Saturday, June 29, 2019

"Positivity" as Narcissistic Abuse in the Church (Interview)

Have you ever presented your heartbreaking abuse story to "Church" friends or leadership only to have them either tell you to just "be positive" (i.e. don't tell me your negative story) or more covertly just listen quietly but have no comment at all? Have you seen this type of avoidance to what they perceive as negativity just so they can continue to "feel good" as if they're using this "positivity" like a drug so they don't have to face life's challenges or help anyone else who's doing so? If so, climb aboard this podcast express as Doug and Chad talk about how this movement is really one of New Age's/witchcraft's footholds in what calls itself the Church, in large part through the apostate "Word of Faith" movement. It's a wild ride, so put your seatbelt on!

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