Thursday, March 9, 2023


Description Box: Join Doug today at 8:30pm EST (Thursday, Mar 9, 2023) as he unpacks the multiple issues with regard to the Hebrew names only movement within some factions of the Commandment keeping part of the Church.  (Disclaimer: Doug is not against learning and using the names in Hebrew, only the forcing of the practice on others when IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO DO SO.) On one extreme of the Hebrew names only movement some might say that we must call on the name of the Father in Hebrew in order to be saved while at the same time we must reject the English words because they claim they have nefarious pagan origins/etymologies or are too far removed from the original Hebrew for the Father to accept.  On the lesser extreme some say that it would be more pleasing to Father if we did use HIs Hebrew names, that we should learn and default to them, but that it's not a sin to use the our own language's words, but the implication is, once you know, better to use the Hebrew.

But do these ideas create an incongruence with God's own behavior towards language when one considers that He was the One to scatter the languages in Genesis 11 and, in fact, every proper name in every new language He created and downloaded into the people changed to dramatically different words altogether from all other languages?  (They could not understand each other at all). Even names for the Father would have been said differently among different languages then, so why would He require us to return to one language now. Isn't that the aim of IllumiNUTis and one of their stated goals on the now destroyed Georgia Guidestones? Also, is there  also a sinister motive to force this issue as a means of creating a wedge of separation between the Father and His people of every nation, tribe and tongue by making Him seem foreign to them when in fact He is (clearly) equally at home (and perfectly understands semantics, meaning and intent) in every language and culture and even sees passed language to the real the thoughts and intents of the hearts of every person down to the most minuscule level?

We will address these questions and so much more.  Hope you'll join in.

Introduction with the Pay Dirt

Because most people who read a blog or watch a video can't necessarily spend a couple of hours getting to the conclusion, I will start with the pay dirt first.

All people who are either teaching or are being led down the road of thinking the only way to be saved is to call on the name of the Father and His Son in Hebrew or who think that speaking the Hebrew is the better choice even though we can still use our own languages, I would like to say the following.

1. You are fully entitled to learn and speak Hebrew.  There is much to be gleaned once learning what the original Hebrew words actually mean IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE so you can have A BETTER UNDERSTANDING, but beyond this, unless you're ministering unto a Hebrew speaker, there is nothing more to gain.



4. The claims that the English Words, "Lord," "God," and "Jesus" represent demonically derived, etymologically speaking, representations of Baal, Satan and Zeus are false and specious.  For them to make these claims take huge leaps of logic and reason.  These words have their meaning for English speakers as a whole, and when capitalized, the words Lord and God have never meant for any English speaker, Satan, Baal or any sort of "little g" god.  Jesus cannot mean "Hail Zeus" in English either, as we will sort out.  I want to acknowledge one of their points, however, about the Word, Lord, as a title type word goes. I agree that this word is not a perfect fit at all for YHWH, a word the English Bible also translates as Jehovah (which can't be right either) for reasons we will unpack.  But suffice to say, when Lord is applied to YHWH I think it would be better to place the English meanings for YHWH, "The Existing One," or the "I AM."  

5. Specifically in regard to the word, "God," one of its criticisms is it has too many meanings, in English it can depend on whether or not it's capitalized and on context), such as the capitalized meaning of Creator/Supreme Being, when G is lowercase it can mean a pagan god or even commandment keeping Believers are referred to as little "g" gods in psalms as Jesus also quoted from that scripture. "ye are gods".  But did you know that the word God is used for, Elohim, has the exact same qualities? Elohim is the Hebrew word used for God, gods, goddesses, angels, and you guessed it, when God described people as gods.  Elohim is used even there. The Egyptian word, "neter," or "netjer" served the exact same purpose. So even the word Elohim is a title type word that served many purposes and translating that to God in our language is actually accurate and fair.  Sacred namers also like to connect God to the biblical word Gad. It's interesting that they'll use the Lebanese town name Baalgad referenced in Joshua to make this connection to Baal and Satan with "gad" and then correlate with the English word God that came about thousands of years later, as if they share the same entymology.  Still, one of the English meanings of the word Baal can be Lord (which was an innocuous use of the word baal before the false god Baal even came into being), and the second syllable with "gad" in this case meaning "fortune." So the city would be literally translated False God Baal of Fortune.  But they say it meant Lord of Fortune.  So they take the word Baal and say when it's speaking of this god it means, lord, but for English speakers, at no time did the word Lord EVER MEAN BAAL.  Because Baal is related to Lord from Hebrew to English does not mean the contrary is true.  Then there's the aspect that this name, Baalgad, speaks of another dialect speaking town of Lebanon.  Is this why "gad" means fortune in their language, but "troop" in Hebrew?  It's like they're playing multiple language musical chairs with this issue.  Why not apply the "God" sound in "Gad" to the name given to one of the sons of Jacob (that means "troop") and also will be written on the Gates of the New Jerusalem in the world to come? I mean, they're saying this "gawd" sound reflects Satan. Why then would this name be on the gates of the New Jerusalem? English is obviously a different language than Ancient Hebrew.  Certain sounds made in one language to make a word can be produced in another language to make words of entirely different meanings, though they sound the same.  These words are called homophones. They have the same pronunciation but different meanings.  Just because the sound "gawd" in Hebrew makes the word, "troop" doesn't mean that sound in English makes the same meaning we apply to Elohim.

6. With regard to the Hebrew word YHWH.  There is NO WAY TO KNOW IT'S PROPER PRONUNCIATION OR ENGLISH SPELLING because there are NO VOWEL MARKERS in the Hebrew to allow us to do so.  Ancient Hebrew had no vowel markers to begin with, but as the written language progressed over the centuries they were added by putting little marks on the consonants to indicate the vowels in between.  But the Jewish scribes decided to not add the vowel markers to this word because they said they didn't want anyone to take it vain.  But in so doing they kept the people from praising the name properly or even making that name properly famous as the scriptures say we should do.  Nevertheless, no one knows how to pronounce YHWH so the guesses with the Yahwehs, Yehovahs, Yahuwahs, and so on are just that, guesses.  But does it really matter when it's the meaning of the name that matters most?  THE ONE WHO EXISTS?  Or the related name, "I AM THAT I AM." The translation of the word explains the meaning.  In my view, you can call the Father the Great I AM and this would fully serve the purpose of expressing the name, "YHWH".  And it does a better job of communicating to English speakers because the very name contains the meaning.  As an aside, many of the Satanists are using the "I am" theme in their music and "artistic" representations, giving into Satan's temptations that they, too, can be "as gods" in order to steal God's name away, as Satan is always want to do. This is another way sinners show in a reverse way that the English expressions of God are hallowed.  Demons know taking them in vain and applying them to anyone other than the Father and the Son is truly sinful and sacrilegious.

