Thursday, December 8, 2022

Is Straightway Truth a Freemasonic Cult? Straightway Truth or Broadway Lies?

I don’t write this blog (or publish this podcast) with pleasure.  In fact, it pains me to know that people that seem to teach others to keep the commandments could potentially be part of a wider conspiracy to bait people with the promise of fellowship with other commandment keepers only to switch them over to Satan’s kingdom.

If such is the case, and I 100% believe it is so with Straightway, the cleverness of Satan's plan must be acknowledged in the way one does when remembering Jesus' Words, "Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove," because these 4d level tactics to create controlled opposition traps for these truth seekers, such as Straightway, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and even many versions of Messianic Judaism and Hebrew Roots movements, is a strategic warfare tactic of the highest order.  You think you're free, and then you're ensnared again.   

If you think about it, this is a wise warfare strategy on Satan's part as he must do something to capture the people leaving the paganized Church that celebrates Christmas, Easter, and Sunday Sabbath, these sincere ones who are finally coming into the truth about keeping the Commandments, because it is these Believers who are the ONLY ONES who are actually dangerous to Satan's kingdom.  When a commandment keeper practices deliverance/spiritual warfare, the Satanic hordes are BRUTALIZED, TRAMPLED UPON and DEFEATED.  What enemy wouldn't want to limit exposure to such guaranteed defeats?  

Taking it a step further, the next objective would be to limit those people's abilities to preach the power giving Gospel (which includes commandment keeping) in order to lessen, diminish and remove their ability to help create more soldiers for God. What better way than to sequester them off in some commune overly focused on taking multiple wives and making babies, focusing on expanding your own kingdom rather than the Father's?  The harvest is indeed great and the laborers are few, why not stick the only ones who truly qualify to minister in one spot under the megalomaniacal control of the group's leaders, rendering them useless to the Father, and hiding their talent in the sand rather than going out and making more talents?

Not only does Satan effectively stop the commandment keepers' growth in these cults as Believers and ministers of the Word, but he turns them into idolaters of their "Pastor" and other leadership as they begin to obey a man or men in the stead of God. But the "piece de resistance" is that Satan can also rob the salvations of all the people these Believers would have touched in the world outside of the commune.  Hiding them in a Tennessee (or any of Straightway's other) compound(s) is the perfect way to hide their light under a bushel and keep them from proclaiming the gospel throughout the world. They would no longer be wheat among the tares, or lights of the world, but hidden under the Straightway bushel.

With so many of the children of God sequestered, this leaves all the outreach to "Pastor" Dowell and his "ordained" minion "elders" and "teachers," who as Masons, teach a false version of the faith to either get new followers, or to confuse and/or alienate those who won't join them from wanting anything to do with God at all.  The best tactic for this is to absolutely destroy anyone who tries to leave with gaslighting and bullying tactics.  And then to have some questionable practices to boot.

Pretty easy to alienate a large swath of society when you brandish assault weapons on your YouTube channel and in your church services.

Or when you teach and practice polygyny in a country and state whose laws forbid it and whose culture certainly would not understand it, and then make it your job to teach polygyny to the world instead of the saving gospel.

So now, these actions that seem looney on their own merits serve to diminish and negate the actual truths your ministry claims to espouse, such as keeping the commandants.  This is one of Satan's most clever tricks: keep God's people from keeping the commandments by causing the ones who promote doing so to look crazy and cult-like. It's the Alex Jones approach.  He sprung a lot of truths on the world while acting like a buffoon, rendering anyone else who believed those truths tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists. In my view, the freemasons started Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventism with just that intent, not so ironically in the same century as the Black Hebrew Israelite faith arose, also started by, you guessed it, freemasons, but more on this later.

