Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday Mashup Podcast: Baptism, MPD Jezebel, "Narratives," Sigils, & More

Join Doug at 3:30pm Eastern (Friday, January 27, 2023) for the first episode of Friday Mashup Podcast where he will discuss various topics that he's been accruing information for but do not warrant an entire podcast on their own.  Today's episode includes the importance of those of us who have left the mainline, pagan, 501c3, Pauline churches taking up the mantle regarding baptism, and that we first be sure that we ourselves have been baptized and then make effort to help baptize others.  

Next, he will read a testimony from a poor guy who was married to a cheating Jezebel type who exhibited strong characteristics of possession, mind fragmentation, and multiple personalities. 

Then he will review the interesting memes he saw this week with regard to the "narratives" being forced our way.  

And, he'll wrap it up with the many m@s0nic sigils he was able to screen capture this week from media old and new.  Hope to see you then!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

New Birth Instrumental (Get Baptized and Help to Baptize Others!)

Here's another instrumental that was written originally at the birth of my son, so I called it New Birth.  But the title and the song reminded me of how all of us must be born again (John 3), and one of the outward shews of this is Baptism.  It also occurred to me that since many of us have left the organized, pagan, 501c3 churches, that we can't rely on any one else but ourselves to do the baptizing and according to Mark 16 and Matthew 28 baptizing is part of the great commission.  This is really on my heart that when we find Believers (new and old because some long time Believers have never been baptized) we need to help in this cause.  No "ordination" by man is required, but I would recommend that before you do so you repent of all known sin and make everything right with the Father first.  But we should be doing this every day any way :).  At any rate, I hope you enjoy the tune and that it inspires you to get baptized if you haven't been, and to help baptize others!  If you like it, you can download it free of charge at the reverbnation link below!

The song is recorded in A432 in standard tuning.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Jezebel Grandmother Destroys Son Husband's Marriage By Falsely Accusing Wife of Infidelity

Join Doug at 8pm EST (Monday, January 23, 2023) as he reads and commentates from this recent Reddit post that is a literal case study into the nature of the Jezebel mother and her relationship with her son.  You will see this one, in particular, wear a white gown to his son's wedding, continuously sabotage his son's new wife, with the piece de resistance being her making up a bogus story of his wife's infidelity, replete with a paid false witness!  To what end, she tells it all at the end, saying it was for the purpose of having her son all to herself!  This one smacks of the incestuous Semiramus/Tammuz story from antiquity and is what this demonic spirit often does through women it lives within.  There's going to so much to glean, so hope to see you then.

You can see the reddit post here:

Or, in case it gets taken down from there, here are screen shots of the story in its entirety:

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

All The Pretty Clouds Must Be So Healthy! Are True Christians Immune to Poisons (Mark 16:18)?

(Full article below.) Join Doug at 8pm EST tonight (Tuesday, January 17, 2023) for a We See Podcast discussion about the "beautiful" several mile long straight line cloud patterns that are a near daily occurrence over people's heads ALL OVER THE WORLD, brought to us by airplanes belching out these trails, that according to mainstream media are supposed to be completely innocuous and harmless vapor trails.  There's another side to the story that we will delve into, but we will also address Mark 16:18 that says that one of the signs that follow true Believers is that, "...if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not harm them."  The greek word for "drink" is "pino" which also means to imbibe.  The word imbibe can mean to drink, but can also mean to absorb through other means.  Doug believes in these last days we will need to receive this Word about us from Jesus that if we imbibe deadly things, they shall not harm us,  and walk in the faith of knowing that because of Him we can live lives immune to the dangerous substances that are being forced into the environment.  This is not to say that we shouldn't avoid their caldrons of gmo'd and glysophate ridden foods, their fluoridated water, their "medicines," etc, but it does mean when situations present themselves, such as the unavoidability of breathing air that may be flush with nano-chemicals, that we must continue to trust the Father to protect us and to fulfill the Mark 16:18 promise, while all the while we minister the Gospel to this last days' generation.  We will discuss this and much more. Hope you'll join in!


It seems like a lot of people are looking up these days and noticing the differences in the sky, and in particular the "cloud" cover, often man-made grids of the parallel and crossing lines, as well as even the strange colors in the sunsets.  I am subscribed to a channel called, Paydrov, and he put up this video entiteled, "The World We Know Is Gone," just a few days ago noticing just that:

Here's some of the comments from people all over the world:

They're saying that we've seen nothing like this ever before.  I am 52 and I certainly haven't. 

Almost everyone who looks up and sees the persistent trails that start high (say above 30k feet) and seem to drop closer to the ground, get to a certain altitude, maintain that altitude as they fatten a bit over time, then connect to other trails and becoming man-made hazy cloud cover, realizes that these phenomena have happened as cause and effect.

The apparent cause seems plain to see.  Aircraft are disseminating some form of output that forms these strange, sometimes flourescent looking straight line trails, which results in more unnatural looking cloud cover which seems to block normal sunlight and then creates strange results when the sunlight shows through these man-made clouds from different angles, say at sunset, as in the paydrov video.

