Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Jezebels Defend Paul Up UNTIL Paul Says: Women Keep Silence, Do Not USURP Authority Over Men, Wear Head Coverings!


Join Doug as he uncovers the double-bind some poor Paulinitess women find themselves in when they go to vocalize their loyalty to Paul and defend him (deceiving themselves that Paul actually represented Christ when he rather contradicted our Savior and His Father left and right). 

As they do speak up in his defense, they are stuck with some pretty harsh writings of their leader, Paul, when he said women are supposed to KEEP SILENT, NOT USURP AUTHORITY OR TEACH MEN, & BY ALL MEANS, COVER THEIR HEADS! 

The funny thing is that the head covering thing is A LAW HE TOOK FROM THE JEWISH ORAL TRADITION (THAT JESUS RAILED AGAINST) while HE MADE HIS OWN LAWS among Believers!  Poor, poor women who serve Paul are now under an immense oppression as they believe wrongly that they should ignore God's law (though Jesus taught in Matthew 5 that He did not come to do away with the Law and that the greatest among us would do and teach the commandments), but with Paul they get a whole bunch of other rules and laws that SHUT THEM UP and PUT CURTAINS AND DRAPES ON THEIR HEADS!  Go figure!  Satan will gladly trade you the freedom of God's law, which James called The Perfect Law of Liberty, for the shackles of his foolishness and Paul was his emissary to do just that.

This is a clarion call for women who follow Paul rather than Jesus to repent and flip the script, to serve Christ and Him alone, to follow His teachings, NOT PAUL'S OR ACTS!


Truly, it is amazing how "Christian" women (wait, I'm not calling them Christian anymore, I mean they follow Paul and not Christ, so...).  Let's start over, it truly is amazing how some "Paulinitess" women venerate and vocally defend Paul, and will engage a man (me, in this instance) in discussions where they intend to teach me that I'm wrong (though they can't explain how, nor argue a single point I've made) and that I am apostate and a false prophet, ironically, just as I claim Paul to be.  

This phenomena very much reminds me of the liberal feminists who stand up for Islam, because deep down, these women DO NOT agree with Paul about many things any more than the feminists agree with Burqas and no drivers licenses.  The Paulinitesses in particular don't agree with Paul's rules with regard to how women interact with men.  If they did, they wouldn't even speak to me, a man, about it, right? I mean, look what Paul wrote about women speaking in Church to the Corinthians:

According to Paul, women are supposed to keep silence in the Churches and if they want to learn anything they need to ask their husbands, and the final stab is, "...it is a shame for women to speak in church." Hmmm.  Notice also that here Paul says that WHAT HE WRITES, "UNTO YOU ARE THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD."  The hutzpah of this guy!  In all his epistles he completely does away with God's commandments/law and says nobody can keep it and those who try are under a curse and now HIS WORDS WITH REGARD TO WOMEN ARE GOD'S COMMANDMENTS. Does this mean that women who don't keep these commandments of his lose their salvations while if they break God's Commandments they don't? Very interesting!  

To make matters worse for these women who engage me, a man, in regard to correcting me as to what God is leading me to speak in identifying Paul as the slithering demon he is, Paul says this to Timothy:

He "suffers not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." Also very interesting.

So these Paulinitesses who seek me out to teach me not to disrespect their "master" defy their master in so doing. I mean, didn't Paul just advise that as women they are not to teach me anything, nor to usurp my MANLY MAN MANISH AUTHORITY NOR TO EVEN SPEAK AT ALL??? :P.

So these Jezebels screech and moan when MEN like me point out that Paul contradicted Jesus and the First Testament in every way, making his own law, and here he is making his own law that women can't speak in Church!

I guess it's good that Anna the Prophetess didn't know this law when she announced to the temple the arrival of our Messiah, Jesus Christ our Lord:

Poor Anna must have spoken out of turn there.  Too bad Paul was either just being born himself, or was pretty young, and wasn't there to stop her.  I mean, the gall of her to open her mouth in the temple!

But hey, overall, I do believe that woman should not take authority over men, and I believe the rest of scripture bears that out.  You can see here in Isaiah that God is insulting Israel over women and children ruling over them due to their sin:

It is clear that men are supposed to lead, but this does not mean women lose all forms of expression and communication.  Yes it's evil and bad the Jezebel spirit is quite often at work in these last days and women should not be allowed to take over:

But in my view this does not justify muzzling women like animals in the Church, forcing them to only ask questions of their husbands at home. If the women in the Church can ask questions with humility and consideration for the time of the person they are engaging, then perhaps we don't need to stick some gorilla tape over their mouths?