The other thing Straightway does is constantly imply that "Christianity" is evil and satanic.  What they are right about is that the pagan/masonic version of "Christianity" is indeed satanic, but what these pagans faking Christianity are doing by breaking God's commandments is decidedly NOT Christian and they are not Christians in the sense that the word Christian simply means a follower of Christ.  But Straightway leaders such as Dowell and his "Elder" Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila constantly label that which is obviously a false version of Christianity as Christianity.  Rather than say it's the commandment keepers who are the true Christians, they make these claims as if Christianity itself is Satanic, but once again the mainline denominations ARE NOT practicing TRUE CHRISTIANITY.  

What makes it confusing is that Straightway Truth Believers still claim Jesus/Yeshua as Lord and Savior, so the use of this expression that Christianity is evil turns out to be confusing for those who aren't paying close attention.  Those who don't deep dive on Straightways's belief in Jesus as Messiah would think their leaders mean that serving Jesus Himself is Satanic.  It's a subtle thing, but Freemasons do these exoteric (meaning meant for the masses)/esoteric (hidden meaning) forms of communication ALL THE TIME. It's very subtle, and in this case almost subliminal.  They get their followers to literally say, "Christianity is evil," and since they know the inside story as to why they say that, it relieves them from saying following Jesus Christ is Satanic, but the undergirding message of the statement is just that. 

Straightway also does a type of double-meaning gaslighting with the "Culture" shirt you often see them wearing.  The "Cult" part of the word is set off in its own rectangular box.  When freemasons do things like this, they are literally mocking us.  They are saying, "We will show people right to their face out in plain sight what we are, while lying to them with our words the whole time." They'll say the shirt is just them mocking how people call them a cult, but remember, there's an exoteric meaning and then the real esoteric meaning hidden beneath.  I would never wear a shirt like that to give people grounds to think that of me.  Why would they if not to mock us?

Jesus Culture, the Satanic kundalini spirit inducing, mantra repeating band out of Bethel Church in Redding, California, did the same thing with their name.  Seriously, I think these Freemasons laugh their "asses" off at people who are gullible enough to "buy what they're selling" and how they can brandish their identity out in the open and still trick their followers.  Man, I can't tell you how much they enjoy this mess.  Especially when they can get commandment keepers to fall for it.  It's such a feather in their cap and Satan rewards them for it, though in the end for these wolves in sheep's clothing there will be "hell to pay" if they don't repent.

So Satan sets the trap with denominations or groups such as Straightway Truth/Broadway Lies who lie in wait for new converts to commandment keeping.  They preach keeping the commandments, honor the proper Sabbath, the feasts and the levitical diet, but then couple the law with a requirement of complete obedience and submission to them, while they either keep you from other portions of the Truth or even worse, feed you sidetracking doctrines and dogmas to trap you in what could be contradictory to God's will.  And don't forget, they got all your money and assets in the process.

As mentioned before, Broadway Lies (I can no longer even refer to them as Straightway Truth) also promotes polygyny which can be quite a tempting prospect for some men.  What a perfect sidetrack for the few people who know the truth about the necessity to keep the commandments to get them off their purpose of sharing the gospel and instead replace that with the prospect of legal carnality! If you can get them all caught up in having multiple wives and making dozens of babies instead of getting out there and preaching truth, TRUTH OF WHICH ONLY A TINY PERCENT OF THE EARTH'S POPULATION KNOWS, then you can hinder the spreading of the gospel DURING THE LAST DAYS HARVEST! 

Instead of ministering to others out in these last day fields of the world, you can just get trapped on their compound focusing on building and sustaining the Straightway properties while feeding your face with delicious homegrown organic foods and meats, while the rest of the world only learns from your God DAMNED (unless they repent) false "prophets" and "elders" and such through barrages of thousands of YouTube videos and blogtalkradio broadcasts.  Meanwhile, Jesus' warning when he said of the last days, "And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!" is completely ignored and you're just shooting out babies like a Gatling gun and say, "But God said to be fruitful and multiply!"  There's a time and a season for everything.  Jesus warned there would be such a time to avoid having little babies.  I think that time is now. 