7. Jesus grew up speaking Aramaic as Hebrew had been lost since the time of the Babylonian captivity and only the scribes and religious leaders still operated in it. In His most trying moment in the Garden of Gethsamene He called on His Father and said, "Abba, Father..."  Abba is an ARAMAIC term for Father, almost like, "Daddy" and is NOT A HEBREW WORD.  So, did Jesus sin by speaking His own language??? Also, Jesus used less than ten monikers for the Father Himself, and made no special issue of calling on the Father in any other form BUT FATHER, which was also an established way to call on God from the First Testament.   This moratorium on speaking our own languages' versions of the names of the Father and His Son ARE RIDICULOUS.  

8. The super high standard English is being held to when every language experiences spelling, pronunciation and semantic changes over time is quite comical.  What I mean is, take the word Jesus that sacred namers hate so much.  They say, well, it's been transliterated through Hebrew (actually, no, Yeshua/Yeshu first came from Aramaic, His name would have been Yehoshua in Hebrew), so it came through Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Olde English and finally to Modern English.  They will tell you that there was no J sound prior to the 1600's because the letter "I" was used way back when and there was no j in printed English.  Ok, so this means all the English speaking Jills, Jameses, Johns, Jims, Janets, and Jeremys of the world have to change their names now? Is this some kind of joke? Do we expect the start of a language to be the same as it progresses through centuries?  Do you think the Hebrew spoken today is the same as the Ancient?  Did you know in Ancient Hebrew linguists think that there was a "w" sound but no "v" sound and now this has been reversed? Modern Hebrews actually make the v sound now, but no w!  Did you know, because so many European Jews migrated to Israel and adopted the language that, because they struggle with that glottal (throw up) sound, the use of it has been diminished in their pronunciation (except when Arabic speakers speak Hebrew they have no problem with it) and now it's more accepted to use the diminished glottal sound? So Hebrew can change but English can't? Jesus is clearly the name that even most people who have never read the Bible in the English speaking world know to be the One who was said to be the Son of God who shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  For them, His name is not Yeshua, it's Jesus.  Yeshua (while easily pronounced by English speakers) is still a foreign name that doesn't have a home in their hearts and will have the additional negative ramifications of making God seem foreign.  People who preach to the Jews say, better to call Him Yeshua to them so they can connect.  This is right. Call him Yeshua to Hebrew speaking people or even the ones who like to use the names in Hebrew, but if you're going to speak English and minister to the English speaking world, best to preach to them the names of the Father and the Son in English where these words have meaning and have long been part of the lexicon.  I once had someone criticize the name Jesus since it's only been around four or five hundred years.  What the heck does that matter when the word is firmly etched into the lexicon of those who are alive today?  Ridiculous, absurd, non-sequitur argument.

9. God is the one who scattered the languages at Babel, on purpose.  Not a single name prior to Babel wasn't changed at the moment the languages came about.  This is why many cultures have a flood story, but all their names for the characters are different.  This is why the pre-Babel demonic deities all maintained their characteristics but changed names based on the languages spoken.  Semiramis became Ishtar for Babylonians, Isis for Egyptians, Diana for the Greeks, and Venus for the Romans.  Nimrod became Ra for the Egyptians, Helios for the Greeks, and Sol for the Romans.  I am in no way trying to say that God doesn't deserve infinitely more respect that any demonic god, but I am trying to prove the point that names changed dramatically from language to language.  To say we can't say Lord, God and Jesus in our own language because it's too far a stretch from the original pronunciation does NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. IT IS OUR LANGUAGE. THESE ARE OUR WORDS THAT ARE PACKED WITH MEANINGS AND NUANCES THAT WE CAN UNDERSTAND.

10. Most people who are caught up in this Hebrew names only movement have religious spirits and spirits of intellectual and spiritual pride.  Because most of them are highly intelligent and have no problem with the scholastic and logical aspects of learning new foreign words, they dismiss the potential liabilities others may experience when their connection to meaning, nuance, and the feeling of their home language is disrupted.  And in my view, Hebrew superiority believers are hardened to these more spiritual aspects of language, as they themselves do not experience any difference when changing to Hebrew, so they expect others to fall in line with them.  But the others they try to force into this are only going to be alienated from God through this, because again, God is being made foreign to them.  This is very subtle, but it is a great sin, and I'm calling out people who try to force this issue and imply either Hebrew is the "better" choice or that if a person doesn't use the Hebrew they're not saved, I call you who do this to the record today, that YOU ARE WRONG, that is to try to force others to use Hebrew names WHEN GOD NEVER REQUIRED IT.  Just because God says to call on His name DOES NOT MEAN IT HAS TO BE THE HEBREW VERSION OF HIS NAME!  HE NEVER SAID THAT.  You projecting that on to Him as if He did say and require this and makes Him seem like some hypocritical, double-minded, reverser of what He (Himself) did at Babel. Falsely applying the idea that the Father is some sort of  linguistic task master IS PURE EVIL ON YOUR PART.  You might not know it, but YOU ARE TRYING TO REVERSE THE FATHER'S DECISION AT BABEL! YOU ARE PLAYING gOD! You will not get away with this.  You need to repent.  God will hold you to account if you don't.

The pay dirt is now complete, now to the main body and all the research, receipts and backup:

As I sit here trying to distill all I’ve taken in during the last week to try to get to the bottom of this whole sacred name movement, I find that I feel as if I’ve been seriously gaslighted, as if I’ve been subject to Pauline logic, or a cheating girlfriend incessantly lying to cover her tracks when clearly there are red flags everywhere. 

Or better still, it's like being a shirt that's been through the washer spin cycle then the dryer back to back. Faulty logic, partial truths, smoke screens, sleight of hand, red herrings and non-sequiturs. 

They throw so much information at you as well, that even a research hound like me gets overwhelmed.  It's as if you've grabbed a bowling ball sized rubber band ball, tugged one out, and immediately all of the others spring out, too, flying passed your head in every direction.

