Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Defining God Just However Ol' Way We Want

I find it rather interesting that when man was created God said,

What's interesting about this statement, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." (aside from plural possessive "our" being used, to indicate the Father and the Son in my view), is the fact that so many people who call themselves Christians do the exact opposite: they make God to conform to their own image and do not have a single concern about what He is really like.

Each one builds his "little g" god to suit himself and thereby ignores the real and living God and what He really is and expects.

It's as if the "Believer" enters into a completely narcissistic one sided relationship where only he decides and defines God and His attributes without getting to know God at all.  Super easy way to approach it.  You don't have to get to know anything at all about Him, and since you define this god you're creating, he can be anything you want.  Talk about building an idol.

The best metaphor would be if, say, for example, you met a 6'4" male with dark hair and brown eyes and then described him to yourself and others as a 5'3" female with blonde hair and blue eyes.  Describing the 6'4" male with the characteristics of the female doesn't make it so, and the lie itself would be offensive to the one so falsely being described.  Who wants to be thought of in a way that isn't true?  Narcissistic abuse victims know all about this.  Doing the same thing to God is even more narcissistic.

Is it any wonder that if we define our own Maker in any old way we want, why then, we can just decide what we are, too, even when our new definition isn't true?.  Born a man but want to define yourself as a  woman?  Why not?  

But I digress and return to the main point: we can not just decide who God is and expect it to be so or expect Him to just to acquiesce to these wishes.

But such is the way people approach a faith in God.  They cherry pick the characteristics they want to apply to God to suit themselves, and invariably these characteristics also suit the sins they want to continue to commit.

Want to celebrate pagan holidays like Saturnalia, Sol Invicta, and Nimrod reincarnated as a fur tree and call it the birth of Jesus, though there is no way He was even born in the winter?  Go ahead, the god you created could care less.  

Want to apply the resurrection of Jesus Christ to spring equinox celebration revolving around a merciless goddess of fertility and war named ashtaroth or Ishtar and blend its satanic paganism with the worship of the God who says to "have no other gods before" Him?  Why not, go ahead.  Your god, "knows your heart" and your real intentions.  But I hear the Lord, "You honor me with your lips but your hearts are far from me."

Want to celebrate the sabbath on the pagan sun god's first day sabbath and change God's Sabbath from the Fourth Commandment's definition of it being the seventh day, well, hey man, your god accepts it just fine.  There is no Sabbath.  Every day is the Sabbath.  Why would Jesus warn to "pray that your flight be not on the Sabbath day" during the tribulation if He planned to do away with it?  Oh, that's right, you define God and His feelings on matters and don't really care what He thinks.

If you read about God in the Bible you will find He is deeply offended by paganism, because that means you are celebrating demons and even Satan himself.

You are literally cheating on God with the devil when you do these things, but again, the god you created in your mind sees that you have good intentions in what you're doing so it's all good, even though He's forbidden these practices in every generation through ALL of His prophets.

But again, Jesus spoke it well when quoting Isaiah, "You honor me with your lips but your heart is far from me."

Want to live with a "partner" and have sex without a lifelong commitment? (I'm not even saying to get married with a state certificate.) Why not, God will overlook it.  Even though adultery and sex outside of marriage are strictly forbidden.

Still, your god will be alright with it.

But the point is the God of the Bible who created those Ten Commandments and the rest of the Law found in the Torah will not.  And it's by these commandments you will be judged.

The writings of Paul may indicate to you otherwise, but this is not what Jesus came to teach and preach to us.  Jesus said not one or jot or tittle would be done away with in the law until heaven and earth pass and all will be fulfilled.  He said the person who teaches the law shall be considered great in the kingdom of heaven, the one who opposes it, the least.  He never said we couldn't keep the law, even though the writings attributed to Paul and the book of Acts attest that keeping the law is impossible.   Jesus never once said that. He said, "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak," but He never once said keeping God's commandments was not in our power.  And how much so is in our power now that we've been filled with His Holy Spirit?

