Monday, October 11, 2021

The Jezebel/Narcissist Female Will Not Take No For An Answer (and she will curse you if continue in your obstinance)

If a truly demonized Jezebel wants something, she will not take no for answer and she will continuously try to manipulate and control you to get her way.

She does not care if you are uncomfortable or unwilling to go along with her plan.  “It’s her way or the highway.”  “If mama ain’t happy no one will be happy.”

For her this simply means that you need to acquiesce, bend to her will and in her view DO RIGHT.  

Your unwillingness to do so, for her, simply means YOU ARE WRONG and NEED TO BE CORRECTED.

But this is not a Godly behavior, in the least.

God does not even try to override our wills.  

He wants our love for and obedience to Him to be freely given.  He doesn’t force Himself, and you can see this from the parable of the prodigal son.  The father in no way chased his son or tried to override his son’s will, even though the son was making some horrible decisions. 

The father ultimately knew that in order for his son to be able to express real love for him as father the son would need to see the consequences of his choices on his own, so he could learn these lessons and self correct.

Of course his father already knew his son was making terrible choices, but, again, he did not force himself.

This is a benevolent type of leadership that recognizes the individual rights of people (especially those in pride) to learn things the hard way.

But what the Jezebel cannot do, is be a benevolent influence on any situation.  Her position is one of malevolence, control, manipulation, and ultimate the human sacrifice to the feminine control demon (this is why Jesus is reported to have been crucified on a cross, which is the expression of the female genitalia.  He was sacrificed to a demon goddess.  This is the worse kind of the blasphemy, but the point is that Satan in all his upside down nature wants to sacrifice God’s patriarchal order to the feminine as well, so he uses the Jezebel spirited woman to try to destroy the servants of God.

Obviously this is done through seduction, as Jesus said in Revelation chapter 2 that Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, would seduce his servants to fornication and to the eating of things sacrificed to idols.

When a Jezebel sets her eyes on you and you recognize what’s happening and deny her a place in your life, you have essentially laid down a challenge to that demon in the messed up Jezebel vessel to continue to try ensnare and trap you, either through continued seduction or through a campaign to demoralize you and make you think that you’re wrong because God, THROUGH HER, says otherwise.

The voices in her head, and there are indeed voices, say that you are “the one” that God has for her and that for you to protest or not want the same means you must be backslidden and unrepentant and are rebelling against God because you don’t want her.  She will be adamantly sure about this, and in her frenzy of demonic propheticalness, she may even write you a prophecy, saying “Thus saith the Lord, you are in a backslidden state and now you will suffer unless you repent.”

This has indeed happened to me by probably the most evil person I have ever encountered.

I had spent many hours praying to God about the very relationship this person was trying to force.  I knew it wasn’t of Him, and was very kind in telling her so and saying that I knew that God had someone for her, that it just wasn’t me.

Her response was to believe in her heart that I was going against God’s will and to write out a curse from the Lord over me, even saying thus saith the Lord.  

Now this particular person, I had noticed, gave more stock to prophecies than to the Word of God, as she had another female (which is important) friend who prophesied often, supposedly hearing from the Lord with great frequency.

I never felt this friend was actually hearing from the Lord as after I was told what she said, it felt dead, like Ichabod on the door, and there was no confirmation in my spirit.  But she put great stock in her friend’s words, as if they were from the Lord Himself.

Of course I was reminded that Jezebel indeed fashions herself a prophetess, so it’s no surprise that a Jezebel who would curse me because she didn’t get her way would listen to other Jezebel’s who prophesied.  What becomes the question is, “a prophetess of whom?”  She will think she speaks on behalf of the Lord, be entirely sure, but instead she 100% represents Satan and his demons.

You can know she is a false prophet when she prophecies in the Lord’s name to a humble, repentant, always talking with the Lord about His weaknesses and trying to make things right, servant of God by saying to Him that God is going to crush Him for NOT GIVING INTO HER WILL.  God was going to make me pay for cutting off the relationship, again, I did so after much prayer and seeking the Lord about it.  None of it makes sense, but a Jezebel never will.  

She wants to tell the male servant of God what God’s will is because certainly the male servant is missing something.  She wants to be over him, to direct him, to run things.  As Jezebel ran Ahab, the Jezebel spirit wants to run the ministers of God, and there are many Jezebels with strong religious spirits roaming about the Body of Christ seeking who they may devour. But I am telling you that many of them 100% think they represent God.  They are that deluded.  But, as we will discuss below, God WOULD NEVER HAVE A WOMAN LEAD ONE OF HIS MALE SERVANTS.  NEVER.