Remember, It only takes one lie to “poison the well”.  A drop of arsenic in what otherwise would be a glass of clean water still makes for a deadly concoction.  You are just as dead from a few little drops as you would be from an entire glass of it.  And such is the case with sin, even for people who keep most of the commandments: a little leaven leavens the whole lump.

What's even more damning is the basis of their Hebrew Israelite belief comes from Freemason founded Black Hebrew Israelite underpinnings. Straightway will not say they are Black Hebrew Israelites because they accept whites and other races into the group, but the founders of BHI were freemasons of the Prince Hall variety.  And it was during the 1800's that the freemasons went about to set up just such groups to capture and control Believers who could see the truth about the paganism in the apostate mainline denominations: the Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists and yes, the Black Hebrew Israelites were all set up then.  These groups would let you have your commandments, but poison you with other lies from the father of lies, Satan himself, and thereby keep you captured.

In addition to the above mentioned cults, the Messianic Jewish and Hebrew Roots movements also contains the same freemason elements of confusion and sidetracking teachings.  Many use the same freemason symbols and practice their own forms of idolatry stemming from the apostate, Talmudic version of Judaism.

Some of these sigils are in your face and others are subtle.  But suffice to say, Freemasons at the "in the know" level know everything that's being communicated.  They know the tricks of the exoteric meaning, "nice place for a perfectly round globe lamp right in the elbow of the upward triangle shape made by the ceiling and the pretty drapes when what they mean to communicate is the all-seeing eye in the capstone of the pyramid. Sure these things can happen innocuously from time to time, but when you see a pattern of it happening over and over again, these things are being done on purpose, and the main reason is to, in plain site, tell you who they are while they trick you with their words.

The "Star of David," incidentally, was never his star, but stems from ancient "sacred" geometry and has multiple meanings, including "as above, so below," and the sexual union, the male being the upward pointing triangle with the female body part the downward.

These groups, as does Straightway, also try to force people to address God in Hebrew, a language foreign to themselves, and thereby make God more foreign in their hearts.  This was the same goal of Catholicism when they used a dead language, Latin, clear up until the 1950's to say their masses, the people having absolutely no idea what was going on and feeling God was more foreign than ever. Ironically, it is God who created the languages and imposed their use at Babel (Genesis 10).  He is totally fine with us speaking to Him in our own languages. He happens to be completely fluent in them all. But I digress in order to stay focused on Black Hebrew Israelites.

As for their history related to freemasonry, the credited founders of the Black Hebrew Israelites were Frank Cherry, William Saunders Crowdy and another "key figure" was William Christian, all of whom were freemasons of the Prince Hall variety.

Cherry and Chowdry were said to have unique epiphanies of the Black Americans being the tribes of Israel and both started their own churches in the late 1880's. As with both the Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists who falsely prophecied a date for Jesus' return (1914 for the JW's, but then conveniently decided when He didn't show He was ruling invisibly; 1844 for the SDA'ers) a false prophecy of the time of Jesus' return was also made by Frank Cherry, who said Jesus would return in the year 2000.  False prophecies always go hand in hand with false movements.  

R.G. Stair, the now deceased founder and self-proclaimed "Last Days Prophet of God" of a "pentacostal" group called Overcomer ministries, also had a long litany of false prophecies. As an amazing coincidence (read sarcasm: there aren't any coincidences), Straightway Truth's leader, Charles Dowell, was once a part of Overcomer but has since distanced himself (although he recently allowed one of his elder's to refer to him as "Prophet" Stair in between 16:30 and 19 minutes on this video, also in which this same "elder" was allowed to say that Dowell himself is seen as the Moses of this generation with no argument from Dowell.) The megalomania that R.G. Stair exhibited still shows in Dowell, although perhaps at a slightly lesser clip.

But remember, if a "prophet" lies about just one thing, he is disqualified of all by Deuteronomy 18.

