Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Jezebel/Narcissist: Murders in Many Ways & Thinks Nothing Of It

 The hard truth about the Jezebel/Narcissist is that she/he is possessed by demons who have come but to "steal, and to kill and to destroy." 

Yes, this spirit is a murderer.  We will discuss in this blog just how she effectuates actual murder (lawfully in most parts of the western world), but also how she does so in a metaphorical sense by isolating and separating people who should be in each other's lives from one another, effectively making them dead to each other, weakening all the victims of her divide and conquer strategy. 

In this modern era in the western world you can certainly see that this spirit's favorite way of actual killing is legalized abortion.

This is the wholesale murder of the most innocent among us.  Satan and his demons have tried to get people to sacrifice the innocent since the beginning of time: the younger the better as far as demons are concerned.  This was one of the reasons the Father wanted to destroy and clear out the inhabitants of the land of Canaan, they were sacrificing innocent babies to their false demonic deities!  The Hebrews copied their activities and even did so themselves during the days of Jeremiah!

Ironically, many who approve and even promote modern abortion also fight against the death penalty for the guilty, seeking mercy for them while killing the innocent, but I digress.

The Jezebel/Narcissist has often had her hand in the act of abortion, either getting one (or more) for herself, or by influencing others to do so.  

As the old adage goes, sin (or is it misery?) loves company.  People who do evil like this love to promote their evil as if it's a righteousness and encourage others to join in on their mayhem.

And there's another adage about sin, that it takes you farther than you want to go, makes you stay longer than you want to stay, and costs you more than you want to pay. 

But I would like to amend this statement just for the sinner/Jezebel/narcissist who will never repent.  I would simply add, sinning the first time will make doing so again much easier, like sliding down a slippery slope.

This idea is personified by the female lead character played by Ida Lupino who was named "Ellen" in this 1941 movie called, "Ladies in Retirement."  In this clip, Ellen's nephew has discovered she had killed the lady owner of the country home in which she was now staying in order to be able to continue to house her mentally ill sisters there, whom the mistress of the home wanted going to send away.  The sentiment she expresses in this clip to her nephew is, killing the first time is difficult, but the second time, should she have to, would be easy, in order to threaten him because he was trying to blackmail her. Take a look:

So once the sin is committed, she understands that she "sold her soul to the devil," even recognizing it would be no problem to do so again.

Not all Jezebel/Narcissists can recognize this soul-selling and they live in a great delusion.  This is how so many people who fight for abortion "rights" (the right to murder an innocent child no less), do so so vociferously and with such unbridled passion.  Many who do so are so deluded that they think they are righteous in their cause.

But there have been many other sins that have led to this point.  Often those in which the person has practiced witchcraft through the dark arts of the occult, such as worship of false gods, calling on them for power, knowledge or healing, calling on the dead (necromancy), conducting seances, playing with ouija boards, horoscopes, fortune telling, crystal balls, palmistry and many other such activities that are ascribed as witchcraft.  The occult is simply going to any other source than God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ for any sort of extrasensory knowledge, telling of the future, healing or for any sort of power.

I would say in nearly every case of a fully possessed Jezebel or narcissist you will find evidence of just that.  Take the practioners of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous): few know that the founders had conducted seances in order to come up with the 12 steps, and that it is these 12 steps that allowed for so many to create their own deities in order to "get help" to stop their addiction.  Many practitioners have no idea that they are taking on demons when they create their own version of "God" made in their own likeness by their own parameters.  This is witchcraft, defining God any old way you want.  So a person with the proper motive of getting free of a harmful addiction actually finds himself trapped on the hamster wheel of serving a false god and being part of a masonic organization, as their symbols show. 

I didn't mean to go off on a tangent about AA, but it serves the purpose of letting people see what witchcraft really is, and that the Jezebel/Narcissist is nearly always involved in such an organization, even when they seem benevolent from the outside looking in.  This is why the modern (masonic and Pauline) churches are so overrun with Jezebel/Narcissists.  Most of these churches are practicing witchcraft with their solstice and equinox rituals such as Saturnalia/Sol Invicta/Christmas as well Ishtar/Easter, not to mention Day of the Sun Sabbath which opposes the Sabbath the Father calls for on the seventh day. 