Sobeit.  They have thrown down the gauntlet and we can at least address some of their manifold number of arguments they make to get you to give up on your own language when speaking the Father and Son's names in favor of Hebrew.

Here's links to much of the research I explored:

Yahweh or Jehovah?

Why do Bibles use “LORD” instead of YHWH or Jehovah?

THE TETRAGRAMMATON BEST GUESS Who knows the Ancient pronounciation Today?

Don Stewart :: What Language or Languages Did Jesus Speak?

Ancient Hebrew Phonology


What about the Name Jesus?

Etymology of "God"

Is Jehovah the True Name of God?

What Are the Names of God Found in the Bible?

The Demonic Attempt to Return the Church to One Language

The core of their claims have to do with making sure you say the original Hebrew name for the Father, "YHWH" as well as Yeshua/Yehoshua correctly (or else), but many offshoot issues arise and pivot around these two issues that make the whole pursuit as gargantuan as it is murky.  

They also go to great lengths to try to prove the English words, "Lord," "God," and, "Jesus" are either pagan expressions for "Baal Satan" (as they claim the English Bible expression of Lord God actually does), or that Jesus is so transliterated through at least four languages from the Aramaic word Yeshua, (note: not Hebrew, originally at least, more later) so as to cause God not to receive your prayers in the English name (Jesus) once you know this supposed truth.

I plan to prove these attacks on the English versions of these words are by the means of taking HUGE LEAPS OF LOGIC AND REASON that don't add up and I also will show how there are many names other than Jesus that cross from one language to another and take on completely different sounds and spellings.  James and Jaime (or even Santiago as the Spanish Bible does for James) for example.  John and Juan.  George and Jorge. 

For English speakers, Jesus is our name for the Son of God.  Does the process by which this name became the one we use or even how long it's been in use even matter when what's done is done and literally millions and millions of people know Him by this name?  Even the blasphemers know to use "Jesus Christ" when taking the name of the Son of God in vain.  

Returning to the case of YHWH, this is a word that from the beginning lacked in vowel markers because for the early  centuries of Ancient Hebrew writing they weren't used. But when the rest of the language added them,  the scribes managed to keep them off of YHWH so people wouldn't say the name or take it in vain.  (But this also means that can't use the name in celebration or praise and worship.  Seems ridiculous and like a Satanic idea in my view.)

Everyone knows this about the missing vowels as there is an across the board admission that no one can be certain of YHWH's pronunciation.

Is Jehovah the true name of God?

Now, some of these sacred namers are telling me I have to say some certain replacement word of their choosing, such as Yah, Yahweh, Yehova, Jehovah, “Yehowah,” “Yahuweh,” or “Yahawah,”etc., or else I can’t be saved?  I have to call on the Father’s name in the original Hebrew or else? And, if I can't find out what the original name actually was I won't be able to "call on the name of the Lord" so I can be saved"?  Calling on His name in English (or any other language) won't do? 

Essentially, if you don’t know these Hebrew names, or if you use a translated/transliterated name in your own language, you are doomed to the tortures of the ever burning lake of fire because you didn't know how to call on the name of the Lord properly, in Hebrew!  But which version, the ancient one of the Torah, or the modern? Can we allow for language evolution for Hebrew, but not other languages?  

Revelation says there will be people who inherit everlasting life from, "every tongue." How then can this be true that we must use ancient Hebrew to call on the Father and His Son Jesus Christ when people from every tongue will be included? Does every non-Hebrew speaker learn the original Hebrew names and use them before he dies? 

I'm thinking we should be more focused on the commandments and moral requirements that God has enumerated for us in HIS LAW, and be satisfied (unless we want to learn Hebrew for personal reasons) with the translated names we have for Him in our own languages (for which He is entirely fluent in each and every one as HE CREATED THEM and caused us TO SPEAK THEM) and they are more than sufficient by which to "call on Him".

Returning to this idea of the Hebrew language being the only way to call on the names of the Father, His Son, His Holy Spirit and His servants as well (as they are often want to do in their sacred name sinagogues (misspelled on purpose)), we know that in almost every case they are guessing how those names were originally pronounced, as Hebrew, as with every other language, was a fluid language that changed over time and even from region to region.

Every language changes dramatically over the course of time and even across very close geographical positions.  

You can watch a movie from the 1940's and hear subtle differences in usage, syntax and pronunciation.  When they said someone was gay back then, semantically speaking, they meant "happy" or "joyous".  Now we know that there's been a giant shift in that word to a particular meaning, "male homosexual."  This is called semantic change or semantic shift:

It doesn't even take time to change a language, but just a little distance. Accents can change by neighborhood or even city block.  A person who lives in the Bronx would sound very different from someone in Manhattan as the person from Manhattan would from the person in Brooklyn or Queens.  These are all Burroughs of just one city.

But back to the time component. Consider the language of Shakespeare.  In college, I acted in Much Ado About Nothing as Claudio, and after all the rehearsals we did and memorization of lines and study of what the lines actually meant, there were still parts of my script I didn't fully understand on the very night of the show!  I got the gist of it but the language was so different from modern English, and being that Shakespeare was also from England, I'm sure my slightly southern American accent and approach to the saying the lines in no way matched what would have been heard not the stage during his day.  How could it?

Do you think that Hebrew itself has not experienced such changes over time?  There are three major differences between ancient and Modern Hebrew, such as there were only 8,000 or so Hebrew Biblical words, now there are 20,000.  Sentence structure has changed from Verb/Subject/Object to Subject/Verb/Object (as English is).  The way the Ancient Hebrew consonant and vowel sounds were made, most scholars would agree that each tonality would have undergone some kind of creep.  One of those areas would be with glottal type sounds.  You know the one where it sounds like they've got something caught in their throat or like they're throwing up?  Well, that sound isn't made quite as heartily these days because European/Ashkenazi type Jews were not accustomed to making that sound.  But Arabic speakers learning Hebrew make it easily.  There are so many more layers to these types of changes we are genuinely only hitting the surface.

Returning to differences in sounds by the geographical location, I can tell you right now if I bring some of you to the rural part of Georgia where I reside I will need to translate for you.  There will be differences in attack on consonant sounds, and even changes in vowels so much so they require different phonetics markers.  Not to mention the elongation of single syllable sounds to two.