All we have is what we see with our eyes and our own abilities to observe and conclude what is going on in terms of cause and effect.  We see the effect, look for the cause, and it seems the most apparent cause is something men in aircraft are doing nearly every day of every year.  But what is it they are doing?  What, if anything is being sprayed out of these planes?  Is that normal condensation forming from the engines' interactions with varying degrees of temperature and humidity at different altitudes (as many in the mainstream media are want to tell us), or is there something more nefarious going on?

Before I begin sharing with you the research I've felt led to do this week, I want to communicate that this isn't he first time I've looked into this subject.  I have already been fully persuaded that the answer to this last question, for me, was already answered in the "nefarious activity" category.  But for this journey I wanted to put aside my "confirmation bias" in the research and try to get at the answer unaffected by the old research.  

One reason I wanted to start fresh was that I realize that there have been many psy-ops (psychological operations) run on mankind with false stories in order to make those who believe in them seem as if they are kooks, tin-foil hat conspirators and Chicken Little "the-sky-is-falling" types.  It's not that I don't believe the government and related organizations wouldn't or couldn't do such a thing as poison our skies from above, it's just that I think they could also put out a story that they were doing so (when they're not) just to gaslight and crazy make.  I don't want to fall victim to this form of manipulation either.

So I went about my search to find information on what people have dubbed, "chem-trails," as opposed to "con trails," but more on the terminology in a moment.

About ten years ago, when I first looked into the subject, you could find tons of research on the side of these trails are indeed, chemically based, and with a purpose of blocking out the sun's rays in order to limit global warming.  Today, when you begin your search, as you can see in this video clip, you find pages of debunking articles, web-pages and videos, with very little opposing view-point, and an absence of what was the more readily available research back then.  It was as if it had been washed from the internet.  Here's a short clip of a simple search on the words "chem trail".

On page three, I thought I had found my first opposition research group on Facebook, but it turned out to be a metal band called "Chem Trail."  At any rate, it is clear that the Search Engines (this one is Start Page, but its engine is powered by Google) are pushing a single narrative to exclusion of any opposing research.  

Google also owns YouTube, and we have all seen the narrative control mechanisms they have put in place across the board.  If you did any research on the "the bug," "the v," or many other political subjects, you would find the same propaganda type control over information: certain narratives are promoted while others are blocked as part of their psychological operations.  They know the ones "who see" will search out the information they're looking for anyway, but most people are lazy, and won't take it to that degree, being so distracted by their own problems, sports, drinking, bread and circus, that the inhibitors they put in place are enough to stop them from digging, thereby keeping them dumbed-down.  And not only dumb-downed, but the perfect stooges to call out the ones who actually dig deep enough as "conspiracy theorists" and "whackos."

As for the narrative that these trails are simply "condensation" trails, that is water vapor forming from the interaction of hot engine exhaust with frozen water particles at altitude, you will get that narrative from every one of the search results.  The wiki article is just as good a place to start as is it is a nice collation of their narratives.  Just click here to see it.

So instead of calling them "chem trails," (chem being short for chemical), they call them "con trails," (con being short for condensation).  I found that really interesting, that they are called "con" trails.  I've seen this pattern with freemasons many times over, where they will use words that tell you what they're actually doing to you so they can laugh at you while they do it.  Most of us know what the word "con" means and what it's like to be "conned." Let's look at the definition anyway:

Con means, "to swindle; trick" or "to persuade by deception, cajolery, etc."  You can see this same phenomena of using laughable words in Christianity, for example you have a prosperity gospel swindler named Creflo "Dollar" and a false phophet named Johathan "Cahn".  

They love these type of esoteric word jokes.  I truly think they laugh their asses off about it, especially as they "con" us that the chem trails are really "CON" trails!

The deception is real, the trickery paramount.

Joe Rogan (who I consider to be a "gate keeper" and "controlled opposition") of course had a guest on to debunk chem trails as well: click here to view.  

Joe also tells us just who he is (a satanic, freemason shill) in his logo which includes lightning bolts (symbol for Satan: Luke 10:19), the all seeing eye of Horus on his forehead with the log inside a sun sigil.  On this particular video, there's even a backward mask at the beginning during the logo presentation.  I pulled it into audio software and reversed it.  He's saying, "Hello freak bitches". Just a prank, really, but the logo is no joke. 

As I continued the search for opposing viewpoints, I finally did so by looking in the image and video tabs of the search engine.  I saw mentioned first a whistle blower named Kristen Meghan from the early 2010's.  

She goes into great detail about the huge purchases of chemical agents, such as aluminum and barium, products claimed to be used in "geo engineering," that is to say, in attempts to block the sun with airplane emitted chemical sprays, in order to keep the earth from "over-warming".

What she says here seems legitimate and hard to refute, but it must also be acknowledged that her own claims could be manufactured as well.