The funny thing is, most Pauline Churches in general have lots of women working in ministry, teaching Day of the Sun School, and involved in all sorts leadership and administration.  Some even have women Pastors and Worship Leaders, and they, too, ignore their master, Paul, in this area and just take up all sorts of roles that require them to teach men.  I'm actually on Paul's side in this regard: WOMAN SHOULD NOT TEACH MEN.  But that doesn't mean we silence and ignore women altogether.

Women were good enough to be the first to see Jesus after His resurrection and were sent to tell the Apostles.  Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, and let Mary (the sister of Lazarus) sit as his feet listening to His teaching.  No, woman aren't men, and aren't meant to be, but goshdarnit, women are people, too!

Getting back to Paul and his lawmaking, although he begs off of the head covering law he institutes at the end of his two paragraph argument for it, he still managed to get some sects of Believers to cause their women to honor it to this day.  This is in spite of the fact that NO SUCH COMMANDMENT EXISTS IN THE TORAH!  (More on this later, with receipts).

Paul starts off this chapter of 1 Corinthians reminding a group of people to keep his, "ordinances, as I have deliver them to you."  So Paul, the Law of God destroyer, brings yet more of his own ordinances, and this time having to do with women, and as said before, not with something from the Torah, but from the oral law which became the Talmud and the Kabbalistic teachings of apostate Judaism.

Here we have Paul arguing for head coverings.  Some people think he is only speaking of long hair, but it had long been an established Jewish Custom that women wear a fabric covering over their heads.

Side note: there's also an interesting reference to "power on her head because of the angels..."with regard to head coverings. I've heard it said this was in regard to the fallen angels and protecting women from their lusts, as in what the Book of Enoch reports about the fallen angels lusting for, sleeping with and impregnating women.  But I digress because I didn't have time to look deeper on this for this study.

Then he asks does not nature teach that a man with long hair, it is a shame unto him, but every time I read that I think of the Nazarite vow which requires the man to NOT cut his hair for the duration of vow (Numbers 6).  This was the vow Samson was under (Judges 13).  Then, after all of this talk, he refers to the woman's long hair as a covering.  So wait, a woman's natural hair is a covering that God made, but that's not good enough?  She needs a fabric, too?  

And then, for the piece de resistance, he finally says, "But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God."

Wait, what?  You just go on this long diatribe and, perhaps unbeknownst to you at the time, but a head covering law on various sects and denominations of "Churchianity" for nearly 2000 years has abided by, and then you basically say, "If anybody has a problem, fugedddabboutit."  

So where did Paul get this idea for head covering?  From Jewish Oral Tradition OUTSIDE OF THE TORAH.  But before I address this, I want to first show you Jesus' attitude to these traditions of the "elders" which were NOT part of God's law.

What had happened with Judaism is not any different than what's happened to Christianity through Catholicism and mainline denominations. Their traditions began to usurp and OVERRIDE God's Word/law.  These are the commandments of men Jesus is speaking of.  If head coverings for women was so important, FOR SURE AND CERTAIN God would have included it in His law.  We will now see some of the reasons head coverings were given to women, which appear to have been driven more in causing married women to wear them as a symbol of her dedication and devotion to her husband, much as a woman would wear a wedding ring in this day.  It was NOT a symbol of devotion to God, per se, but to her husband.

So we see how the origin of the head covering in Jewish tradition comes outside the commandments of God and is not a requirement.  Clearly Paul had been raised up in all the oral law and traditions as a Pharisee, and rather than compel new Believers to keep God's law, the Torah, he forced on them these false man-made traditions!   

In another epistle to a different group, this time the Thessalonians, Paul made sure to COMMAND them to keep the traditions they had "received from us" (his group) as he told them to FOLLOW US and to see that his group had made themselves "...an ensemble unto you to follow us"! 

This man did not teach people to follow Christ's WORDS, but a false idea of Christ HE HAD DRUMMED UP.  Tell me, in all Paul's writings, how many times does he quote Jesus Christ from His earthly ministry? One time he says it's more blessed to give than receive and he also makes references to Jesus' last supper command to take of the bread and wine in remembrance of Him.  But there's very little more than that.  