The reason I bring these obvious points up, is that even if you do use the Hebrew words, you will be speaking them to varying degrees differently from the original, and that's without the fact we don't know how to say the most sacred name of all, "YHWH".  Does that mean your use of the words as you believe them to be in Hebrew are therefore unusable as far as God is concerned? I don't personally think so, but this argument is still specious to me because I think God is fine with us using the translation of His name in our own languages.  If I want to say His name I can call on the I AM.  If I spoke Hebrew I would try to figure out how to say the present tense first person of the verb "to be" and just say that for His name.  That's the meaning of the name and is what communicates that particular aspect of the Father. This why studying the Hebrew roots of all the names given to the Father in The First Testament is such a good pursuit because you can see all the elements of His character.  YHWH Yireh (I AM Provider), YHWH Rapha (I AM Healer), etc, and etc.  Is it better to say His name a foreign way (for other than Hebrew speakers) or to say His names in such a way that truly communicate the meaning of those names.  People used to say and sing, "Jehovah Jireh, My Provider." Look passed the fact that there are two J's in the name and that those don't exist in Hebrew or even that the vowels are guesses and the v is new Hebrew rather than old and just consider this question with m. As English speakers, which part of that phrase, "Jehovah Jireh, My Provider" speaks more to our understandings and hearts?  The foreign words, or the English translation with all the meaning packed into it?  If you answered the first, you can stop reading now, I can't help you.  If you answer the latter we are now beginning to understand one another.

If the original Hebrew version of YHWH is lost and can never be figured out, then say it this way, the Great "I AM"because that communicates to us as English speakers the point of the name: The Existing One.  I know, I know, you'll say the Hebrew YHWH is the sacred name.  I say, no, it's the understanding of the meaning and application of our own word(s) to that meaning that is sacred.  There is no other God called "I AM THAT I AM." We know who that represents, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.   Is it the foreign name or the meaning that is derived from that name that we can actually understand and speaks to us in our own language that's most important?  It's the understanding.

Another angle to this is because the Father is all-knowing and knows your heart's intent, maybe if you want to speak the Hebrew and not force it on others, you could choose to say one of many Hebrew solutions for what YHWH and just trust God to understand your meaning as He already knows what you're trying to say.  Can't He clearly decipher your meaning and not only make allowances for those differences, but actually find them endearing because you are coming with a name for Him that is all yours but based on what Hebrew language provides with the Tetragrammaton?  Revelation says God is going to give each Believer who overcome a name that only the individual Believer and God will know.  Would the Father begrudge you having an intimate name with Him? I don't think so, as long as it's reverent and respectful and loving, and not one you try to make a religion out of and force on others.  And if you can do that with Hebrew, why can't you with your own language?  

Now, as applies to languages and culture: isn't the Father pleased with our differences and doesn't that show the beauty and gloriousness of His creation that we all have so many differences (the ones that aren't sinful)?  Even the languages are His creation.  The miracles of thought and communication are His creation.  Daniel, who is quite the traveler, and I often talk of the wonders of the differences in cultures, food, and languages, and how that shows the glory of God in His creation.  Mankind is His greatest creation.  Did He add all that diversity just to take it back?  Did He scatter the languages only to return us back to one language?  Clearly, the answer is no.  It's Satan who wants us to speak one language as is enumerated on the now destroyed Georgia Guidestones.

What we are supposed to get from the Hebrew people is not language, or culture, but THE LAW.  We get God's commandments, His likes, His dislikes morally speaking, all from what He shared with the Hebrew prophets so we can learn to serve Him in a way that's pleasing to Him.  We don't have to speak Hebrew (unless we want to), we don't have to play their music style (though it's awesome), we don't have to eat their specific foods (though a nice matzo ball soup sounds nice right now).  We can keep all our own non-sinful cultural differences WHILE OBEYING THE COMMANDMENTS.  And, yes, WE CAN SPEAK OUR OWN LANGUAGES WITHOUT OFFENDING THE FATHER.

I'll be brutally honest.  And I mean this wholeheartedly.  If you're of the camp who thinks God doesn't allow for us to speak His names in our own languages, I tell you that you have besmirched the character of God. You make God seem like a double minded hypocrite who scattered all the languages and then require we learn just one of them at the expense of the one we were born with.  

Worse still,  if you are spreading this idea, that it is a requirement we say His names in Hebrew, though your intentions may seem noble, you are acting as Satan's servant, trying to put a wedge between sincere hearted people who want to keep the commandments as well as please God, so you add to them a yoke and burden God never called for. 

This is for two reasons: one, you make the God of all creation seem FOREIGN to the poor Believer who buys into these lies just as Catholicism did with the Latin mass (a dead language no less), but you've also set for them an un-accomplishable goal, one which can never be reached in trying to discover and possibly say the sacred name of YHWH which can never be said properly.  Unless some special scroll that has yet to be found shows up (and even then it would be in question this late in the game as a possible fraudulent document), there is no way to determine if whatever name that's been chosen is the right one.  You will have literally sent people on never-ending scavenger hunts for an objective that can not be found.  You've made them like hamsters on a wheel they can never escape.  But the translation of the Word to English is so readily available.  THE ONE WHO ESISTS. THE I AM.

Out of curiosity, I ran some combination computations on a free website to take into account the three open spaces for vowels in YHWH, for which I chose to do two calculations, one with five possible vowel sounds reflecting the five main vowels available in Ancient Hebrew and another with 12 sounds to take into account there were multiple variations on these sounds through the history of Hebrew as discussed in this article.

If you consider two of the options such "Yehovah" or "Yehuwah" (two of the names some people use), there are three vowels present (Yahweh would only contain two).  If there were only five vowels to choose from to fill in each of the three spaces there would be 125 possible names.  So if you played roulette with all the combinations you would have a 1 and 125 chance of being right.  But with twelve possible vowels the result would be over 1,700 possible names. From 125 to 1,700 and all points in between, you could NEVER BE SURE.

This chart shows the start of the computation.  3 available spaces. 12 possible vowel choices for those spots. I'm only showing you the first computation page as this would go on for 58 pages.

How could any one be sure?  There was actually a somewhat clever solution for the words Jehovah/Yehovah which take the vowels of Adonai and adds them to YHWH.  The argument against the J version is that there’s no J in Hebrew, this argument is made against using the J in Jesus in English as well, because it's said that English was J free until the 1500's, the implication being it's against some unwritten rule to add a J after the fact, so to speak, after the language had already started itself.  No language creep allowed in English!  What a joke, literally, what a joke.

