Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Example of Covert Narcissist "Minister" Trying to Usurp Podcast's Message in Comment Section

I wanted to show an example of how "Christians" use passive aggressive and indirect messaging to throw a monkey wrench into the message being given on the podcast, to create a diversion from the message, and to also work in a canard (a veiled false accusation).

The "Minister" in question is Mike Marks, and here is his channel:

Right away one immediately notices the image of Jesus pinned to the cross as his banner.  (Oh wait, I stand corrected, Mark cleverly made sure there was no cross behind him, even though the position of the arms of the crown of thorns wearing man would indicate He is!) 

While this is artwork and not a graven image, it surely serves that same purpose and I consider this the breaking of the Second Commandment.  As well, we have no idea what Jesus looked like, and though the bottom of the face is cropped off here, there is enough to indicate his skin pigmentation, size, stature, hair length and color, etc., none of which we can know.  These "artistic" renderings serve to put an image of Jesus in our head that by default CANNOT BE TRUE.  When people take up these images into their minds, they are literally taking on a lie, and therefore are taking on demons (Satan is the father of lies).  

This right there shows that Mr. Marks is an imposter.

The podcast for which he commented was this one:

The intent of the podcast was to show from scripture that there would be times when we, as servants of God, must tell the Truth (as Jesus and John the Baptist did) without candy-coating and being syrupy sweet.  Mark, from his comment, seems to want to derail that message in the same way I describe in this podcasts that narcissists do when they want to divert the narrative.  Here's the comments and responses:

It is quite clear what this character's job was to do.

1. Undermine the message of the podcast.
2. Act like he was in agreement while still making arguments of an opposing viewpoint (as if I hadn't said many stipulations in the podcast that righteous indication must be justified and accomplished by NON-HYPCORITES).
3. Falsely accuse me of something that was entirely untrue.
4. Introduce excuses for IDOLATRY no less and justification for this evil on his own channel!!!

This is what we are dealing with in "the Church." Watch out for false teachers like Mike Marks, they are everywhere and on a mission.  Their sigils, as with his artwork, always betray them, but so does their behavior.

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