Then I found this website,, hosted by a man named Dane Wigington who is the lead researcher.  He has also produced a thorough, nearly two hour documentary called, "The Dimming," which includes his scientists sampling the trails themselves and producing data that appears to prove the theory that the sprays include the chemicals which are claimed to be used in "geoengineering".  Here's the video:

In this video you can see them actually take planes into the "vapor" trails where they collect air samples.  You see them bring these samples into the lab where they use computerized machines to test the results, showing you in the video their findings, which, or course, included large amounts of the chemicals they were testing for, the one's that darken the skies: aluminum and barium.

They also show how these products fall to the earth in rain, poisoning our water and soil, inhibiting the growth of our plants and trees, and even the ocean plankton whose role it is to reoxygenate the earth, saying that without the plankton kept at certain levels, because they produce so much of the earth's oxygen, without them the oxygen levels required for organisms to live would never be met. 

I also found an amazing article on which talked about the neurological effects of exposure to chem trails which we will discuss further on the podcast: 

I must admit that after going through this process and seeing that the "powers that be," the government and big-tech such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc., trying to suppress works such as Mr. Wigington's and his associates, you begin to see the same pattern of hiding truth while telling us there's nothing to see has happened in this area as in so many others: be it the v, flouride in the water, etc.

I encourage you to check out these opposing viewpoints yourself, and to pray through what the truth might be, perhaps it lies outside what both sides have presented.

But in any case, if they are doing what Mr. Wigington says, what does this mean for us as Believers? If they are indeed poisoning the air, soil and water (as they already do with flouride, chlorine, etc.) what does this mean for us?  I mean, it seems "they" are trying to kill us all and fulfill the 1st commandment of the now destroyed Georgia Guidestones: 

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

Being that we are at nearly 8 billion people now, that is about 1/16th of the population.  This means that 7.5 billion of us need to die.  Why not use slow kill operations through our air, food and water and medicines (so called)?

Just considering all the processed foods, corn syrups, artificial sweeteners, plastics, alcohol, drugs, medicated water (fluoride), vaccines, anti-biotics, steroids, etc, and you can see how each one of us, inasmuch as we voluntarily expose ourselves or are involuntarily exposed to their bubbling caldrons of poisons and potions, we are poisoned at some level every day of our lives.

Many of us do everything in our power to avoid this poisoning by eating whole foods, getting closer to the way God created the foods we eat, trying to keep away from their tampering.  If you're not growing your own food though, the big corporations that control farming have genetically altered and poisoned our food with glysophate and other chemicals.  You try buy organic, but living in a farming community, I can tell you that much food gets marked organic that is not.  All we can do in these cases is pray over our food and trust God to protect us and He will and does (more on this in a moment.) 

Many of us have also stopped taking their poisoned medicines and seek natural alternatives.  We pray over ourselves and our food.  We try not to drink their tap water.  We try not to overexpose ourselves to plastics.  

But still, in the case of breathing, it's hard to avoid air with millions of tons nano-particles of aluminum, barium and other poisons (some say they are not putting plastic polymers in the air now, too).  We breath these nano-particles in, so small, they say, that the human body doesn't have the ability to get them out.  What do we do?

Well, we have to rely on God (AS ALWAYS AND IN ALL THINGS).  What they are doing is NOT BEYOND HIS ABILITY TO HEAL.  

I truly believe this is why Jesus said in Mark 16, prior to his ascension, when speaking of the signs that would follow Believers, He said that one of those signs would be, "...if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not harm them."

I have often thought about this scripture.  It's easy to first imagine a villain trying to poison to his victim, as in a Sherlock Holmes novel, and the Christian being unaffected by it.  I never had any idea in the 90's that by 2023 the mass level of poisoning going on would reach such gargantuan proportions so as to increase diabetes, cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinson's, Down Syndrome, Autism, Asperger's, etc. by incredible amounts. The world is being poisoned and so are its inhabitants.

But we, as true Believers, have a job to do, and during this first half of the tribulation, it can't be stopped.  This poisoning is not allowed to have its intended affect on us as we share the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Let's now address this scripture further.  I want to show how that word drink may not just be limited to the act of taking in a liquid through the mouth.

The Greek word for drink there is "Pino."

One of the definitions is to "imbibe"

The first meaning for imbibe is to consume (liquids) by drinking, but the second is, "to absorb or soak up, as water, light, or heat:"

I found the second definition to be very interesting in light of all the ways it's possible for the human body to be poisoned by "deadly" things.  Just taking a shower, and especially a bath, in water will cause your pours to soak in whatever is in that water and take it into your blood stream.

Breathing in poisoned air, such as what a smoker might do, causes one to take in through their lungs those same carcinogens that kill smokers with cancer. 

Eating and drinking poisoned laced products, obviously serve the same purpose. I'm reminded as I write of the slow murders that have been done by adding anti-freeze to food and drinks, which is said to be almost undedectable. 

Of course shots directly into blood stream, well, no explanation required.  But we all know that the "climate change" heart attacks are here.  Couldn't be anything else!  Wink, wink.