They will not allow for any movement of pronunciation. It's too much of a "transliteration" they say, even though the name is so well established in English that even the profaners take this very name in vain in English.  I've never once heard a single person exclaim, "Yeshua Hamashicah," when they got angry or stubbed their toe!  Don't the demons even know you can't take the name of Jesus in vain unless it's in Hebrew or Aramaic because the English version can't be his name?! 

But if the English language changed over time and Y sounds became J sounds (perhaps as they did for many J names such as Jill, James, Jake, John, etc.), would it really matter if in English, the name Jehovah was right (and I'm not saying it is), we used the J sound instead of the Y.  Evidently ancient Hebrew had a "w" sound that is no longer present in modern Hebrew as they use a "v" sound now instead.  Why isn't that a problem but when something like that happens in English it's just unfathomable???  Oh, the humanity!

Language creep is a natural and unavoidable phenomena, in every language allowable it seems but English.

Add to this fact that the Hebrew that was spoken in antiquity seems to have been lost from the time of the Babylonian captivity, so they can’t even be exactly sure how even the consonants sounded.  One thing all scholars are sure about is that modern Hebrew has many variations in comparison to the Ancient Hebrew words God originally would have spoken through Moses or from Mount Sinai.

Don Stewart :: What Language or Languages Did Jesus Speak?

Now I want to shift gears to what I’ll call “applied meanings” to words.

I suppose it’s possible for people to look at words (even in their own language) differently than others do, or even to misdefine them.  But just because words are improperly applied by some, this does not change the words' real essences in terms of meanings.

And this brings me to another way I feel we are being gaslighted.

We are being told the English words for our beloved Father and His Son in the Bible that we have used for centuries mean something entirely different than what English speaking people have agreed on them to mean, and what our dictionaries tell us they mean, as is the case with Lord, God, and Jesus. 

I’m talking about a completely different phenomena than a word like, "Easter."  It is very easy to tell that this word stems from Ishtar, the demonic goddess of fertility, and her symbols such as eggs and bunny rabbits serve to prove that this name clearly represents this particular demonic entity.

But the word, “Lord,” for example is more nebulous.  People say that the English word, Lord, is not specific enough in its description and that it has too many possible meanings. That it's more of a place holder or a title than an actual name.

And, in this, from a First Testament perspective I would say their point must be considered, especially as applies to it being one of the ways YHWH is translated, as, "Lord."  Instead, one could say in English, "the Existing One" or the "I AM" which certainly, definitonally speaking would be a more accurate representation than Lord.  I am all for this change.

But from a New Testament perspective, as it was used to refer to Jesus, the Greek root word is Kyrios:

The application is that of Master, one who has authority.  Does this mean every use of this title for Jesus in the New Testament is wrong or mistranslated?

Some in this movement try to convince us that Lord means Baal.  So when you say, “Lord,” in their view, you are saying Baal, and thus practicing pagan witchcraft and not in any way calling on the Father or His Son.  This article is just such an example:


They say this because the word, “Baal,” in its original form, was defined as a word that millennia later would translate to, "Lord," in English.  This word Baal was used in such a capacity even even before a demonic being named Baal came into being in the false god pantheon.  The entity took on the name Baal because the word itself implied an, “elevated one,” so this word that had an innocuous meaning now took on that of evil.

But does this mean that the word, "Lord," which the original word, "Baal," would be translated to thousands of years later in English, takes on an evil meaning as well?

Or is the definition of Lord, as applies in English, still its own word?  What I mean is, Lord does not automatically mean Baal (and neither does it sound like the word in the least), and I’ve never heard in my 52 years of living anybody saying or thinking so outside of these sacred namers.  Just because Baal can mean Lord does not mean that Lord means Baal. The etymology and the definition of the word has many meanings, many derived from the original words for it in the Bible itself, and even shares more of a relationship a loaf of bread, most literally, than to Baal himself.

So to say the word, "Lord," means Baal just because Baal can mean Lord is a type of inverted gaslighting.  We are told our word for Lord means something that in its original English form never meant.  The etymology of definition of the word proves otherwise.  The root of Lord is not Baal even if an English definition of Baal is Lord.

But does etymology really matter, or is it more about what the current meaning of the word is?  In any language there is a phenomena that occurs to words called "semantic change" or "semantic shift."  This occurs when a word starts off with one meaning, but ends with another.  the word itself no longer maintains its original meaning. 

This phenomena has occurred with countless words over history.  Look at these words below and their former meanings.  Their current meanings are completely opposite of, or at least unrelated to, where these words began.

The word, "gay," is another example. In the 1950s it meant happy or joyous, and now its across the board use is that of meaning "homosexual".

Switching now to the word,  “God,” in that same article I have read that they tie Lord to the word, “Gad” in the Bible due to a city which Joshua conquered called, "Baalgad."

Even the concordance tells us that Baal-gad means, Lord of Fortune, representing a Satanic diety. They apply this definition from the pagan culture to "Lord God" and define to mean, "Baal Satan."

This word Baalgad obviously has two words together. In English we have two separate words.  Also, the town that was called Baalgad was in Lebanon, of which no one was speaking Hebrew.  But if you apply the Hebrew form of  "gad" you get a completely different meaning.  It's the name of one of the twelve sons of Jacob and means, "troop."

So it's interesting to see a word have two different applications.  The Hebrew word for Gad must be taken as to be the same word used with great honor and respect as the son of Jacob/Israel and the name of an entire honored tribe?

And yet they apply an evil connotation to the Gad to manipulate their the scenario to support their point.  The Hebrew word Gad will have an eternal place, by the way, on the Gates of the New Jerusalem in the New Heaven and the New Earth.  

In addition, English, which they are often quick to point out, didn't take on its current form until the 1600's, and the etymology of the word HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HEBREW.

The word most often translated to God is Elohim itself can have multiple meanings, including God, little g “god,” or even angel.  Like God, this word does not have one definition.  It’s the context that dictates the meaning.

There are many words in Hebrew that do that.  Another word I can think of that closely mirrors English in this sense is the word for, “day.”  Day in English can mean either daylight hours or a 24 hour period.  It’s the same with the Hebrew equivalent, "yom".