But the Bible we've been given, in this sense, as far as Acts and the epistles go, has been corrupted.  This all started with Marcion, who was the first to aggregate together the epistles of Paul, or at least ten of them.  And even though in his day Marcion was branded a heretic, those who later pulled together what became our New Testament used Marcion's New Testament as a starting point.

But Marcion, in his own words, hated the God of the First (some call "Old") Testament and said He was not the same God as the one who sent Jesus Christ.  That God, who sent Jesus Christ, according to Marcion was the "Supreme Being" and had nothing to do with what he saw as the tyrannical God of the First Testament.

This means that the apostles' writings, that is, the writings of the disciples who were actually with Jesus, were in his view heretical, unusable.  They, according to him, were too blinded to know that it was not the God of the First Testament who sent Jesus you see.  Marcion knew better. In fact, Marcion said that Paul was the ONLY APOSTLE and what we know as the REAL APOSTLES were DISQUALIFIED, and that Paul's gospel as defined in Galatians was the only true gospel, and as Galatians says, anyone who preaches another gospel than his is cursed.  

But if the true apostles of Christ were disqualified, then why this honor bestowed them in the New Jerusalem?

There's no mention of Paul there, right?  Why doesn't he get his name on one of the foundations if the gospel he brought was so integral?  His name is not there because the gospel he brought was a flat out lie.

And how on earth did he so take over and redefine the gospel of Christ? Satan's servant Marcion started it, and the Roman as well as the masonic mainline denominations and false movements (such as prosperity gospel, charismatics, NAR, etc.) keep it going to do this day.

Most Christians have had very little of the true gospel preached to them.  They have all the words of Jesus right there in the Bible  but Paul's writings override His words as far as their concern, just as they did in Marcion's day.  In fact, most churches do just as Marcion, and exclude the teaching Jesus encouraged us to teach from the First Testament. 

But no matter that we have this evil in our Bible, and we most certainly do have evil in it in Acts and the epistles, it is up to us by the power of the Holy Spirit of Truth to see the contradictions and dig deeper than we ever have for the Truth, to figure out that our only Savior is Jesus Christ and it is His gospel we are accountable to, and no one else's, and especially not that of the epistles or of our own person definitions that exclude the Truth about who and what God really is.

If we don't, then all we have is another definition of God that isn't real.  We are describing the 6'4" male as a 5'3" female.  All the describing and the writing and the preaching that it is so DOES NOT MAKE IT SO.  Not only does it do a disservice to the Truth but it is offensive to the very God we claim to serve.

If you can't see that what Jesus and the works attributed to Paul (as well as Acts) taught are two completely different and contradictory things, I beg of you to dig deeper.  Don't just stay on the surface in the shallow end.  You must go deeper to find these truths. This is the only way the Church itself, the Body of Christ, can prepare itself for the return (after the tribulation) of our Savior.  

We must get ourselves ready and seek to be pure even as He is pure. The only way to become so is to love Him by keeping His commandments.  If you're not doing so, you can't know God.  You know some aberration of Him that just isn't true.  You must come into line with the Truth about who God is and recognize all the lies we've been told, even since the Church began.  

Our minds must be cleared of the lies so that God's Holy Spirit can lead us into all truth.  I pray you will decide to do this today, that you will stop trying to define God as you want Him to be, or believe words and teachings that are contrary to Jesus Christ, but to let the Truth of who He is be revealed in your life so that you may be called part of His kingdom and actually know how to serve Him.  Until then, that is, if you continue to serve your own definition of Him rather than who He really is, you will actually be serving devils.  Time to make this right.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Cutting the Internet Cord Completely | How Soon Should We Do So?

Just as I sat down to start this blog, about fifteen minutes ago, I did exactly what the point of this blog is: I got distracted by my subscription and home feeds on YouTube and watched several meaningless videos.  

Fifteen minutes gone that I will never get back.  And this is only a minor flaw of constantly being connected, that is, the waste of time, but the real point is the programming aspect of being connected.

The social media “controllers” are expecting certain pavlovian responses to our using their products and are utilizing algorithms and a.i. that track our propensities and take advantage of them to keep us perpetually plugged in.

