is no different than our Lord and Master Jesus Christ did, as did his forerunner John the Baptist, on the occasions where they literally went ballistic in their zeal to defend God and His Word, such as:
Jesus rails on five of the Revelation Churches, COMMANDING THEM TO REPENT AND DO THE WORKS! OR ELSE
Jesus talking about being judged by our Works in Ministry
Paul preaching against works
Then Paul speaks of the importance of works
And of course goes back to confusion again
but then again, the works are important?
This is interesting because he says to the pure all things are pure...hmmm, how can unsure things be pure to a pure person. This double speak is so typical of Paul the subverter.
James rebukes Paul's teaching about by faith alone:
Revelation speaks of the importance of our works and being commandment keepers OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN:
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