So as the word “God” can have many meanings, from a religious perspective the meaning is for the Most High God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Father of Jesus Christ our Messiah.  In English, when we drop the capitalized G and make it lower-case, it immediately takes on a reference to all other “dieties/fallen angels/demons” who take on the notion of being a false “god.”  The Hebrew word, Elohim, could do the same exact thing.

The psalms and Jesus even referred unto commandment keepers as “gods,” another layer of meaning for this word,  and I truly believe this application is true because we’ve been given power over all the power of the enemy and nothing by any means can hurt us (Luke 10:19).   That’s power over a third of the angels who fell, and thereby we take a preeminence over them, which amounts to a type of god-hood, but is nowhere near the level of God’s own God-hood, but God's authority must make it’s way to us through our connection with the Father through keeping the commandments in order to defeat what would otherwise be foes too powerful to even fight.

Did you know that Elohim, is the word used in Pslams?  The same word used to for God? Do you see how even the word, Elohim, has multiple meanings, just as the English word, "God" does?

So we have multivariate issues as work with multiple biblical names that the sacred namers split hairs over and get side tracked on red herrings, falsely accusing people who use their own language and the ample translated words to converse with the Father.

Again, I point to the names as they exist on their own merits.  Does anyone in the English speaking world really think of Lord as Baal? The reversed connection created there doesn’t make sense.  Does any Christian really think the capitalized word, “God” means Satan?  This is what creates the gaslight, we are being told words that HAVE ESTABLISHED MEANING don’t MEAN what they have MEANT to us for centuries.  Of course, Easter means Ishtar, that’s clear. No one ever told us other wise.  They literally hid the word in plain site.  The words, "God," "Lord" and "Jesus" do not mean, Satan, Baal and Zeus.  Never have, never will, no matter how hard the sacred namers work to try to make it so.  They would literally have to change language itself for millions of people.  It’s much too late for that.

Which leads to the name, “Jesus.” 

There are many good points made by sacred namers in regard to how we say it in English, that it has been transliterated through many languages, and unnecessarily so in many people’s views. 

They say it’s been through Hebrew, Greek, Latin, early English, and now the English we have today. (What about Aramaic?)

I have argued that there are certain names that can’t or won’t translate well to other languages because the sounds themselves aren’t actually made in the target language.  Such is not the case for what some say is the Hebrew name for Jesus, “Yeshua.” (Others argue this isn't his Hebrew name either, but let's use it for this example.)  Every sound in that word, "Yeshua," is easily made in English.  In other languages such a name could be more difficult, but as for English, “Yeshua,” is easy peazy. 

The ones who say Yeshua isn’t accurate either, will respond to those who use it with various accusations of ignorance and even threats of damnation to you for getting it wrong.  And yet, it seems, people can't agree on the original name in Hebrew for Jesus either!  It's a constant confusion over a red herring that truly is a gaslight.  I can't say it enough, we are allowed to say the names we have for God in our own languages.

Perhaps the confusion stems from the fact that the Hebrew people of Jesus' day were predominantly speaking Aramaic as their main language since the Babylonian captivity. Is it possible even Jesus’ name was spoken in Aramaic form throughout His life?  And, if so, how would it have sounded?  Are we even close to that combination of sounds in what we think could be the Hebrew words for Jesus that are said nowadays?  (I am only speculating about this subject now as I haven’t done much research on the matter, but it does open up a whole other can of worms when you consider it).

Still, even though the English name Jesus went through many doors to get to its current state in the English language, and perhaps in its current state IS only four hundred years old, the fact remains IT IS our word for Him.  The same criticism could be applied to any of the Hebrew words we use today for God from the Torah as everyone agrees, ancient Hebrew was quite different to what is spoken today.

And, as far as the leap from Yeshua to Jesus goes, it is not unusual for names in two different languages to sound completely different.  Just as James in Spanish would be pronounced Jaime (and sometimes even Santiago is applied to the name James), how is jump from Yeshua to Jesus more phonetically different than that of Jaime (or indeed Santiago) to James?  But no one balks at this. And no one says that either James or Jaime aren't real names because of those differences.

In my view, for English speakers, the name, “Jesus” has been burned into our collective psyches and is how we as a people know Him.  This name is deep in our hearts.  Some have said it means “Hail, Zeus,” but this is easily refuted, and most true studiers of this issue don't argue for that anyway.  

The name Yeshua, while easily said, is still in another language and feels foreign.  Some in the movement want to venerate the Hebrew culture and traditions more than they want to encouage the keeping of the commandments, and out of a spirit of superiority, they want us all to speak their language. This is not of God, as He was the one who scattered the languages to begin with at Babel, and had no intentions of us ever speaking each other’s languages and forming combined communities.  He actually wanted us to get away from one another!

In so doing God created different tribes of peoples who came together and formed different cultures based on those languages (and came up with some amazingly tasty foods!) Every word there was, including the names for God that were already established, became different in all those languages.  They no longer had any words in common and it seemed as each one was babbling to the other.

And now we have these English words, they are our own.  They do not have pagan roots, as some in this movement would say and yet with all their reverse engineering/gaslighting can never prove it to be so.  And on top of that, they have failed miserably to even prove how any of the names for God were spoken in Ancient Hebrew, as the modern Hebrew is so far removed as to merit being called a new and different language.

Having said all of that, God knows what each one of us means when we use the names we’ve been given for Him.  He knows the sincerity of our praise, of our worship, and the way He can tell that we worship Him is through the keeping of His commandments.  We have the Ten Commandments in English, and we obey the English words, so in the end we get the same result in English as we would in Hebrew or any other language.  We can venerate His name in OUR OWN LANGUAGES, WITH ARE OWN WORDS WHICH HAVE THE SAME MEANINGS!

There is nothing wrong with studying out the meaning of any word in the Bible in the original language.  There is nothing wrong with speaking Hebrew if you are gifted to do so.  But God’s original intent at Babel was to give us all separate languages and we are fortunate to have much of His Word in tact so we can at least know the commandments. Trying to figure the Tetragrammaton, as if it could be, and forcing people to use these foreign made up words, it amounts to a giant red herring, a gaslight, especially since the English Words we use for the Father are neither Satanic nor disrespectful to Him and we can honor him with our translated words.  