The reason I even address this is to say that we have a promise from God during this time that, "if we drink/imbibe any deadly thing, it won't harm us.  We have to stand on the faith of that.  God can and will protect us from their evil intent.  He has shown a propensity for this in Biblical history.

I am first reminded of the poisoned waters the Hebrews came across in their travels in the desert after the exodus from Egypt:

You see there that God provided a way, naturally, to cause the poisoned waters to be palatable after Moses had "cried" out to Him. We, too, must seek God for the healing of things we imbibe, and for the healing of our bodies if we imbibe dangerous substances.

God will, when necessary and in response to our prayers, change the substance itself, at the level of its composition, in order to make it palatable.

Jesus was able to change the very nature water into wine through His Word:

I believe there will be times when this sort of conversion to the very state of substances will be necessary to protect us from poisons.  This is why it's so important to pray over your food, or anything you imbibe, especially when you discern there might be something wrong.

Jesus was also able to pray for the increase, and therefore creation of, particular food items, such as the loaves and fishes.

So we see here how God was able to create something from nothing.  This all sounds like magic and parlor tricks, but God's ability to manifest His supernatural control over creation is necessary in our lives in order to overcome the attacks of the enemy on our provision, both through poisoning as well as limiting.  God will have to rain manna from heaven for us and send quail from afar.  We are going to need these miracles just to survive the tribulation.  As Jesus said, 

Fortunately for us, God will cause even the earth to help us out:

It will literally take a combination of many miracles to get us through these day to come with the enemy so focused on our destruction.  But God is much greater than the enemy, and his power infinitely so.  We can trust in Him, and this is the purpose of these times, to learn to put our trust in Him more fully, to the greatest degree, and to learn to obey Him and keep His commandments, no matter what is going on around us, not loving our lives unto the death, but loving God even more than that.  This place is the place of perfect peace, and your connection to eternity. 

So don't fear what man can do unto you, and know that the only way any person, man, devil or otherwise, can take you is if GOD ALLOWS IT.  Have NO FEAR.  And don't fear these poisons coming at us from every direction.  As Jesus said before they crucified Him, "...this is your hour, and the hour of darkness," and so it is for the "powers that be" at this point.

They are in control of the money, resources, armies and weapons and during the tribulation no one will be able to make war against the beast.

God is allowing them to do their evil in fulfillment of prophecy, just as he allowed the Pharaoh during the days of Moses to do many things prior to his judgment and plagues.

But this, as with all of evil's seeming triumph's, will be short lived, and won't exceed the bounds of the tribulation:

Judgments will come, and an eternal damnation that will make what ever suffering they were able to cause us seem minuscule in comparison. 

So hold on tight.  It's going to be a wild ride.  Be led of God and trust Him with regard to these poisons they've put into the ecosystem.  No need to test Him though and try downing a gallon of bleach or something. 

Just trust Him that if others try to hurt you with deadly things that they will not harm you.  I pray that blessing upon you, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I will leave everyone with one warning, though.  Don't expect the provision of this protection if you're not keeping God's commandments. See John 14 for more.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Keep Marching On Instrumental Music Video

Here's another acoustic guitar based instrumental recorded in A432.
  It's called "Keep Marching On" and is meant to be an encouragement to God's people to keep moving onward through this time of earthly tribulation, remembering Jesus' words to us:

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

I hope you'll enjoy it and will most of all be encouraged and strengthened to keep walking forward down the straight and narrow road that leads to everlasting life, remembering that His yoke is easy and His burden is light!

You do you can download it for free at the reverbnation link below and come back and watch this video on YouTube, Bitchute or Odysee anytime you'd like.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Example of Covert Narcissist "Minister" Trying to Usurp Podcast's Message in Comment Section

I wanted to show an example of how "Christians" use passive aggressive and indirect messaging to throw a monkey wrench into the message being given on the podcast, to create a diversion from the message, and to also work in a canard (a veiled false accusation).

The "Minister" in question is Mike Marks, and here is his channel:

Right away one immediately notices the image of Jesus pinned to the cross as his banner.  (Oh wait, I stand corrected, Mark cleverly made sure there was no cross behind him, even though the position of the arms of the crown of thorns wearing man would indicate He is!) 

While this is artwork and not a graven image, it surely serves that same purpose and I consider this the breaking of the Second Commandment.  As well, we have no idea what Jesus looked like, and though the bottom of the face is cropped off here, there is enough to indicate his skin pigmentation, size, stature, hair length and color, etc., none of which we can know.  These "artistic" renderings serve to put an image of Jesus in our head that by default CANNOT BE TRUE.  When people take up these images into their minds, they are literally taking on a lie, and therefore are taking on demons (Satan is the father of lies).  

This right there shows that Mr. Marks is an imposter.

The podcast for which he commented was this one:

The intent of the podcast was to show from scripture that there would be times when we, as servants of God, must tell the Truth (as Jesus and John the Baptist did) without candy-coating and being syrupy sweet.  Mark, from his comment, seems to want to derail that message in the same way I describe in this podcasts that narcissists do when they want to divert the narrative.  Here's the comments and responses:

It is quite clear what this character's job was to do.

