Saturday, July 6, 2019

Learning to Communicate Properly After Narcissist/Jezebel Abuse

Have you noticed that exposure to narcissist/Jezebel abuse can create behavioral and communication patterns in the victim that cause him/her to either overspeak when talking or to clam up completely? In this episode we discuss how the oppressive communication patterns of the Narcissist/Jezebel disrupt our own abilities to communicate properly. We also pray for healing of how we communicate at the end. Climb aboard, put on your seat belt, and get ready for this wild ride on the Without Spot or Blemish Ministry Podcast Express!


  1. Hi, This Video is right on brother. I have dealt with this from My inlaws and my own family. My wife grew up in a double Narq home where they were in Ministry but raged at my wife when they were at home and even blamed her for not going on the mission field.

    MY wife and her sister both said their moms eyes turned solid black when she got upset..

    they now for the past 20 years have came against us and even lied to people in churches about me and my wife..

    I do have a mentor Friend who God used to help me stay with my wife..
    he moved to Back to New Jersey but we still talk each week.

    the whole rush thing is right on. I have even bounced around when trying to explain things..

    When you said about people not begin truthful because they were subdued is right on (my paraphrase)

    Later on I'll send an email and try to stay on track..

    I am right now reading thru the Boundaries book by DR Cloud and Dr Townsend and it explains the exact same thing of letting your yes be yes and your no being no.I believe all churches should read and study it..It has shown me where I played along because of fear of man.

  2. This is what I experience on a daily basis from my husband who was caught stalking his ex for a decade while his marriage and his family were disregulated.