Jesus, who spoke Aramaic, actually referred to the Father as “Abba,” the Aramaic word for, “Father,” in His most trying moment, as He prayed prior to being taken away on the Mount of Olives.  It stands to reason that He referred to the Father in the tongue of His birth in such an intimate moment, and I’m not going to lie, I do the same thing.  I know many of these words they tell us are the Hebrew we need to use, but they are not home.  I can also say many of them in Spanish, and those words, too, are foreign to me, and would make God seem foreign.  For people to say we can’t refer to the Father in our own tongues with well established meanings that ARE NOT SATANIC, as if these Words don’t have the meanings ascribed to them, this is gaslighting and pure evil.  And it’s plain wrong.

The Evolution within a language as well as of languages in general beg observation.  The Hebrew rooters seem not to allow for any evolution in English or for words to take on new meaning over time, but if you study any language, including and especially Ancient Hebrew, you will discover all languages morph from the phonological sense, not only over time, but by region.  One man's po-tay-to might be another's po-tah-to.

So if one person say El-oh-heem in one region and another says El-ah-him in another, is one more right than another?  Is one going to hell for not saying as the other does.  Or are we all at liberty to pronounce words in our home dialect?  Again, did not the Father created these differences Himself?

Ancient Hebrew Phonology, written by Gary Rendsburg of Cornell University, goes to great lengths to show the various ways both consonants and vowels evolved over the course of time from the earliest ancient Hebrew until the time of the Babylonian captivity.  He actually acknowledges there is no exact way to know what the original pronunciations were, but goes to great lengths to get as close as possible to the time frame of the languages origin as he can, but no one can get back to the exact root.

It's said that Moses was around between 1400 and 1300 BC.  This being the case, most acknowledge that the written form of what became Hebrew didn't even turn up until 1100 BC.  What was Moses writing during his day?  Was it pre-form of Hebrew that EVOLVED into what became Hebrew in 1100 BC.  Was it a form of Canaanitish language from which many languages of the region derived?

What about Abraham, what did he speak?  What did Adam speak and what was the language spoke before the flood and up to the Babel event.  That language would have been around over 1,500 years.  How had it evolved?  Was that Hebrew as some say it must have been, being that the sons of Eber had obeyed God and spread out and were not in Babel at the time.   Were they the only ones who maintained the original language and that language was what became Hebrew?

There are so many questions but no definitive answers.

One thing is for sure.  Our own languages have their own words with their own meanings.  Even some words can change over time and become something completely different than their original intent.  Past etymology from other languages doesn't do much to define what the word means today, and even can spellings and approximations that don't come anywhere close to the current spellings and meanings of today.

God for the English speaking means the Creator, the omisicient, omnipresent, omnipotent One who was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Lord, means the ruler over our lives, Jesus means the Son of God.

These are clear.  Only sacred-namers try to apply to these words ancient means for words that didn't even exist when those ancient words were around.  And certainly, the application of evil to the English names when the English speakers themselves do not apply those meanings themselves, is a gaslight of its own.

You say God means this? I tell you it means that!

Also to apply evil to the English names for the Father because the predominance of the English speaking "Churches" are steeped in paganism and apostasy is also a fallacy that hold over a double standard as supposedly contrasting with Hebrew.  During the time of Elijah, out of millions, only 7,000 hadn't bowed the knee to Baal, does that mean that Hebrew names for God were wrong or simply that they applied the wrong meaning (Baal) to the name of God?

That's exactly what they did. So their ill behavior and misapplication of the terms for God, as when the Hebrews made a golden calf and called it their Elohim, did not change the original purpose and meaning of the Word.

Our English words are very clear on their meanings TO ENGLISH SPEAKERS.  Taking on counterfeit versions of God can and does happen in any language, including and especially in Hebrew!

I want to make the point that if you want to use the Hebrew names for God and speak the language, GO FOR IT! My beef is only with this presumption that people of other languages must speak the Father's and Jesus' names in Hebrew in order to be saved.  This is utter nonsense, and blasphemy, frankly.  The Spanish can say the names as Jaime or Santiago all they want.  This is their language's way of dealing with that name.  If we go to that culture, we adapt to that just as God adapts to hearing His name in all the cultures and languages which He BROUGHT ABOUT and HE IS FULLY FLUENT in EVERY ONE!

I was thinking that, too, that I need to go this alone…this has gone way deeper than I even imagined as I’ve been led to continue to deep dive on the many various levels of this.

But let me address your points, first with a question.  If I’m named James in English and  I go to Spain and people there call me Santiago (a completely different name) am I going to balk at that?  The real question is, does God balk at that for Himself?

Even the pagan entities names change completely from culture to culture after Babel:

Semirmais = Isis = Ishtar = Diana

Nimrod = Baal = Ra = Sol 

Beleive me when I say that I’m not trying to associate God with those deities, but what I’m trying to illustrate HOW EVERYTHING in regard to words change for the people after Babel.

Even stories of the flood remained similar, but the names of the participants ALL CHANGED.

And being so, the new names became home words to these pagans that came after the languages being scattered.  They are different but the same characters are applied to the new names.

For me, the idea that the APPLIED MEANINGS in each language are controlled pivot around an Ancient Hebrew (or even Aramaic)  perspective from the distant pass, languages we can’t even be sure how to pronounce now, I believe this puts onto God a tyrannical evil that is not there. He scattered the languages himself.  There are people who will be saved from EVERY TONGUE.  We all have our words for Him and even the pagans have different words for theirs.

An even better question would be, if sacred namers are right, do the English speaking commandment keeping Believers in western world before the Yeshua/Yahweh/jews for Jesus movement began in the 70’s and this was made an issue, were they who called on the Lord God and Jesus with English terms and since have died damned to hell?  What about Believers of the thousands of other languages?  There have been over 6k languages in history.  If they kept the commandments but used the names of God they had in their own languages they went to hell?

Again, I am not saying if anyone likes to call Him Yeshua or Yehoshua, top speak Hebrew to call the Father Yahweh that this ok, or that people can’t do this. That would be just as dumb as putting a prohibition on you from learning and speaking Spanish.  but I am saying requiring people do so is a rather sandy foundation to stand and to say using those names is the only way to be saved  when nobody can even know what the proper pronunciations were. And, by default, the very words themselves more than like evolved over time from their original pronunciation, or that people from different regions would all say it exactly the same.  Just here in Amurica, how many different ways are there to say so many words.  I mean, entirely different phonetic markers would be needed to use for the same exact word, such as the way you would say a word could literally be made into a two syllable word here in Gee-ooorr-gia…you see?