1. Undermine the message of the podcast.
2. Act like he was in agreement while still making arguments of an opposing viewpoint (as if I hadn't said many stipulations in the podcast that righteous indication must be justified and accomplished by NON-HYPCORITES).
3. Falsely accuse me of something that was entirely untrue.
4. Introduce excuses for IDOLATRY no less and justification for this evil on his own channel!!!

This is what we are dealing with in "the Church." Watch out for false teachers like Mike Marks, they are everywhere and on a mission.  Their sigils, as with his artwork, always betray them, but so does their behavior.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Speak Peace To The Storm Instrumental

Here's a simple acoustic recording of Doug's instrumental entitled "Speak Peace to the Storm," which is meant to be a song that not only brings peace but encourages listeners to do the prayer and spiritual warfare necessary against the forces of darkness (as Jesus did to the storm on the Galilee) in the power of the name of Jesus in order to bring peace to the storms of our lives rising during the tribulation period.  Jesus has given us all power over the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19).  Let's use it!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Jezebel's Last Stand in the Church Before Her FINAL JUDGMENT

Jezebels in the Church, I believe, are going to be out in full force now.  Their demons know their time is really short, in large part due to this prophecy, and they must make their final stand while they still have the strength.  Soon they will lie in the bed of languishing Jesus prophesied and they and their Ahab enablers will have lost all power to either help themselves or hurt God's people. 

This is because the judgments against those who call themselves Christians (as part of the seven Churches Jesus gives Word to in Revelation 2 and 3) will come upon them first before the rest of the world gets judged.  It is a true saying that how can God judge the world if He doesn't judge His own people?  The Jezebels who call themselves by the name of Jesus stand at the threshold of using up all the space He's given them to repent. Times up, ladies, and for those men who fell into their seduction and enabled Jezebel to rule God's people, your time is up as well.  Better repent as God's judgments are coming.  I suppose, according the prophecy, many won't and will receive that judgment.

What will Jezebel do in the meantime?  Of course, she will ratchet up her attempts to make sure she may usurp God's order in order to remain in power over men.  Just as Satan wants God's position at the top of the hierarchy, Jezebel wants man's position, well not just any man's position, but what she perceives to be the top man's position.  She wants to be a King, NOT JUST A QUEEN.  Humbling herself to the position of any less is not tenable in her eyes.

The Jezebel wants to lead, control and micromanage MEN (the stronger vessels) to be her slaves.  She wants to be honored, magnified, and put in position as the ultimate authority.

But if you look through the smoke, you will see she possesses no inherent abilities to lead anyone, much less men, because she is selfish and all about herself.  And of course, the further you clear the fog away you will see she has done nothing to minister to others but she has only used people as puppets to serve her whims and desires.  Jezebel will never be as Jesus desribed when he said, "...the chiefest shall be servant to all." She will always be as the chiefest expecting service from all, and that all shall obey her with complete and utter reverence.  Her track record will show she's done nothing in service to increase God's kingdom, but rather her own.

But this also means she must, by default, wreck anything that God is really doing: especially through his servants who happen to be men.

When Jezebel comes along or is in your life already, her demonically assigned job is to tear what God is doing through you DOWN and ultimately, to try to get your life SNUFFED OUT.   Jezebel of old KILLED the prophets of God (1 Kings 18), and as Satan's emissary she has come " steal, to kill and to destroy" (John 10:10).

She'll do so with a variety of methods.  She'll start with gaslighting and half lies, often through snide, calloused remarks, criticisms, etc., pointing out your flaws and weaknesses (whether they are or not, though many times they in part are), discrediting, minimizing, belittling, and indeed humiliating you so much so that the very thing you love and enjoy doing for the Lord you would be willing to lay it down and stop altogether.

This happened just yesterday on my channel in the comment section, but basically it was just a re-run of what had happened to me at the beginning of my walk with another Jezebel as well (more later).

But let's start with something you might call a "canard," which is a tactic Jezebels often employ in order to introduce lies, chaos and false accusation.

So Dangerous Diva (her very name announced her Jezebel narcissism to call herself a diva, and a dangerous one at that) starts out by saying I falsely accused someone of being a narcissist (which was related to someone else who had introduced a canard in the chat room: "Sunday Rossberg." My response was to her lying about what I said about women as leaders in a prior podcast, for which I bristled and told her so - you can hear exactly what I said here between 5:54 and 11:00: 

Dangerous Diva's job there was to continue the false accusation and slander against me that Sunday Rossberg had started, also through the canard-type methodology, as well as several other posters on the channel, including S C L (see at the bottom) and S070 on other another page.  

I encourage everyone to watch both videos and to show me how what I said is against God's order.  I am also using this blog to further clarify the truth about men and women in God's hierarchy so that there will be no confusion as to what is believed and taught through this ministry.  