They understand well that their sites manipulate one’s dopamine levels through the attention and responses we get from posts, and as with all things that trigger pleasurable dopamine responses, they know that this becomes very addictive.  

But as Chamath Palihapitiya, a former Facebook founder, explains in this video from 2017, this addiction has led to so many people living “virtual lives” that social media is, “ripping apart society.”

Palihapitiya calls for a hard break from social media, saying, “We are in a really bad state of affairs right now, in my opinion.  It is eroding the core foundations of how people behave, by and between each other. I don’t have a good solution.  My solution is I just don’t use these tools anymore.  It’s created huge tension with my friends, huge tensions in my social circles.  It’s weird, I just innately did not want to GET PROGRAMMED.”

And the programming that was done by Facebook then is mild in comparison to what they are doing now.  They are trying to catchup to the virtual reality of video games that the younger generations have found so mesmerizing and have created one of their own.

So Facebook has changed it’s name to “Meta,” and has begun the creation of their version of a “metaverse.”  Not to be outdone, Bill Gates company Microsoft is doing the same thing. 

This is a pretty long video done by Truthstream Media on YouTube, but it digs deep into what the metaverse represents and the intention of driving mankind further into this world and out of reality, to the point of even considering personal physical belongings as unnecessary.  Everything you need is in the unreal world and you need no possessions or property in the physical realm.  The elite controllers GET ALL OF THAT.

It is clear the trap has been laid for us to be placed in a virtual world and stuck there, unable to escape because the preponderance of the population will enter this new world and find they enjoy it there more than reality.  Because the reality created in the real world now IS AWFUL for the reasons not needed to be enumerated because we all are experiencing it.

But the metaverse will be a place where you can DO ANYTHING, including kill, commit adultery, lie, cheat, and most of all WORSHIP the devil and his beast.  But it will also be a place where you can have everything you want in the forms of bits and bytes that don’t really exist.  The poor will be “rich” there, even though in reality they have nothing but their virtual reality glasses and a 400 square foot one room flat while their health is eviscerated through lack of real world exercise and movement and by the kill poisons every one is ingesting through the corrupted food, water, air, and so called medicines we take.

You might say, however, that most people like us don’t use social media and are on the internet mostly to glean information.  I might argue that in a similar way we, too can be addicted to the quick answers we can find at our fingertips to the many questions we have.

We spend hours sifting through the chaff of misinformation to get to the grains of Truth we can find on YouTube, Brighteon, Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, etc., in effort to find the small measure of truth we seek to get confirmation in our hearts for what the Holy Spirit is telling us.  But is this searching for confirmation even necessary?  At what point do we trust the Holy Spirt in our lives to not have to prove out everything He’s showing us?

And secondarily, at what point does the seeking of that confirmation get outweighed by the potential cost and dangers of using a system that’s set up as a trap?

How long until the benefits of the information we glean from the internet become just too small in comparison to the amount of programming we are incurring?  Are we succumbing to our need for knowledge and understanding so much so that we expose ourselves to Satan’s devices to degrees that we don’t even realize, and that we, too, have been programmed, at least to some degree?

I’ve been asking myself these questions as I have felt the Lord leading me since September in the idea of “going analog,” of being more present in the real world, of being part of groups of people who gather in person to worship God and to discuss the things of Him.

But I have tremendous trepidation about this as well, as many of us do.  We’ve been in so many relationships where betrayal has been the norm, it’s hard to imagine a situation where we are in groups where there won't be yet other narcissist/jezebels “poised to pounce” and destroy our lives.  We intrinsically think, “If it happened before, it can certainly happen again.”

And this idea of being in agreement, as even God asks in Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” leads us to wonder is it even possible to be in complete agreement on the things of God with other people?  And if we’re in disagreement on something, is the point minor enough to allow for continued fellowship?

I have a new friend I would like to do ministry with but one area in which we disagree is that he doesn’t believe we are accountable to the Torah’s dietary laws. Does that mean we can’t do ministry together? Is this a minor point that we can overlook or a major one?  We agree on so many other issues that the rest of the Church disagrees about, but is this issue too big for us to overcome?