As for the founders of BHI, I did not find in my research that they said those who have been historically identified as Jews are Ashkazi, bloodline of Japheth, imposters, but more recent research from those who claim to be BHI adherants shows that they believe that the European descent "Jews" are actually from the wrong bloodline with regard to the sons of Noah so that it would be impossible for them to be of the lineage of Abraham.  They say those currently identified as Jews actually come from the line of Japheth rather than of Shem by whom Abraham's lineage derived. The book from Hebrews to Negroes that has been popularized (or made infamous, depending on who you ask) by the Kyrie Irving Psyop, is one that Straightway Truth/Broadway Lies promotes in this video through "Elder" Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila.   

What's difficult for the average Believer to do is to prove anything with regard to these lineages at all, any more than we can test science's carbon dating techniques or claims with regard to evolution to disprove them.  Throughout history we have all been lied to about so many matters large and small, and the history books are covered in half-truths and outright lies.

But seeing how none of us can prove anything they or the current "Jews" say with regard to their lineages, why waste time on the subject? Especially when, in the end, it doesn't matter! We are all part of another kingdom, those of who receive Jesus Christ as Lord are of another spiritual family!  

Jesus taught that every single person, seed of Abraham or not, must repent, accept Jesus' blood atonement, and keep the commandments in order to have everlasting life and have part of this new family.  Fighting over who's the real Jew when the average man can't prove a darn thing with that regard is futile.  I mean, do you really believe science and their DNA tests when they tell you we're derived from monkeys and that we live on an earth billions of years old?  Good grief!  And again I ask, what does it matter???

But what this sort of thing appeals to is the pride of a man.  He says, "oh, really, I am descendent of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? I come from kings???"  And the man is beguiled by this new found self-importance and jumps headlong into a cult, when in reality every person on earth must humble himself, see himself for the sinner he is, and repent!

So now we have a group, started by freemasons, playing to the pride of a people that has been a minority group who also has a constant onslaught from the media that they are victims, now coming full force with their own narrative that says the Jews in Israel are imposters and that they are actually the real Jews.  What do we do now? Do the blacks wage war against those they say are imposters because the blacks are the real children of Israel and should be on the land?  

Or, is this whole debacle a way for the prophecy of the Jews (if indeed the "Ashkenazi" Jews are the real Jews) returning to Israel in the end times come to pass because American blacks (and those in agreement on this matter of all races) have a reason to hate the Jews for supposedly stealing their ancestry?  Will the resulting persecution return the "Ashkazis" to Israel faster since they are now so hated, even in America? And, are the famous "Ashkenazis" in power in finance, the media, and Hollywood purposely being pushed forward as lying, thieving debaucherous assholes to bring further persecution on their people as a form of a greater psyop to send them back? I mean, 51% of Jews live in the U.S., while only 31% live in Israel. To fulfill Ezekiel 37 there must be a bigger Aliyah.  I postulated in a prior episode that this is exactly what the "powers that be" are trying to do in order to control the prophecy (or at least think they control prophecy.) 

But again, if HBI beliefs are right, the European Jews (as imposters as they say they are) who are there now must be, I would think in their view, extracted.  Is there a plan for that???

For me, the proof that the traditional Jews are Jews is that they are there now, and the BHI blacks (except for a tiny number) are not.  I could stand corrected on this, but I can hardly buy anything from anyone these days on matters of lineage and in the end, it matters not.  Get right with Jesus Christ and keep the commandments.  This is all that matters.

And I can't get over that such a doctrine was started by Freemasons to begin with, whose job it is to lie to society and create narratives, psyops and controlled opposition to confuse and obfuscate the truth.  They've been doing clever 4d things like this for centuries.  They create the narratives and manipulate society therewith.  Once again, they give exoteric explanations "for the masses" for what they do, all the while knowing the hidden esoteric meanings which serve themselves and especially their master Lucifer.

You might say, with regard to Straightway, just because the founders of BHI were Masons, this does not mean that Straightway Truth/Broadway Lies is as well.

