Saturday, March 30, 2019

Pastor's Wife Stands Up To Jezebel Trying to Poach Her Husband (Movie Clip)

I saw a bit of this movie yesterday and thought it would be a good example of a Jezebel trying to seduce a minister by using his desire to help his congregants, which included her. This happens A LOT. But there are also those who call themselves ministers who are literally satanic/masonic plants, that have lots of sexual partners (both women and men), so it's not quite as one sided as her argument makes out, at least in today's brick and mortar false church. But still, this is strategy used against the ministers of God we should be aware of. Enjoy the clip!

1 comment:

  1. I am in a marriage with a narc, I am so sure he is having an affair but he has denied it despite his behavior and the fact that I have no evidence on him in the act of adultery. I am going crazy because he says that I will never have a man like him, and that there is no man in thioe world that loves the Lord more than he. He is also a compulsive liar, that has led from one lie to the other and they just get worst. He bathed himself in a very exspessicve colynee this Valenitines day and it was not the first time he did this. He does this on Mondays, he is a painter and buys new shoes every other Sunday, and new cloths. First I thought it was drugs only comes to find out it is drugs and other woman I cought him driving around 6th ave where prostitutes hang out when he should have been at work. He is on phone each day at 7-10 am then 12-12:30, then 2-3 pm. He and a sister at church flirt with each other offending me, and calling me a liar. I began suspecting he was cheating after three Herpes break outs early on in our marriage. I love the Lord and I feel a separation from God because I feel like I am enabling his secrets. He denies them and I know he is lying, about drug problem, I know cuz I drug tested him and that was positive for Meth, Cocaine, and Heroin, but he said test kit was false. He was last month diagnosed with prostate malignant cancer after I rushed him to ER. because he had blood in urine. I am a community leader and advocate and recently he said that someone is out to kill him so we had to move suddenly. I stood by him, and I am steel standing by him, but my heart is torn, I am angry at his behavior, and I have no income to support myself so I stay in the marriage. He tells family and friends at church that I am crazy and jealous and tries to destroy my reputation in church. I do not know what to do, I am under attack day and night because I am so angry and hurt by him. I wish to God I had money to pay a private investigator to expose him. I think God has shed light to me so I could get away from this man, he is no good. He says he is christian. He says I am abusing him by accusing him, with no evidence. First off our marriage was sin marriage and likely his affair is with a married woman since they will not call him to his phone . That is his pattern. I would have never known about him had I not ever heard Without A Blemish, he gets made when I listen to this broadcast.