As I write about it I begin to think, yes, it is too big, because if Jesus said, “until heaven and earth pass, not one jot or tittle will be done away with until all is fulfilled,” then how in this way is my friend following Jesus?

Still, do we give some grace in these areas of disagreement and give God a chance to use our example to help lead others out of where they have diverged from the Truth?  

Also, if we, ourselves, are wrong about something, do we have the courage and humility to self examine?

This sidetrack about the issue of the levitical diet is not necessarily to start a discussion or debate about this matter, although it is needed, but to point out just one of the myriad of biblical issues that can separate us from one another.

How can we even form small groups of ten, much less bigger ones, when there are so many potential points of contention?

Another question is begged: how large of groups will be able to be established in these last days any way?

I don’t imagine God gathering all the true Believers in one place as He did when leading the Hebrews out of Egypt into the wilderness.  But the wilderness where we will be hidden during the second half of the tribulation will be many of us in small to medium sized groups scattered and hidden across the face of the earth.

But those of us that are True Followers of Christ that will be together in these groups will need to be in one accord.  God will be doing many miracles for us, and we will need to be and remain sanctified, and at the very least, humble and repentant.  We have to get it right just to be part of the two olive trees, the two candlesticks, that are not so out of sorts in terms of our obedience to Christ that we don’t even have the opportunity to take part in this protection, or in being one of those with the honor of being beheaded for Christ and then to be resurrected and return with Him to rule and reign for the millennial reign.

The entire sum of the tribulation is to lead us to get right with God.  To take the focus off this world as we lose all attachment to it, and to focus on Him, and on what it truly means to be part of the group that, “keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

But getting back to our main question, what does this mean for us and our use of the internet, even as a tool?  Are we succumbing to our desire for information and knowledge even as Eve did in the garden of Eden as she gave into this temptation and partook of the forbidden fruit, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good end evil?

At what point do we cut the umbilical cord completely and trust our connection to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit for all the information and truth we need?  

I ask these questions of myself.  As many listeners to the podcast know, this idea has been on my heart for many months, that is, the idea of going analog, of beginning to produce paper tracts, pamphlets, booklets and books, or producing thumb drives with music, podcasts and writings that can be distributed.  But it’s also occurred to me that it’s unlikely that John the Baptist and Jesus were producing any “materials” to give people.  They just preached the Word in public and the Word did what it was supposed to do.  

And so, I’m asking all these questions now, not even knowing myself the full scope of the answers.  I’m feeling led to say that soon we will need to completely cut those internet cords, to even get rid of our phones that track us, and to learn to live again in the physical realm.  

It is not without some hesitation on my part that I say these things.  I’m not going to lie, I enjoy having an internet ministry.  I like the distance it naturally puts between me and others, where they can take what I say or leave it, where there are not so many personal conflicts created by what I feel led to preach.  I just live my life.  I have real life concerns of being part of a group that I mentioned above and I think God is going to have to continue to work on me to prepare me for whatever role I take within any real world, in-person, group dynamic. 

My friend I mentioned before, he has even started purchasing tools that require no power, because at some point even our electric will be cut off.  Solar may not be reliable as we will no longer be able to get the replacement batteries and parts that so easily break, so he wants to be able to live without any thing that requires power.

He essentially has a prepper mentality which I appreciate, but as applies to what we are talking about here, his thinking with regard to the potential lack of access to electricity confirms what I am feeling about the internet and our computers, phones and gadgets.  We should prepare now not to have them and pray to God about what to do in the meantime?  We need to seek His leadership as to how long we stay on the internet which his so evidently controlled by Satan and his minions.

We also need to be truly led of the Lord with regard to who in the real world we associate closely with and who we make plans with.  If you lose your peace about someone and it consistently remains so, I would say you should break free.  If someone rejects you, rejection is protection.  Don’t be afraid to be alone, but at the same time, don’t force your own isolation through self-protecting so much that you avoid any participation in the smallish groups that God will be bringing together in order that we might help one another.