As someone who has studied masonic esoteric sigils for years, and I do mean years, the very logo of Straightway would beg to differ with you.  They couldn't have used more Freemasonic symbols/sigils in one emblem if they tried.

It has multiple elements of a masonic sigil:

1. The S in the center of shield could either represent a phoenix (an important occult symbol) or as with the S's wrapped around the sword handles: a serpent shape.

2. The crossed swords.

3. Which also represent the square and compass.

4. The shield itself.

5. The as above so below representation of the reflection of the shield almost as if in water.

Serpents in Masonic Symbolism

Crossed Swords in Masonic Symbolism

The square and compass as a symbol of "as above so below".

The reflection in water as a representation of as above so below.

The shape of shield itself is the one used for 32nd degree masons.  Is Charles Dowell a 32nd degree?

Now that you've seen every part of the Straightway Logo is reflected in freemason symbolism, take a gander at it again.

Many of you might think this is a joke.  Or many of you might say that the makers and approvers of the logo simply were being creative and using all of these elements innocuously.  I, myself, cannot believe this.  If the root of BHI is freemasonry, and the Hebrew Israelite Straightway group of today flashes freemason symbols, at least five of them, they are telling you who they are.

In this 2015 newletter, here we have the all-seeing eye.

Now check out the clenched fists of Charles Dowell and whoever is next to him on his right.

Another freemason, Pat Robertson posed with the same fist.

What does it mean to freemasons?

This goes so much deeper.  I have already discussed on other broadcasts how cults use the one book of the Bible where a foundation for a commune can be found (the Book of Acts), but this book is most easily proven false (sorry, the Catholics who gave us the Bible threw in some tares with the wheat). There are many contradictions and fallacies found within, such as:

1. Paul's Damascus Road story is told with conflicting facts on three different occasions (Acts 9, 22 & 26).  
2. The establishment of a different rule set for believing Gentiles (Acts 15, 21) than the believing Jews (a thing Jesus did not teach, as He told the apostles to teach the nations whatsoever he had (already) commanded them. (see Matthew 28). 
3. False narratives that the apostles just stayed holed up in Jerusalem (Acts 1-15) when the end of Mark says that they went everywhere preaching the gospel (Mark 16).  
4. That Peter needed a vision of a descending vision of unclean beasts (Acts 10) to figure out to go preach to the Gentiles when Jesus had told them to "preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16) and to all the nations (Matthew 28) right before He ascended to heaven. How do Peter and all the apostles forget the GREAT COMMISSION and need a vision several years later to get going on preaching the gospel to Gentiles!!!???  Nonsense!

Acts is, at least in part, a fiction, and the passages in Acts 2 and Acts 4 that say the Believers had all things in common, lived and broke bread together, and gave all their money to the apostles for distribution, has given the supposed "biblical" grounds for communal living cults such as Straightway to take all their adherants' money and to redistribute those funds as they see fit, while keeping the adherants next to penniless, entrapping them and making it quite difficult for them to leave even if they so desire.  If Straightway really kept the law they would keep only the tythe of their adherants increase as was given to the Levitical priesthood. We will discuss this further in another blog/podcast.  

In the meantime, if you are surprised about what's just been said about Acts, do your own reading on the four points above. These contradictions are irrefutable.  Search out the Bible yourself. Acts is "whacks" and is the basis for which all cults who call themselves "Christian" get started. It's time to let it go of its lies and honor the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as found in the Gospels and the Book of Revelation.  

Formerly "Gentile" Believers are just that, former Gentiles, because once Jesus brings us into the fold, we are made ONE FOLD with the Jewish Believers, and we all have THE SAME MIND, that is TO KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS as given by God through Moses and the Prophets.

Thanks so much for reading this far.  If you are a member of Straightway Truth/Broadway Lies, or any similar cult and you have lost your peace and agreement with what goes on in the groups, I pray, in the mighty name of Jesus that you may get free of the cult for which you are a part and walk with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Righteous in perfect freedom.  A-men.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have an email to reach out to you? I have a question.
