Wednesday, September 27, 2017

NFL Kneeling & Trump: Another Divide & Conquer Tactic (Hegelian Dialectic)

Have noticed the last decade that race relations have nearly imploded? What is going on? Could it be that this all part of Satan's attempt to divide and conquer us at every turn, and are his minions in power executing this play through sports and the media (as well as many other mediums and outlets)? Jump on this podcast express to see how the NFL Kneeling/Trump debacle was purposely fabricated to do just that. The Satanists/Masons/Elitests know what they're doing and those in charge of the NFL have been peddling Satanism our way through their Super Bowl Halftime shows for years. They're thick as thieves with the cabal. Jump on this podcast express to learn more and to discover that there is no hatred for one another in God's kingdom, where he pulls his Saints from every nation, tongue and people.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Losing Child to Narcissist/Jezebel & Living Victoriously in Spite of It

Have you lost a child to a Narcissist/Jezebel/Satanist through custody law inequities or just though outright theft/kidnapping? Jump on this podcast express to take a musical journey through this applicable testimony and discover how to still have the joy and peace of God and to live victoriously while going through this experience.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Narcissists/Jezebels/Satanists: Their Signs/Symbols/Sigil Magic Revealed

Have you ever wondered why Narcissists/Jezebels/Satanists all seem to have similar methods of revealing themselves? Why are they always saying one thing while have completely different intentions hidden beneath? What are some of the ways they reveal themselves in public? What are their signs and symbols and do they have diabolical reason for using them? Jump aboard this podcast express as we delve into this subject to determine what these signs and symbols are, how they are used to casts spells and magic, and most of all how to defend yourself against it. This is NOT JUST AN ISSUE FOR THE SECULAR WORLD. As you will soon see, Satan uses what appears to be Christian leadership to conduct this campaign against us as well. Hold onto your seats, this train is a runnin!