We are so close in the timeline to all of this.  We truly need to make ourselves right with God first so that we can love His children.  And we need to be ready to change from getting our fellowship from the internet to that of the real world.  We need to get back to working on interacting with others without television or internet to distract from that.  We need to be able to go deeper with the right people than many of us have been in these last years, but we still need to do so in such a way that the lessons we’ve learned about wolves in sheep's clothing among us don’t get ignored or laid aside just to be in a group.

May God bring us together in His families and may we be able to obey Jesus’ command to love one another, and to show that love by obedience to God’s commandments while also recognizing Satan's spies who may try to lurk among us. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Don't Be Caught Dead a Pagan "Christian"

People who call themselves Christians die every day.

Men and women who often have given much of themselves, who laid down their lives for their version of the Gospel and who helped others with food, shelter and clothing, and cared for others in a generally empathetic way: donating their money, time and spiritual resources to the maximum.

They’ve also prayed for others and seen healing and even deliverances from demons.

And yet at their deaths they don’t inherit eternal life.


The Gospel is so simple, how did they miss it?

They missed it because they would not let go of the traditions of man that have superseded God’s Word and they failed to honor God’s commandments.

In fact, it's a type of narcissistic abuse the way most "Christians" have treated God in committing spiritual adultery with demons through pagan practices for which they gaslight God and act like they've done nothing wrong, and then blame Him when things go wrong for them, but more on this later.

Indeed, many of the dead honored Christ with their lips, but their hearts were far from Him.

“How?” you ask? “How were their hearts far from Him when it seemed their lives were completely given over to service to Him?”

Jesus said the requirement plainly, “If ye love me, keep my commandments,” and there was no love for Him if this didn’t happen, even if they did many "good works" in service to others.

This is why He said to those who would come before Him and site their service to Him,

“I never knew you, ye that work iniquity.”

The iniquity was not their service, it was the lack of the honoring of His commandments and the lack of repentance or change from having not done so that led to this.

Obedience is better than sacrifice 1 Samuel tells us.

It is in this scenario when someones “works” actually turn into filthy rags, when he’s living in disobedience and yet still doing the seemingly good works.

This was king Saul’s claim when he disobeyed God but still did part of what God had asked.  Saul felt like he had done enough, but he left out the most important part, the obedience.  God did not want those animals sacrificed, but everything killed, and instead Saul gave into the people and did it the way they wanted and not the way God had commanded (1 Samuel 15).  

And this is often the biggest problem with Christians who end up phonies.  They want to “go with the flow,” or follow the majority.  If Noah had done that, he wouldn’t have boarded the ark with only seven other people.  He would have joined the vast majority of the rest of humanity and seen the destructive force a world wide flood.

But the people of God must not “go with the flow,” because as Jesus pointed out, the majority are simply on the broad road that leads to destruction and many there be that find it, but the narrow road of righteousness, there are few on that road.

So when it comes to the false Sunday “Sabbath,” they just go with the flow and thereby break the 4th commandment which states the seventh day twice.

When the pagan winter solstice party comes around each year called Christmas, they follow after heathen practices and call it Christian.  This God warned us not to do in Jeremiah 10:2 where he said, “Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen.”

They do the same every spring equinox as they honor Astaroth, I mean Ishtar, I mean Easter, another false pagan celebration Christianized by the 4th century “Church” at Rome that became Catholicism, all in the face of entire sum of scriptures that rails on pagan practices.

Same with the celebration Valenties or Samhain (Halloween) or “St.” Patrick’s Day.  All hogwash pagan celebrations that many who call themselves Christians do without conscience or consciousness of the matter.

What's interesting is that the Book of Revelation clearly rebukes idolatry and idolatrous feasting.

As well, the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ makes it clear that idolaters inherit the lake of fire that burns with brimstone forever.

The only ones who enter into life are they "that do his commandments, that they have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates of the city. But, sadly, so many who call themselves Christians are practicing HEAVY AMOUNTS of idolatry through the pagan "traditions of men" that have overwhelmed what calls itself "the Church."