I am not trying in any way to sound conceited, because I know all of this is hatched in the demonic realm.  These women only want me because their demons are driving them to do so and punishing them for their perceived “failure.”  I truly believe a Jezebel’s demons turn the screws big time with either sinful tittilation or maximum discomfort when they are not succeeding the plan.  

I have had others who would not take no for an answer continuously come back, trying to manipulate, constantly trying to will their delusions into place.  As I’ve said before on another podcast, I’ve made the same mistake in my earlier walk.  I fell in love in my past with people who were either fakers or haters of God and who are now long married to other people.  Sometimes you can’t help who you love, but just because you experience that emotion DOES NOT BY ANY MEANS mean it’s from God.  We often love people like those who raised us and many of us have been raised by TERRIBLE people. A lot of times we have to get delivered completely before we can truly love the right kind of person God has for us.

But this doesn’t matter to the Jezebel.  She must get her way.  So instead of accepting the will of others as God even does, and to see that “rejection is protection,” or “hey, this is a clear sign this situation isn’t what God wills”, or “this person doesn’t feel the same for me, so I’ll just move on,” she instead battons down the hatches and tries, though witchcraft, spell casting and false prophecies to turn the mind/heart of her target.  This is a great evil and comes from Satan himself.

There’s one lady from Michigan who wrote me, “The Holy Spirit has given me insight as to why you are my husband.”

Why, I ask in my own prayers, would God tell me otherwise?  Why would God tell a woman, one who is supposed to be under the man as help mate, something He is not telling the man?  Why would this delusional woman be right about something for which I am positive she is wrong?  It is against God’s will, and my will, too.  I don’t want this lady.  And yet she thinks she can correct me on this?  I know those watching are probably saying she’s crazy, forget about it.  And you’re right.  But the point here is to show the pattern of how demons work in the demonized who are so deluded.  And especially in those who have a strong religious spirit that makes her think  she is hearing directly from God.  This spirit will chirp every day in the ears of its victim.  And the often repeated nature (without spiritual warfare to shut it down) will only serve to reinforce and buttress the delusion.

The Michigan one once sent me a “care package,” which I returned, which had a notebook with many pages of scribbled sigils.  She even inserted lottery tickets (so now God is gambler?).  I mean, it’s obvious who is driving her boat, but if I was a man who didn’t seek God through His word for many years, there’s a chance she could have thrown me off kilter early on and I may have received her before I knew just how demonized she was and I may have been swayed by her certainty without posting my own questions about what was happening.

The certainty of the Jezebel, at least in the way she expresses it (perhaps she isn’t so confident when all alone), is beyond the pale.  Her belief that God has told her something that you need to receive even though He never told you is almost palpable.  She could look you right in the eye and convince you of a lie even though you are certain she is lying.  This is why you CANNOT form a relationship with a truly demonized Jezebel/Narcissist.  The gaslighting and lying will never end.

As for the female Jezebel, and as alluded to before, one of the biggest indicators of the false prophetess relates to her attempt to put herself in control of and above the man.  God is never going to give direction to the woman to give to the man when the man is God’s servant and is serving Him in Spirit and in Truth.  The man will hear from and receive direction from the Holy Spirit directly.  He will have the fruit of the Spirit to guide Him.  If he has peace about something, he knows he can proceed.  If that peace is taken away, then the mature Christian male knows to stop any forward progress and seek God for why there is a lack of peace. It is the height of pride for a woman to think that she would be used of God to correct this type of man, when she isn’t even supposed to be leading an unbelieving man, much less one walking in the Spirit.  Again, God would NEVER GIVE A WOMAN A WORD THAT THE MAN DID NOT ALREADY RECEIVE OR THAT GOD OTHERWISE CONFIRMS.  There will be NO QUESTION or DOUBT about how to proceed in the man’s heart.  If doubt exists, no matter how sure the woman is, the MAN IS NOT TO TAKE THE LEAD OF THE WOMAN!

Again, with regard to the believing man who is seeking God every day and searching himself to repent, GOD WOULD NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER use a woman to tell him something, especially with regard to a relationship, that God Himself hasn’t told the man.  God would never upset the hierarchy like that.  Yes, God used the voice of Sarah (one time) to have Abraham send Hagar and Ishmail away, but always remember, it was SARAH’S IDEA to hook Abraham up with Hagar to have a child by Hagar, because she lacked faith that God would perform His promise though her as she had “passed age.”  But they never would have been in that situation if she hadn’t tried to hand him the proverbial apple for which he gave in and bit, and by following her lead to begin with led to an untenable situation and the descendants of Ishmail became the mortal enemies of the descendants of Isaac.  