As I said on the livestream, for those who don't like what I've said, the vast majority of the Church will allow women to take on any role (even though their master Paul says it's a shame for women to even even speak in the Church) and surely you can go to one of them and not harass this tiny ministry?  But then you wouldn't be fulfilling your Satanic assignment, would you?  You must try to destroy what God's servants are doing, there's no need to destroy the apostate churches in Satan's kingdom.  He's already got them.

And of course, then "Dangerous Diva's" (read" Evil Jezebel's) job was to belittle the music I was playing for the Lord by saying, "I also heard some off-key singing.  A little disappointed."

This is a pure Jezebel tactic, to attack the praise and worship for God, belittle the musician or singer, and make it seem small and pointless, that you're bad at it, and overall to try to get you stop praising God and from helping others to do so.

Believe me, I already know I am a j.v. musician and singer.  I know that with some regularity I can find myself not on pitch.  I spend hours each week practicing both the guitar and singing vocal drills just to be passable.  But I put myself through the possibility of being humbled (and indeed humiliated by the likes of her) playing live because I want to give God the praise and I immensely enjoy doing so, and if it can help bring a closer experience with God to just a couple other people than myself, then that's more than enough.  

As a side note, not to make excuses but live singing through the internet is extremely challenging, especially with all the compression that goes on that doesn't let through the whole spectrum of sound.  Not only that, but when you play live getting the mix right in the room to hear yourself properly is another difficulty.  Finally, live performance also involves some nerves that can negatively effect your breathing and vocal muscle control which can bring those dreaded pitch variances.  This is to be expected, so you train to try ameliorate it, but for most average singers it never goes away completely, but you can improve, which I have but it's always a work in progress.  Jezebel knows this, and she also knows the performer's confidence can be a fragile thing, so she strikes at it in dismissal and snarky-ness, and says, "a little disappointed" as if she's blowing off watching the episode as just a minor "ho-hum" waste of time so when others read her remark they will turn away as well.  She knew exactly what she was doing.  This is the nature of Jezebel.  Demonically, she's very clever.

But over the years I've learned how to combat the Jezebel/narcissist types who criticize the ministry or the music or what not.  Here's how I responded.  Yes, I'm being a bit snarky, too.  If someone shows themselves snarky, they get the snarky back.

So you see I went right to the reply of "since you're so much better, please show us all the work you've done and are doing to the Lord."  Another commenter called SCL (which I thought could be the same person - Jezebels all sound the same) - also lit into me on the same video (see below) and perhaps under the channel name S070 on other videos (again, they all sound the same).  I said the same thing to them.  They were fighting for women being able to lead men and yet they, as women, had absolutely nothing to show for themselves ministry wise!  How can you lead if you don't do anything? It's as if they think they don't have to lift a finger to be able to tell anyone else (men or women) what to do and to direct others as if they are the mouth of God Himself.

They want the outcome without earning it!  Like the feminists that want more woman CEO's of the Fortune 500 companies, but very few women have actually started and built companies where they themselves could earn the right to be CEO's by having been a part of the process.  They want the power and the money after they just come in and take over what someone else has already built!

This is a very similar phenomena with Jezebels in the Church.  They see an already built ministry and they get inside, attach themselves to the pastors, often overtaking them in sexual sin, and then pulling the strings from behind the scenes, not only destroy the pastors but the entirety of the flock!

Jezebels and Prima Donas don't want to lose their lives to save them, to put in the time, the fasting, the prayer, the humbling, all of what it takes for God to even raise you up as a ministry voice.  They want the Joseph becoming second in command story (Genesis 37-50) without the humbling slavery to Potiphar or the several year long stint in prison.  They want it all without the pain or the work!  THEY DESERVE IT!  This is the feminist/Jezebel spirit of this last day.  

But remember, the Jezebels outside of the Church will get more time to await their final judgment than those within.  The ones in the Church will get theirs first.  Better go back and read Revelation 2:20-22 "Christian" Jezebels.  Your time has come!

With regard to music, this isn't the first time the Jezebel spirit attacked what I was feeling led to do (and enjoying) in this regard. The first attack happened over twenty-five years ago.  I had a lady, perhaps well-meaning, but definitely operating in a demonic spirit, tell me that music was not my "anointing" and I should just let it be.

What's interesting was, and as I alluded to earlier, while I was and seemingly will always remain j.v. or second string at music, I loved it and I loved writing music for the Father.  So here I had a woman with a SUPER POWERED JEZEBEL spirit telling me to lay down something I loved doing, that I loved doing for the Father and His Son Jesus Christ! And she was telling me to STOP.  

What in the wild world of sports?  There's a lot of time in the day to do a lot of other activities, which could include much sin, malfeasance, and just plain wasting time (like watching television), so why would this lady want me to lay down something I could do with my time that would increase my personal glorification of God (even if no one else liked it?) as well as improve me as a person as I disciplined myself to learn new things musically and to expand and grow? I mean I was only 24 at the time. I may have not been that great, but I was so young, why would you try to stop such a rewarding activity in a person's life?

This is the personification of why a Jezebel can't lead anyone, much less a man.  She will inevitably reverse the reality.  She will tell you to do the wrong thing while stopping you from doing the right!