Blind, deaf and dumb.  But they think if they just fulfill the call to feed the hungry (physical food, not the true Word of God which is the real Bread of Life), provide shelter and some self-defined method of serving God that never leads to obedience to His commands, then they’ve done their part.

Unfortunately, they missed the real point of the Gospel entirely.  They’ve been taught a half-gospel that in its fractional approach becomes a false gospel.  They don’t believe or know the real or full Truth.  The phony grace/faith only gospel covers up and hides what Jesus actually came teaching, that not one jot or tittle of the law would be done away with until heaven an earth pass and all is fulfilled.  

Do you see also that he says, "whosoever shall DO AND TEACH THEM, the same shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven."?  Jesus commands us to do and teach THE LAW!

And, He gives us the power by the Holy Spirit is to keep His Word, His commandments, to follow after Him.  

The only part of the law that has been fulfilled or done away with by the shedding of His blood was any more need of the sacrifice of animals: 

Or of the need for a temple and consequently the need for a levitical priesthood because we have become the temples of God.  

And we are the kings and priests of these temples.  We manage them and define what goes in and out.  We keep out the devils from these temples and make it hospisitaple to God through OBEDIENCE to His Word.  

And we have to vigorously and indeed, violently, defend these temples from the demonic realm, even as Jesus made the whip of cords to cast out the wicked out of the temple in Jerusalem.

If His word abides in us then we ABIDE in Him.  His Word abiding in us means respecting the Word, honoring the Word by following after it, by obeying.  It’s so simple.

We show our love through this obedience in the same way a child would his parents by obeying what they ask him to do.  A defiant disobedient child is in no way loving of his parents, and such is the case with us.

And this is why so many people who call themselves Christians are blind and have never experienced the real presence of God in their lives.  They were never taught to look at their lives in the bright light and mirror of God’s commandments in order to be able to see that repentance is required and that it is necessary to make things right.

They go on with this idea that Christ did it all for me and God forgives all my sins past, present and future.  There is a seed of truth in this idea, but the sins that are forgiven us are the ones for which we “repent” and make it right.  

I often pray, and lead others to do so as well, that God would show me any hidden sins of ignorance so I can make that right with Him, so that I might draw even closer.  Even in our daily walk it is necessary to acknowledge that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, to realize that sin can still get in our lives, that we daily have to lay down this propensity, to deny the flesh and the demons sent to tempt and torment us.

All it requires is that we be honest with God about what’s going on in our minds and heart.  As Jesus said, we must worship the Father, “in Spirit and in Truth.” God already knows what’s wrong and is willing to forgive us, why wouldn’t we approach Him this way?

But the problem in the Church is people are hyper fixated on sins of the flesh, such as sexually related sins, or sins related to drugs and alcohol or of theft and honesty toward each other.  These are the sins covered by the last six commandments. But we absolutely ignore the first four and especially that of the first three with regard to how we treat and respect God Himself.

Have no other gods before me He says in the first.  Basically, don’t cheat on me with other gods, don’t serve them. Love me first in front of everything and deny all other suitors. 

The second says not to even make ANY GRAVEN IMAGE, of anything in heaven above or the earth beneath or the sea below.  Does that about cover anything from the spiritual or physical world?  He does not want us making any images, especially those used in our places of worship.

How on earth do we have crosses then?  How do we images of angels and cherubim, of Jesus and Mary, of all the dead “Saints”?  How is this possible when right there in the commandments, the second one no less, it is quite clear.  DON’T EVEN MAKE ONE!!!

Why not? Because we cannot associate our invisible God with things made with man’s hands!  We cannot lower him to this level.  He is greater than anything from the physical world.

Look here at all the Biblical references I could find to idols and graven images where God spoke so vehemently against the practice.  How can anyone not understand who has read the whole of the Bible that this is a serious issue of eternal importance?

You see, we have a spiritual, and yet invisible, relationship with God.  We are made one with Him spiritually speaking and with His Son Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, who is sent to us without measure when we ABIDE IN HIS WORD!

But sadly, what calls itself the Christian Church is really a cesspool of demonic sun, genitalia and sex worship.  It is LITERALLY MODERN PAGANISM and is why God cries out, “Come out of her my people and be not partaker of her sins!”