I just thing the sacred namers are EVIL AS THE DAY IS LONG.

It’s enough of a challenge to obey God’s commandments than to add burdens too grievous to be born by literally creating a false goal that can’t be reached, as the scribes (in this case Hebrew culture worshipping scribes) always do…

Sacred namers act like with over 125 to 1,700 different potential vowel sequences that anyone can ever be sure.  This is ridiculous, and it's the point of all this that we have so many ways to refer to the Father.  We can just take that word's translation and call Him the Great I AM, or THE MOST HIGH, or EVEN GOD OR THE LORD in our own language rather than going on some journey to find a name like it's some magicalHoly Grail. The words we have for the Father in our own language suffice.  If you want to speak Hebrew (or think you're speaking Hebrew, you're certainly not speaking the original version of it anymore that we're speaking Shakespearean English right now) go for it.  But DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'RE SPECIAL TO GOD for doing so or that it would MAKE ME MORE SPECIAL IF I DID, or even worse, that the only way you can be saved is by breaking some code and figuring out the real original name.  this is all such a joke!

ALL I WANT TO DO IS PLEASE THE FATHER, but I will not be drawn into some completely bogus red herring never-ending scavenger hunt for a name that can't be (and doesn't need to be) found.  We have the Words for the Father in our own language.  The Father scattered the languages for His own purposes and every language has its own equivalents in understandable words (for all of us) for the names of God so they don't have to speak foreign languages to know Him.   Even the names for the participants in the flood story ALL CHANGED in the new languages and cultures that resulted.  God so incorporated the scattering that the names of the false gods all changed after Babel, too.  The people had NEW LANGUAGES WITH THEIR OWN NAMES FOR EVERYTHING.  Semiramis became Ishtar (Babylon), Isis (Egypt), Diana (Greek), Venus (rome), Nimrod became Baal (Canaanite), Ra (Egypt), Sol (Rome), Apollyon (Greek), etc.  There is reason for this. And, no, I am not saying the MOST HIGH is anything like them, only making the point that the language changes were DONE ON EVERY LEVEL.  You CAN SPEAK HEBREW ALL YOU WANT, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO.  As for you being in a cult, if youre member of Straightway Truth or Overcomer you are in a cult so deep your head should be spinning.  Run, run as fast as you can and get away before it's too late!

It’s true, but I guess you know that Yeshua would be the Aramaic pronunciation of Joshua…or if you consider the Aramaic spoken by the people of Israel a sort of evolution from Hebrew to Aramaic, the real Hebrew pronunciation would be Yehoshua, or something to that effect.

So if we take this down to “Hebrew Roots” in actuality we are making the same cotton pickin’ mistake with Yeshua as we would with Jesus.  ACCEPT, Yeshua, or Yeshu, or some derivative thereof was probably what EVERYONE called Jesus during His time.  This is why this whole argument is so specious and spurious and unfounded.  Jesus wasn’t even speaking pure Hebrew, and if he did it was probably only with educated “clergy” types who kept their noses in the scrolls (but even they didn’t speak the original Hebrew perfectly which had been lost).

These Hebrew rooters don’t allow for the natural evolution of languages over time.  If we consider king James language, many modern people would have loads of trouble deciphering it…let them read Shakespeare and barely a soliloquy would be understood.  I played a major role in Much Ado About Nothing (Claudio) and I’m telling you I had to read certain passages for weeks just to get a real feel of what was being said.

This same difference I’m describing is what those who study ancient Hebrew see as between that and Modern Hebrew.  Hebrew speakers can read the ancient Hebrew (there were only roughly 8000 Hebrew words in the Bible itself, but they took another 5k I think from the Talmud and masoretic texts and added a bunch of modern expressions and words using the syntax and phonology of Hebrew to make about a 20k word modern lexicon), but the ancient language itself has harder to be understood passages that don’t make sense to their Modern Hebrew approach. For one, ancient Hebrew had no punctuation,  so distinguishing application through commas and periods, etc. could only be construed through context and almost a type of guess work.  Also, ancient Hebrew used a different sentence syntax.  English uses Subject Verb Object (SVO), but Ancient Hebrew put the Verb first (VSO).  Well, Modern Hebrew uses the SVO format because so many of the initial users of Modern Hebrew came from European nations.  Bridging that gap can also cause confusion.  The Euro/Ashkenazi type Jews also struggle with certain glottal sounds (that throw up sound, lol) that have diminished significantly over time in the language, although Arabic speakers of Hebrew have NO PROBLEM making those sounds…

The whole point is the root of the sacred name pronunciations CAN NEVER BE PROVEN, and all of this is so specious and truly a red herring placed out there by these intellectual NERDS (I’m a nerd, too, but still) who just want to appear superior and who are literally creating their own side religions through this nonsense.

Again, God Himself scattered the languages…Moses probably said “neter” to Pharaoh instead of “elohim” for communication purposes.  Both have similar multivariate meanings…just as the word God…it’s all about communication of the real time meaning of words.  There is no reason to have to learn a foreign language when your own has perfectly capable words.

I am not successfully imparting to you what I'm trying to say, but you're two separate videos are making my point.  Your first video says the name is Yahuwah.  The second Yahwe (no h at the end). The recorded name people are trying to put a pronunciation to is YHWH which has no vowels.  No one knows what those vowels are, so to put either of those two names on it is at best a guess and more than likely could be flat out wrong.  Also notice, in the first word you sent me, three vowels are inserted, in the second only two.  These are two completely different names, and sacred namers have others, still, and say we must use whatever name THEY CHOOSE in order to be saved.  We DON'T KNOW HOW ITS PRONOUNCED NOR CAN WE EVER KNOW.  We can pray about it and do our best to say it properly and I think God will honor that. The solution  is clear, that we can speak to the Father in our own languages so that this musical chair treasure hunt for the real Hebrew name doesn't really matter.  His name means, "the one who exists," and in another place, "I am that I am"  We can use our English words for the same meaning and have no confusion whatsoever about what to call Him. We can call on the Father in our own languages and be saved. This is the crux of the matter and I will stand on this til the end.  People who say you must know what that Hebrew name (according to them) is and that we have to say it their way (when it's more than likely wrong) are flat out E V I L.

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