Instead, Paul took away the Gentiles opportunity to make an everlasting covenant with the Father through circumcision.  He stole their chance to observe God's Sabbath and Holy Feasts.  He taught them they could still eat things sacrificed to idols and all of the unclean and abominable meats and sea creatures that God went to great lengths to warn us from eating.  He robbed God's truths from us and instead GAVE WOMEN HEAD COVERINGS and plenty of other rules and regulations as he saw fit.  This is the epitome of Satanic narcissism: to rob of us of God's goodness and to replace it with evil.  

Returning to a woman's place in leadership or in the teaching of men, I have to acknowledge that while what Paul said in this regard was in many ways extreme, there is good reason for men not to be gelded by women nor to give over their position in God's hierarchy to them.  

But I had an interesting thought as to why Paul would want to completely shut women down.  What if some of them saw through his chicanery and slimy used car salesman lying ways and began to say, "Hey, what you're telling us is against God's Word!"?  Shutting down women would guarantee he could eliminate at least 50% of his critics and keep their chirping about his foolishness to their homes.  I bet many women of God saw right through this bastard.  (Yeah, I said it, he was pure evil.)

As this ministry has criticized Paul, and not only that, but we've pointed out he is one of the most evil men ever to have lived, thanks to Paul's writings about women's interactions with men, we have had this ability to use his own words to shut down his female supporters who criticize us as well. When the Paulinitesses come with all their hyperbole and ad hominems, I simply argue back, "Well, if Paul is your master and you venerate him so much, how dare you question and try to teach me, a man? You are breaking his rules by doing so. HYPOCRITES!"

I must admit that for me it’s such a delightful and delicious way to stop them down because people that won't address the manifold number of issues that we've presented and just make ad hominems are the most annoying of all chirping birds, using Paul's own words against them only serves to show my original premise that these women don’t really serve Paul in the holistic sense. They simply cherry pick his teachings to serve themselves, but deep down they don't approve of him in this area either.

Before God led me into the depths of Paul's error, I also cherry picked him for the things he said that actually support holiness and commandment keeping.  Yes, it's there, but Paul runs a constant Hegelian dialectic with his "thrown spaghetti at the wall" writings, so you can argue any side with what he's written simply by looking for it.  

For an example of this, read 1 Corinthians 8 where Paul teaches you how to eat things sacrificed to idols.  Then read chapter 10 where He proclaims, "But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he" (1 Cor 10:20-22)?  Which is it Paul???  He actually argued both sides in the SAME LETTER!!! And the second argument was the correct one. Paul was a double-minded man, in many cases, unstable in all his ways!  But Satan leading him to be so was rather clever in the sense that he could ensure Paul's writings stayed in vogue as long as all factions could pull their viewpoint from him.  Paul is why we have hundreds of denominations all doing different things, like letting their women talk and even teach, or shutting them up entirely and making them wear head coverings.

People that hate God and want an excuse NOT to do his commandments ALWAYS turn to Paul for justification.  It helps them to feel good about themselves while they continue in sin, allowing them to continue in the performance of their pagan rituals, but what they fail to realize is they are now also chained to PAUL'S RULES, HIS ORDINANCES, HIS LAWS.

What a strange juxtaposition.  Paul teaches you to hate God's law while creating his own.  What Paul promotes doesn't provide for freedom, but rather a bondage, and Paul, more than anyone else, has put women in a type of bondage with his epistles more than any other man in Biblical history.  Sure, most women must gloss over and ignore his words with regard to silence, usurping men and head coverings in order to avoid that bondage, but the further into Paul's trap they go, the likelihood of having to honor all of his teachings increases, especially when people who are against Paul call their bluff and use his own words against them.

Jezebel hates rules, and she hates Paul's rules over her as much as much as God's law, but she must go along with Paul in order to continue in her sin, to teach people to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication.  She needs 1 Corinthians 8, Romans and Galatians to continue in her free-for-all Churchianity.  Jezebel serves many idols, and many demon gods, and her job is to help people do so.  With Paul, she can keep going with her Christmas and Easter paganism, and even day of the sun sabbath.  But even in the law-keeping side of the Church she is there to get the people with more hidden, harder to observe sins, and if she's still pushing Paul after all of this instruction of the obvious contradictions between his teachings and the teachings of Christ, you know there's a demon running her show to get our eyes off our ONLY TRUE SHEPHERD.

I pray every woman and every man who calls themselves by the name of Christ will stop serving devils through Paul's teachings and set their eyes on God the Father, His Holy Law, His High Holy Standard that He spoke with His own mouth from the mount: The Ten Commandments, on the rest of His law given by Moses, and on the teachings of HIS BELOVED SON, JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS.

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