God’s judgment is coming on all of this and all mixtures of paganism in "Christianity" is being subject to this judgment.  This is no joke.

No idolater has any part with God in eternal life.  As stated at the onset, Revelation makes this clear twice.

So when I hear about people who die and have done a false "Christian" version of paganism their entire "Christian" lives and everyone just assuming that person is in heaven, my head shakes.  How can this Bible be true when the so called follower of Christ did not even obey Him?  All I can see is the person standing before God and getting railed on like Saul did for his defiance of God’s command toward him.  And them crying, "Lord, Lord!" and Jesus responding, "Did I ever know you? Were you ever obedient?  Why did you live a life of absolute and utter defiance?  Why did you always do things your, and by default, Satan's way? Why did you cheat on me with devils?"

And sincerely, that's what it is: spiritual adultery.  Literal fornication with devils. When you think of it that way you can understand why God is reticent to receive a person who practiced paganism their whole lives.  If you were married and your spouse cheated in front of your face day in day out the entire marriage, would you want anything to do with him/her?

And that's why the pagan false "Christians" require a grace only, once saved always saved, gospel.  Because they never stop sinning and just expect Jesus to overlook all this spiritual sex with demons.

But Jesus requires we show our love to Him by remaining loyal to His commandments.  This is how we know we are right with Him, when we are sorry and repent for having done so and make a sincere effort to not do so again.  If we do return to the breaking of a particular commandment, we repent AGAIN and make it right AGAIN.

This is no joke.  As we've sited, there shall be many that say to Jesus, “Lord, Lord, but we have done many wonderful works in your name!” to whom He responds, “I never knew you, ye that work iniquity!”

This is a big deal.  We can be sure that paganized false "Christians" weren’t without warning during their lives.  People were sent who kept God’s Word who said, “Hey, this is what the Word says, don’t ignore this…” and the pagans just scoffed or blew the Word Believers off as quacks or cult members.  

And as a bit of an aside, this is the MAJOR REASON why two cults, Seventh Day Adventist and Jehovah's Witnesses, have been created to abscond with these truths to in effect cause the remainder of the Church to continue these pagan practices.  The pagan practitioners see that these two organizations both falsely predicted Jesus' return in the 1800's and aren't to be trusted.  I believe now that the false predictions were done on purpose in order to alienate other Believers with regard to the truths about the Sabbath and paganism in the Church.

What's really at stake here is that this part of the Church that never learned true repentance, because they are unrepentant, whether they call on the name or Christ or not, they are blind.  We must repent and put sin aside to have our eyes opened.  The more we repent and make things right, the more clearly we see.

It’s like wearing glasses with mud all over them.  Your blind at first but then as you repent, bit by bit, the mud gets wiped away.  In the beginning, everything is still a little blurry but at least you can see something.  As more of your sins are revealed and you repent for each one, more of that mud is wiped away more and more until, finally, the lenses are clear and you begin to see everything as it really is.  

This is why when you feel led to tell someone in the paganized "Church" some truth, they often have trouble seeing it at all.  Too much mud on their vision.  If they can’t receive the first thing you tell them, there’s not much else you can expect to get them to see (unless God leads you).  

This is why Jesus said of the Pharisees and Saducees, the false religious leaders of His day, to “let them alone, they be blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind lead the blind they shall both fall into a ditch.”

There’s only so much arguing that can be done because they refused to hear nor to seek God from the very books they hold up in their hands with great frequency.

But this also shows the evil of the epistles attributed to Paul and the false and contradictory to Jesus gospel those epistles promote.  They tell you that adhering to the law is a fallacy and that it’s only by grace you are saved (Galatians).  That there’s nothing you can do except to accept what Jesus did on the cross.  That by faith only are ye saved “lest any man should boast.” While it’s true that we are only saved by the shedding of Jesus’ precious blood, the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly teaches that we are accountable to the commandments, to His Word, and the works of that is obedience to those commandments.

Not to men’s traditions, but to the Word of God.