The only reason I mention these points is to inform those who aren't aware that "Churchianity" is steeped in witchcraft so they may understand why most Churches are bursting at the seems with hateful, selfish, murdering Jezebel/Narcissists.

They go to a "church" and find people who will never repent of their witchcraft and sorcery while in Churches where the leadership in no way requires that they do so.  In fact, Jezebel/narcissists are the protected class in these places while the real servants of God will be attacked, maligned, falsely accused and so mistreated and shunned that God's servants will question themselves and  possibly get to the point that they believe these gaslighting false narratives about themselves and seek to self-delete.  Again, this is Jezebel's ultimate goal: if she can't outright kill you, she will create such a level of suffering where you will want to end your own life.  There have been millions of such suicides in the wake of this wicked spirit's abuse.

Which leads me to discuss how Jezebel can murder you without literally doing so.  By separating and isolating you from those you can share real Godly love which would strengthen you as well as the group overall.  Like a lioness culls her prey from the herd, she will get you alone, put wedges between you and others, make you think you only need her, or that these people aren't worth the time, or worse still, that they are in fact your enemies.  Meanwhile, she will make effort to create a false narrative about you to others who would be in your tribe in order to cause them to not want to be around you!  Extremely clever.

One of the worst and most hurtful ways Jezebel/narcissist can do this to someone is by purposely separating the loving parent from his or her child.  By either using the family court, or simply just fleeing to a place where she can't be found, she deletes the other parent from their shared child's life.  She effectively MURDERS the other parent.  He no longer exists, not only in the Jezebel's life, but in the life of the child he so desperately loves and wants to see and father.  This is a type of murder that has led many men and women to self-deletion.  Many of these victims are not able to get outside of their situation enough to talk it over with the Father and to see how this story line will play out.  In the moment of their greatest pain, the victim thinks the pain will never lessen or end, and that they can't take any more of this pain (this is the devil's trick, as well as to overinflate the imporantance of having our children even when it's been made impossible) and thus end their own lives.  

Yes, the ultimate responsibility is on the person who chose to end his life, but God will hold the Jezbel/narcissist to account for creating the circumstances that led to such suffering.  God knows all and knows what the Jezebel narcissist is really up to.  She loves to kill behind cunningly devised plans that make her seem innocent.  

I'll never forget the story of the man who burned himself on the family courthouse steps.  

He actually thought he was shaming them in so doing?  As the article points out, the news hardly even mentioned it.  They cleaned up the remains and it was business as usual again.  But I think it's much worse than that.  This man literally gave them what they wanted.  Family Courts are the modern temple of human sacrifice.  The priests of this temple enjoy taking lives and seeing blood shed.  They first steal your kids and sacrifice your time with them and they hope that any number of those involved who get the short end of the stick would take it to another level and hurt themselves or even lash out violently against those who defeated them in court.  They love the carnage, the mayhem, the death, and the chaos they create.  In fact, they make money of getting you to lose big time because all of the child support you pay, the courts actually get matching dollars from the federal government for every dollar they collect.  So they are paid to divide and destroy families, to reward evil, to create violence and hate, unforgiveness, bitterness, and to delete parents from their children's lives.  The winning parents who go along with this are as much to blame, if not more.  Their hearts hardened to stone and consciences calloused to the evil they are helping to be executed against someone they made vows with!  They not only allowed this to happen but paid an attorney money to do it! Then these evil conniving spouses who win can act as if the court judgments were just and they deserved what they got!  They will surely pay for this before the Lord.  There will be judgment!

All of this is a type of murder and is just one major example of this goes on in our society and is indeed fostered.  Ultimately, Satan wants to sacrifice all Believers in the same way our Messiah was sacrificed, and indeed many of us have suffered many (what we perceive to be) losses in this life and still others of us have been martyred.  But none of this is forever.  Satan (and his minions) know their time is short.  This will not go on forever.  Jesus will return, not before the tribulation, and not before we do our job of helping Him to reap this last days harvest, but He will return and HE WILL RULE with a rod of iron.  jezebel/Narcissist will not get away with this forever.

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