Do you know how dumb I was in my response though?  In a move of false humility I actually sold my guitar and gave up playing for quite some time after she said that, thinking I needed to be humble and recognize that my music pursuit was just self-serving.  I even started questioning if playing the guitar was evil in and of itself, primarily because this lady was my parent's age and was acting as a mentor and I thought she must know things that I can't so I listened to her, and ended up wasting several years of my life not fully enjoying making and playing music to the Lord, and worse still, not giving the Father the enjoyment that he missed out on from one of His children at least making an attempt to make something pleasing to Him. (During that time I also still had a little cheap guitar, and I would sometimes write songs in secret, but as soon as she was out of my life, dozens of songs resulted.)  I've repented of listening to her in this regard and still repent a thousand times.

And I needed to repent because in that sense I actually put this Jezebel before the Father.  I made her an idol by obeying her instead of what the Bible teaches about music: 

Psalm 66:1 Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious... 

Psalm 150:3-6 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

This lady who I had wrongly given the place of leadership to in my life had decided that my only purpose was deliverance ministry and that I should be doing that and/or writing about deliverance 24/7 and not waste my time with music.  In a way she was writing my death warrant because if all a person does is cast out demons and think or write about it with all of his free time, without reloading in praise and worship and experiencing the resulting joy, he will surely fall of weariness on the battlefield.

Being a soldier for the Lord in deliverance is an amazing thing, and something we all must practice, but even earthly soldiers must take breaks, refuel, reload, get their minds right or they end up breaking down and suffering ptsd.  

When David was fighting wars for the Lord what was He doing? Writing songs for Him!!!

So while in this ministry I have felt led to push everyone into practicing self-deliverance and to cast out demons for others, too, this can't be the sum total of your life.  You will lose your mind.  God never intended for your life to be stuck doing just one spiritual activity without anything else to occupy you.  He is a God of all creation and has given us many things to enjoy.  Only Satan would put you on an assembly line just doing one thing over and over again (spiritually speaking) until you get carpal tunnel and lose your mind in boredom or overwork.  No day is ever the same with God.  He is not boring.  He is not a cruel task master.  He is wonderful and glorious, all praise be to Him!

So this is the essence of where things go wrong when women take leadership over men. They ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN THAT POSITION AND THEY ARE NOT EQUIPPED TO HANDLE IT.  The woman came from the man (Genesis 1-3), not the other way around!

God even derided women leading men in Isaiah 3:12, saying:

As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

And it is this power over men that when women get it, because God never equipped women to manage men (especially on the micro level), they become tyrannical, controlling, manipulative and then take up the cause for Satan in a man's life, misleading the man even as did Eve in the garden when she handed Adam the forbidden fruit which she had already eaten herself.  Eve didn't say, "Oh, Adam! I can't believe I ate of the forbidden fruit, don't do it lest judgment come on you, too!" Nope, she handed it to Adam and drew him into sin.  This is man's first sin: hearkening to Eve to do the sin SHE HAD ALREADY DONE!  Instead, Adam should have rebuked her and had no part of it. 

Some of us men learn the hard way.  I know I have.  But I pray and believe I've learned to never do this again and I am not taking this mess from women any more.

Still, I must acknowledge the five or so women throughout the Bible, a book spanning six thousand years mind you, who were used as prophetesses, or as is the case with Deborah, also as a judge. The interesting thing about Deborah was that as a woman she knew what should have been her boundaries, even when Barak, the military leader did not:

To be noted here is that Deborah actually ASKS Barak, "Hath not the Lord God of Israel commanded, saying, Go and draw toward mount Tabor...?"  The implication here is that Deborah is giving Barak a confirmation of a word he may have already received at the mouth of some other prophet and that she is reinforcing it for Barak, who seemingly lacked courage in this matter, to in fact go ahead, do what God has already told you because God would be with him when he does.  

In my view, this is how it should work with men walking with God who already hear His voice: God's Word coming through a prophetess will serve as a CONFIRMATION of what GOD HAS ALREADY SAID so that out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

Then Barak responds, "If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go." Barak's lack of courage and faith to do this job (perhaps because he was not right with God and as a result didn't trust that God would stick with him) led to his belief that only if Deborah was with him they would win the victory. (I felt exactly the same with that mentor I mentioned above.  She had the wisdom I thought, I must trust in her if I expected to remain close to God. Little did I know back then that because of this upturning of what should have been I was farther from God than ever!)  It was flat out wrong for both Barak and me as men to do this.  Deborah also knew this to be true and responded, "I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honor; for the Lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman."

Why did Barak lose the honor of the victory to a woman?  Because he trusted in a woman (Deborah) to stand as the head and gave up his place of authority over the battle to her.  Barak himself upturned God's order here and put a woman where she wasn't supposed to be, at the scene of the battle and in essence leading the battle because Barak was following her!  This is not what God ordained. This was not Deborah's fault, it was Barak's!