Satan’s biggest trick was to teach men that once they're saved that they won’t be able to stop sinning or to make the right choices in life, that their flesh will always control them.  But Jesus taught the woman caught in adultery to “Go and sin no more,” and said, “Be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.  

It possible for us to choose to be in agreement with God and His commandments.

Enoch did it.  Noah, too.  Abraham.  Deborah. Samuel, Nathan, Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Elijah, etc. and etc.  They made the choice to serve God, even before the Holy Spirit began to make His abode in humanity.

David served God, made a huge mistake, and restored (not without consequences).  We can do so as well.

Joshua declared, “Choose you this day who you will serve…” and it is a choice, a choice to deny sin, the pet sins, the flesh, the demonic entities who want to cause us to shame our walks, to shame God, to turn our backs on Him.

This is what we must do.  And it starts with the simplicity of the Ten Commandments and the desire to love God with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength and our neighbors as ourselves.  And in so doing, we will seek to line up our lives with those Ten Commandments, to start.  This will take care of so many of the issues in our lives that are ancillary to the Ten.

We get rid of any other focus of worship than God. We destroy anything physical we associated with serving Him and get rid of it.  We stop taking His name in vain and serve Him with reverential fear.  We honor the Sabbath on the seventh day, resting and thinking on the things of God while we do.  We honor and respect our parents.  We don’t kill or hate or take vengeance. We don’t steal.  We don’t lie. We don’t covet what’s not ours.  We don’t commit adultery.  

Unfortunately so many who call themselves Christians are breaking at least four of these commandments every day (or every week in regard to the Sabbath). 

They don’t honor the Sabbath and if they do they honor the Sabbath for the sun they worship instead of God.  

They have every kind of graven image you can imagine, but especially crosses, the instrument on which our Lord WAS MURDERED!  A “memento mori” which means you must remember that death awaits.  And most people don’t know the cross comes from and Egyptian ankh which represent the female genetlia being penetrated by the male.  Do you see the blasphemy.

And that’s just the beginning.  The little fish symbols people put on their cars is nothing more than a vesica pisces which also represents the female genetalia.  And this is why the so called “Christian” Church is so feminized because it worships the “feminine divine.” It worships Astaroth or Ishtar and serves her.  And it does so to retain its "spiritual" erection in fornication with the feminine demonic deity, to maintain its boner!  This is why there are steeples which are nothing more than obelisks (the erect phallis of the sun god Ra) on their roofs going into crosses (the female genitalia).  This represents the sex act and is literally pornography. 

So my question to you is, do people who say they serve Christ in these places and with these representations of such utter blasphemy and defiance of God’s Word get into the everlasting kingdom?  How?  How can the Bible be true if they do???  I’m deadly serious about this question.  How, how, how can the Bible be true if people who are in idolatry are saved???

The question remains: what if they’re ignorant of their idolatry?  Will that get them off the hook? Not if the Book of Hosea is true.  God says,

Do you see?!  There is no getting off the hook for a people who have His Word in hand more so than at any other time in history and just plain ignore what it says, or gloss over it with a false gospel started by Marcion in the second century!  This is such a big deal.  This is life or death! Eternal life or death!  This is no joke!!! We must get it right.

My question is what kind of people don’t search these matters out for themselves? Selfish and self-centered ones, narcissists, jezebels, the type of people who don’t care about anyone or anything but themselves.

And being in such a state, how can they be expected to get outside of themselves enough to wonder about God and what He wants?  They could care less.  Yes, they give Him lip service in a religious sense, but without obedience to Him their works are indeed as filthy rags.

I beg each and every one of us, including me, I beg of us to seek God in prayer and in the reading of His word, to pursue what ever wedges of sin may be in our lives, whatever breaking of God’s Word we may be holding onto, and to repent and let it go and to adopt obedience to Him.

We know we are His children by the longing we have to please Him that abides in us in all things. We know we do so when we keep His commandments.  We even know that we love others when we keep His commandments. We must get the focus off of even helping others until we get the order right, that is we search out God’s Word and line up our lives with it through true repentance.  Then and only then will our works for others turn into crowns rather than filthy rags.