Females with the Jezebel spirit who call themselves Christians, and even believe the truth about Sabbath and the false holidays and much more, are manifold among us.  This is because they somehow have been convinced that God agrees with whatever their mind or will is about a matter, and anyone who disagrees or rejects their will or advances must also be against the will of God.  This is a heady place to be, full of pride, and unwillingness to realize that they themselves are not gods (or goddesses) and that it is not their right to override the will of others.

In my case, there have been at least three women at one time who think I am God’s assigned husband for them.  How can this be? Does God want me to have a polygynous relationship with three batcrap crazy wives who can’t take no for an answer.  Are they all hearing from the Holy Spirit? Are they all right that I am backslidden because I don’t want to be with them?  Would God tell them something that He has not told me?   If I don’t have peace about it, should I just proceed just because they say it’s so?

As mentioned before, I think about one girl in particular from over a decade ago that I thought God had assigned to me.  What an idiot I was! She’s married now and a professional yoga witchcraft practitioner.  How the heck did God assign her to me?   I was dead wrong and certainly wasn’t hearing from Him.  Just as these three ladies are wrong and are not hearing from God.  They are demonized, and the one who put the curse on me in the name of the Lord as a warning from Him because I was supposedly backslidden, the level of spiritual arrogance you showed to write that as if from Him because you didn’t get your way is just outrageous.  And to think that God would talk to me like that when in fact it was time with Him, and repenting of other matters that I had searched out in my heart, that led me to my conclusion. Why would he then call me backslidden? I was only backslidden from HER WILL, not God’s.

And remembering that a bruised reed God will not break, why would He use such threats on the repentant? He wouldn’t.  He WOULD NEVER.  

But her demon, on the other hand, is not so benevolent, and it wanted total control over me.  Praise God I returned that curse to the demon who sent it and I continue to follow after God, knowing that He in no wise cursed me for not proceeding in this relationship for which there were many small red flags, but after she sent her religious curse my way, the biggest red flag of all made it quite clear that my lack of peace about her was well founded.

Lord willing I will never let any woman lead me against the leadership of the Holy Spirit who, again, uses the fruit of the Spirit to guide us.  If it’s the right thing there will be love, joy and peace, not constant worry, second guessing or doubt.  The blessing of God is without sorrow.  If I ever marry, it will be in peace love and joy because God revealed it to both me and the woman who He reveals it to as well.  We will both be sure and in agreement, and I will never have to override my own spiritual red flags or my own will in a matter to accept someone that I don’t want, and especially that God isn’t leading me to be with, no matter what they have received in their spirits from some other source and no matter how sure they seem to be.  

So, I say to all, don’t let other people force you into situations that you are not spiritually sure of and for which you do not have peace.  And pray everything through for yourself.  If you are second guessing all the time and don’t feel everything is copasetic, and especially if you lack peace, you must move on because what lies ahead if you stay the course ignoring what you’re experiencing spiritually will be so much worse.  If that Jezebel/Narcissist gets you in her/his hands, the screws will be turned so tight that you will have to live in obedience to this monster or divorce.  The outcome will be far worse the longer you allow the relationship to fester and grow, as you lose yourself to the demons in the Jezebel who will attempt to take total control.

And I especially say to men, God never intended for any woman to lead you in this way.  She can have an influence, but to control and lead you is OUT OF ORDER.  You are supposed to lead her.  You are equipped to do so in a benevolent way.  Any woman leading a man will lose her way and become cruel and malevolent, unable to remain kind because she is out of place and out of order.  God did not equip women to lead men and this is why this upturned Jezebel way NEVER WORKS.  When it does seem to work (only superficially) this is because the man has become a total Ahab and acquiesced to her every whim.  This is not a godly relationship.  It is completely Satanic.

Men must NOT allow this or their lives will be destroyed, and women, if you want to be in a relationship with a real man of God, you better find your place as help mate rather than trying to control and dominate.  God is going to judge this kind of pride in women who allowed it to enter and caused them to try overtake men, and it’s not going to be fun.  Repent of this if you find yourself behaving this way and seek God to get yourself in proper order.  You’re playing with fire if you don’t, and that fire will turn into a lake from which you will never escape.  And Ahabs will be down there, too, swimming in the acquiescence to Eve’s offer to sin and to follow after the feminine demonic diety.  You must repent.

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