And it is very often when men voluntarily relinquish their hierarchal position to women that they become less than what they are supposed to be, and being in such a condition God has no other option than to raise up women to do what those men wouldn't.  When men won't do their job, God will appoint faithful women.  And God will still appoint faithful women as prophetesses even when men are doing right.  And in these last days, with the laborers so few, there will be many women prophetesses.

And while women can and do prophecy, it's still not God's intention for women to rule men, as the Isaiah 3 passage reminds.

Jezebel women will bristle at what I've said here, but so be it.  But I will also say this again, women can prophecy and tell the truth.  Men should not discount every woman and every thing a woman says because there are times, biblically recorded, as was the case with Deborah, when women are given words DIRECTLY from God to deliver to the people.  

And we also must remember that the first ones to see Jesus after His resurrection were women, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.  They also reported it to the disciples and many of the disciples didn't believe the women!  That's on the men. Woman can still tell the truth and be messengers on behalf of God! And the Bible doesn't reveal that these men had any cause to think the two Mary's would just make up a story. Still, the fact that they were given the message to give to the disciples in no way gave women permanent headship over men, else why were no women called Apostles? Why are the twelve names on the twelve foundations f the new Jerusalem all men?

In essence, what Deborah and the two Mary's were sent to do did not make them the authoritative Queens over the men that Jezebels was so lustily covet, but they were simply messengers.

In fact, male prophets weren't kings either. Nor were they micromanagers or over much controllers of the people.  They simply were God's mouth piece.  In fact, a male king didn't even come along until Saul and as God told Samuel when the people asked for a king, they hadn't reject Samuel as prophet, but they had rejected God as King.  When someone places any one man or woman in the place of Jesus Christ (the King of Kings) over their lives, they have put a man in the place in which only God can reside.

Jezebel wants that place, just as Satan wants to be above God, Jezebel wants to be above ALL MEN as well as God.  She actually wants her place as a prophetess to be higher than that of the male prophets! That's the nature of her evil.

The Jezebel spirit will never allow a woman so possessed to accept any position where the woman sees herself as she really is and embraces the humility necessary even to be a prophetess of God.

I think about why the two Mary's got to be the first ones to see Jesus.  They were in the ultimate position of humility, they were going to care for and spice what they thought was HIS DEAD BODY!  That has to be one of the most humbling things to do, to deal with a corpse, and they were willing to do it!  They were in the position of servant hood, doing a "foot washing" level activity.  

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander in the sense that if you, as a woman, want to be used of God as His messenger, you have to do all the same things God required of his male disciples:

1. If you want to save your life, you must LOSE IT!
2. You must be willing to live off of what God provides even if that means what you might perceive to a meager amount.
3. If you want to be great, you must humble yourself as a child and be servant to all.
4. You must no seek to have dominion and control over others.
5. You must be willing to endure the flack that comes your way for telling the truth, and indeed, even die for the truth.

This is what's required of all of God's prophets, ministers and even just flat out Believers. Jezebel, on the other hand, thinks she is exempt of all of this.  She will be served and catered to, she will be QUEEN, and she will state her edicts, things will be her way, and you will like it.  And what you're doing for God, well, it just flat out sucks and you should just stop.  That's Jezebel in a nut shell.  

Coming full circle, it's this behavior that Jezebel must repent for, coupled with her leading men and women to eat things sacrificed to idols (which Paul did as well 1 Corinthians 8) and to commit fornication.  The fornication is not just sexual (though she will be deeply involved in that) but also spiritually adutlerous behavior against God by causing herself to become your little g goddess when you obey her and her demons in the stead of Christ.  Jesus warns that He gave her space to repent and she would not.  I'm not sure if that means every one with this spirit won't, but man, if I were one of these women, I would do everything in my power to get it right.  An eternity in the smoldering lake of fire will not be a good outcome.  Better lose your life to save it.  Better humble yourself because after pride comes destruction.  

I'll finish with some screen shots of the other lying Jezebels for your perusal. I know many of you will think, "Doug, you're just wasting your time even engaging with them." Most of the time, you're right.  But I felt led to dig in on these and went with it.  It's not a lot of fun to engage with gaslighting liars, of which one had already admitted to still lying in another comment section, but I had to, perhaps just for evidence of how they work for this blog.  

The guy below, Robert, was spamming my channel with many ad hominems and is why I really lit into him. Also, the arguments that the covering Paul referred to is just hair is so historically inaccurate so as to be a farce. But everyone cherry picks and reads Paul however they want to.

Here S C L, gives Robert the pass and apologizes for me, as if I did something wrong.  But really she's mad about what the Bible teaches about women and is blaming me.  Just looking for a place to try to trip me up like and good Jezebel should.  

Of course, S C L and Dangerous Diva, neither one, showed me anything they were doing for Christ, because their job is to just go around and knock the legs out from under the people of God who are already doing so, to steal, kill and destroy them.  Well their judgment is coming, and indeed, is already here at the door.  I pray they repent, but we will have to see about that.  What Jesus has to say about Jezebel makes it appear they won't.