Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Dangerous Mindless Conformity of Social Media (Doug & Jeff Talk)

Join Doug & Jeff tonight at 9pm EST as Jeff presents the many various brainwashing techniques used by social media to engender conformity and preconditioned responses from the masses.  You might be surprised to learn of the planned, systematic use of view counts, likes, dislikes, comments, etc. to create dopamine responses that foster very real social media addictions and ultimately produce the same selfish-narcissism that any addiction would create, addicitons that only serve to trap users deeper in the social media web, and continuously following as lemmings of the moral cliff of life.  It's a wild ride, so climb aboard this podcast express!

1 comment:

  1. Greater is He that is in us then He that is in the world! His sheep know his voice and a stranger they will not follow. Thanks for your programs.
    Rejoice in the Lord always!
